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Socialist Thought and Today's Society

• In the 19th century, liberalism and socialism played important roles in

advancing individual and workers' rights. Liberals focused on individual
freedoms, citizen rights, and voting for all. Socialists fought for the rights
of workers and marginalized groups. Social democrats aimed to include
marginalized people in democracy by implementing programs for
education, healthcare, housing, social security, labor protection, and
recreation. Around the same time, conservatives and critics of
individualism formed a Christian social political movement aligned with
the Catholic Church's views on social issues.
the first workers who participated in the industrial revolution faced
exhausting working conditions:

Exhausting Low
working shifts payment

Abusive Unhealthy
conditions environment
Characteristics of Socialism:

• The conditions of the workers were appalling and exhausting.

• Working days lasted up to 16 hours a day.
• The workplaces lacked security measures and proper hygiene conditions.
• The workers did not have any form of social security in case of accidents or illness.
• Their salaries were extremely low.
• The bosses only cared about making profits.
• The workers had to mobilize to defend their interests, thus giving rise to the labor
Utopian Socialism
• Utopian Socialism was a type of socialism from the past that imagined
perfect societies where everyone lived equally and happily together. They
believed these societies could be achieved peacefully and with everyone's
agreement. However, today the term "Utopian Socialism" is not used
much, and other forms of socialism are more popular. Utopian socialists
envisioned ideal societies based on equality, cooperation, and social
• Socialism is an idea that says the government should be responsible for
organizing how people live, both economically and politically. It focuses
on the well-being of everyone instead of just individuals.
• Marxism gets its name from Karl Marx, who, along with Friedrich Engels,
developed a system of ideas known as scientific socialism. The theory of
Marxism states that in industrial societies, there is a social struggle or
conflict between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.
In Marxism, there is a belief that there is a conflict
between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. The
working class is seen as being taken advantage of by
the rich class. Marx thought that this conflict would
eventually lead to a revolution where the working class
would overthrow the rich class and create a fairer
society where everyone shares the resources.

The bourgeoisie refers to the rich and The proletariat means the working
powerful class in society. They own class. These are the people who
the factories, land, and other work for others in order to earn a
important things that help them make living. They don't own things like
money. They don't have to work for factories or land; instead, they sell
others because they have people their labor to make money. So, if
working for them. The bourgeoisie you have a job where you work for
often make their money by using the someone else, you are part of the
labor of the proletariat. proletariat.

The bourgeoisie is the Proletariat.-

social class that owns In Marxist ideology, it is the
the means of social class made up of workers
production. who exchanges his labor force
for a very modest salary, to
obtain money and be able to
acquire products and services.

Marxism´ idea was that the struggle

between the bourgeoisie and the
proletariat should lead to a
dictatorship of the proletariat. The
proletariat had to organize and react
against the capitalist system and cause
the disappearance of the state.
The Tower Game:
• Organization: Gather a group of players and make sure you have building blocks available.
• Game Instructions: Explain to the players that the objective is to build the tallest tower possible
using the building blocks. However, there is an important rule: every player must participate and
touch the tower at some point during its construction.
• Turns and Collaboration: Establish a turn order for the players. In each turn, a player is
responsible for placing a block on the tower. However, the other players must support and
collaborate to maintain the stability of the tower.
• Reflection: After building the tower or when it collapses, gather all the players and reflect on the
game. Discuss the challenges they faced and how they had to work as a team to succeed. Ask
how they felt about collaborating and how they believe cooperation helped achieve a taller tower.
What does the game promote?
• This game promotes collaboration, communication, and group planning.
Players learn the importance of working together, sharing ideas, and
supporting each other to achieve a common goal. They also develop
problem-solving skills and learn to appreciate individual contributions
within the context of teamwork.

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