LECTURE 1 Materials Development

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In t r od u c t i on t o
Material D e v el op m en t
Marlon L. Perado, PhD
Associate Professor IV
1.Defining materials and materials development.
2.Importance of materials development.
3.Principles in writing materials.

…anything which can be

used to facilitate the
learning of a language
(Tomlinson, 2012)
 Can be used to ease, encourage,
improved and promote teaching
They areand
essential since they help the
 They are a broad range of resources
learning activities. teacher and learners avoid
which can be used to facilitate
overemphasis on recitation and rote
effective instruction.
learning that can easily dominate a
They are the most
important shapers of IM may be
Are the classroom teachers’ classroom operationally defined
tools which enable behavior and beliefs;
as especially
teachers to put into more important than
practice what they (1991) ‘methods’ says that
courses, for no instructional
designed classroom
matter what they would tools which contain
believe about how are critical ingredients
like to do, teachers ininstructions
learning to
skills, attitudes and
and that
knowledge are most the curriculum could
depend on materials, and
if they the materials
not be
learners oreasily
and which specify
implemented without them.
effectively acquired ‘work’, they ‘believe’ in
for each increment
by learners. them, and therefore in
the ideas in which the of learning.
materials are based.
 Instructional …should be
developed for
 Experiential
Eliciting rather than
 Exploratory for teaching
What is materials

…is a practical undertaking involving the

production, evaluation, adaptation, and
exploitation of materials intended to facilitate
language acquisition and development.

…a field of academic study investigating the

principles and procedures of the design, writing,
implementation, evaluation and analysis of
learning materials.
Why is materials development important?

Instructional materials generally serve as the basis of much

of the language input that learners receive and the language
practice that occurs in the classroom.
(Tomlinson, 2001)
Why is materials development important?
Be central to any course designed to train, educate or develop
new or practicing teachers and it must be accorded significance
by the applied linguists and teacher trainers who run such courses
and/ or publish articles, chapters and books for use of them.

(Tomlinson, 2001)
Why is materials development important?

Can also be extremely useful as a ‘way of helping

teachers to understand and apply theories of language
learning-and to achieve personal and professional
It is commonly accepted that in most language classrooms
throughout the world most lessons are still based on materials
(Thornbury & Meddings, 2001).

It is also commonly accepted that most language teachers

use coursebooks and that no coursebook can meet the needs
and wants of every (or even any) class (Tomlinson, 2010).
Principles in
Materials Writing
Materials should provide a stimulus to learning since: “good
materials do not teach: they encourage learners to
Materials should offer a clear and coherent unit structure which
helps to organize the learning/teaching; process by assisting
teachers in planning the lessons and offer students a sense of
progression; (Hutchinson and Waters, 1987)
Principles in
Materials Writing

Materials should reflect the view of language and language learning held by
the author;

Materials should be able to introduce teachers to new teaching techniques

and thus broaden teacher training;

Materials should represent models of correct and appropriate language use

which is their necessary function.
(Hutchinson and Waters, 1987)

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