Unit 8a Listening 1 What Is The Least Worst Option

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Understanding Energy

Sources: Finding the Least

Worst Option

Evaluating energy options based on environmental impact and

sustainability is crucial for a sustainable future. This presentation
explores the pros and cons of various energy sources to help find the
best path forward.

Fossil Fuels
1 Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas 2 Environmental Concerns

Fossil fuels are the most widely Burning fossil fuels releases
used energy sources, providing a greenhouse gases, contributing to
significant portion of the world's climate change, and also produces
energy needs. air pollution.

3 Sustainability Issues
Fossil fuels are non-renewable resources, and their use is not sustainable in the
long term.
Which of the following are examples of fossil fuels?

Wind and Solar

Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas
Hydroelectric and Biomass
A.Nuclear and Geothermal

Correct answer: B
What environmental impact is associated with burning
fossil fuels?
Water pollution
Soil erosion
Air pollution
A.Noise pollution

Correct answer: C
How does the use of fossil fuels contribute to climate

Answer: greenhouse gases

Explain why the use of fossil fuels is not sustainable in
the long term.

Answer: Fossil fuels are non-renewable resources, meaning they will eventually be
depleted and cannot be replaced at the same rate as they are consumed.
Nuclear Energy
Low-Carbon Emissions Safety Concerns High Energy Density

The potential for nuclear

Nuclear energy is a low- accidents and the Nuclear energy has a very
carbon option that can management of radioactive high energy density, making
provide large amounts of waste pose significant safety it an efficient option for
electricity without and environmental risks. large-scale power
greenhouse gas emissions. generation.
Which environmental benefit is associated with nuclear
Low noise pollution
High carbon emissions
Increased deforestation
A.Air pollution

Correct answer: A
What is a major safety concern related to nuclear
Excessive heat generation
Risk of earthquakes
Nuclear accidents
A.Water contamination

Correct answer: C
Nuclear energy has a very high ______ density,
making it an efficient option for large-scale power

Answer: energy
Solar Energy
Renewable and Clean Sustainability
Solar energy is a renewable and clean energy Solar energy is a sustainable option as it
source that generates electricity without relies on the sun, which is an abundant and
producing greenhouse gases or air pollution. renewable resource.

Technological Advancements Scalability

Solar energy can be scaled to meet the
Rapid advancements in solar technology energy needs of both small-scale and large-
have made it more efficient and cost- scale applications.
effective, increasing its viability as an
energy source.
Which statement best describes solar energy?

Nonrenewable and dirty

Renewable and clean
Highly polluting and unsustainable
A.Dependent on fossil fuels

Correct answer: B
Solar energy generates electricity without producing

Answer: greenhouse gases or air pollution

How have rapid advancements in solar technology
impacted its efficiency and cost?
Decreased efficiency and increased cost
No impact on efficiency or cost
Made it more efficient and cost-effective
A.Increased efficiency but not cost

Correct answer: C
Wind Energy

Renewable Low Emissions Water Efficient Abundant

Wind energy is a
renewable energy Wind power Wind energy Wind is an abundant
source that does not generation does not requires minimal and freely available
deplete natural produce greenhouse water usage, making natural resource that
resources. gases or air it a more sustainable can be harnessed for
pollution. option compared to energy production.
other energy
Which of the following best describes wind energy as a
Depletes natural resources

Correct answer: D
What is a key environmental benefit of wind power
Increased greenhouse gas emissions
Water pollution
Greenhouse gases reduction

Correct answer: C
How does wind energy use compare to other energy
sources in terms of water usage?
Higher water consumption
No water needed
It needs more research
A.Minimal water usage

Correct answer: D
Environmental Impact Comparison

Energy Source Greenhouse Air Pollution Waste Land Use

Gas Generation
Fossil Fuels High High Moderate Moderate

Nuclear Low Low High Low


Solar Very Low Very Low Low Moderate

Wind Very Low Very Low Very Low Low

Sustainability and Long-Term Viability

Resource Availability Technological Scalability and

Advancements Adaptability
Evaluating the long-term Continuous improvements The ability of energy
availability and accessibility in energy technologies can sources to scale and adapt
of energy sources is crucial enhance the efficiency and to changing energy
for sustainable cost-effectiveness of demands is key for long-
development. various energy options. term viability.
What is crucial for sustainable development when
evaluating energy sources?
Technological advancements
Resource availability

Correct answer: C
Continuous improvements in energy technologies aim
to enhance ______ and ______ of various energy

Answer: efficiency, cost-effectiveness

Why is the ability of energy sources to scale and adapt
important for long-term viability?
To reduce costs
To meet changing energy demands
To increase energy consumption
A.To limit technological advancements

Correct answer: B
Conclusion: Finding the Least Worst
1 Critical Thinking 2 Transitioning to Renewables
Carefully evaluating the pros and
cons of each energy source is Transitioning towards renewable
essential for making informed energy sources, such as solar and
decisions. wind, is crucial for a sustainable

3 Weighing Trade-offs
While no energy source is perfect, finding the "least worst" option that balances
environmental, economic, and social factors is the goal.
Word on Definition Vietnamese Meaning Example

Catastrophic /ˌkætə Involving or causing a sudden and widespread Thảm họa The catastrophic effects of climate change are
(n) ˈstrɒfɪk/ disaster or misfortune becoming increasingly evident.

Phương pháp khai

Fracking (n) /ˈfrækɪŋ/ The process of injecting liquid at high pressure into thác dầu khí bằng The environmental impact of fracking has raised
subterranean rocks to extract oil or gas phun nước concerns about water contamination.

Conflicted (a) /kənˈflɪktɪd/ Having or showing confused and mutually Mâu thuẫn, bất đồng She felt conflicted about the decision, torn between
inconsistent feelings her heart and her mind.

Intermittent /ˌɪntə Occurring at irregular intervals, not continuous Đứt đoạn, không liên The intermittent power supply in the area caused
(a) ˈmɪtənt/ tục frequent disruptions.

Convert (n) /kənˈvɜːt/ A person who has changed their religious or political Người chuyển đổi He used to be a skeptic, but now he is a convert to
beliefs renewable energy solutions.

Potentially /pəˈtɛnʃəli/ In a way that is possible or likely to happen in the Có khả năng, tiềm The new technology has the potential to potentially
(adv) future năng revolutionize the industry.

Efficient (a) /ɪˈfɪʃənt/ Achieving maximum productivity with minimum Hiệu quả The new energy-efficient appliances help reduce
wasted effort or expense electricity consumption.

Priority (n) /praɪˈɒrəti/ The fact or condition of being regarded or treated as Ưu tiên Safety is our top priority when implementing energy-
more important saving measures.

Emission (n) /ɪˈmɪʃən/ The production and discharge of something, Khí thải The company aims to reduce carbon emissions as part
especially gas or radiation of its environmental commitment.

Retrofit (n) /ˌriːˈtrɒfɪt/ Add or alter equipment in an older structure to make Nâng cấp, cải tiến The building underwent a retrofit to improve energy
it more efficient or bring it up to code efficiency and reduce costs.
Question 1: What are the potential catastrophic effects
of climate change?

Perspective: The catastrophic effects of climate change

are becoming increasingly evident. Rising global
temperatures can lead to more frequent and intense
extreme weather events such as hurricanes, floods, and
wildfires. These events can result in significant loss of life,
displacement of communities, and widespread
destruction of infrastructure and ecosystems.
Additionally, climate change can disrupt food production,
exacerbate water scarcity, and contribute to the spread
of diseases, posing significant challenges to human well-
being and the planet's ecosystems.
Question 2: What are the environmental
concerns associated with fracking?

Perspective: The environmental impact of

fracking has raised concerns, particularly
regarding water contamination. The process
involves injecting large volumes of liquid,
often containing chemicals, into the ground
to extract oil or gas from underground rock
formations. There have been instances of
groundwater contamination due to the
migration of fracking fluids or the release of
naturally occurring pollutants. Additionally,
the extraction and use of fossil fuels
obtained through fracking contribute to
greenhouse gas emissions, further
exacerbating climate change.
Question 3: How can energy-efficient
appliances contribute to reducing electricity

Perspective: Energy-efficient appliances are

designed to achieve maximum productivity
while minimizing wasted effort or expense. They
utilize advanced technologies and design
features to reduce energy consumption and
improve overall efficiency. By using energy-
efficient appliances, individuals and businesses
can significantly reduce their electricity
consumption, leading to lower energy bills and
decreased demand for electricity from power
plants. This, in turn, can help reduce greenhouse
gas emissions, mitigate climate change, and
contribute to a more sustainable energy future.
Question 4: Why is reducing carbon emissions a
priority in environmental commitments?

Perspective: Reducing carbon emissions is a

priority in environmental commitments due to
their significant contribution to climate change.
Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases
emitted from human activities, such as burning
fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial
processes, trap heat in the atmosphere, leading to
global warming. This warming can result in
adverse impacts on ecosystems, weather
patterns, sea levels, and human health. By
prioritizing the reduction of carbon emissions, we
can mitigate the severity of climate change and
work towards a more sustainable and resilient
Question 5: How does retrofitting contribute to
improving energy efficiency?

Perspective: Retrofitting involves adding or

altering equipment in older structures to make
them more efficient or bring them up to code. In
the context of energy efficiency, retrofitting
focuses on improving the energy performance of
buildings. This can include upgrading insulation,
windows, and lighting systems, installing energy-
efficient appliances, and optimizing heating,
ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems.
By retrofitting buildings, we can reduce energy
waste, decrease reliance on fossil fuels, and
improve overall energy efficiency, leading to
lower energy costs and a smaller carbon
lots of coal in England, no pollution
gives 40% of electricity,
cheap, affordable, can
be improved and more Coal Wind

most polluting, dirty, intermittent, many

carbon emissions, ugly people do not want
power stations wind farms or turbines
near them, can't supply
enough energy
zero carbon emissions, lots of rock to frack to
20% of England's get out gas
electricity, keeps global
temperatures from Nuclear Gas

(doesn't danger of pollution

mention any)
Smith and Garner don't seem to believe that climate change has really been
proven, or they think it’s slower than we think.

Smith says that not all places have wind and it's intermittent, and too many
people object to wind turbines and farms. Garner says that wind can only be a
part of the energy solution since it produces only 1% of what a coal plant can.
The woman on the street prefers wind. She says the wind turbines aren't so bad.

Gas comes from fracking, which is fracturing shale rock underground. The farmer
is worried about pollution.

Shukman says that we need a solution to the energy problem, and no one can
agree on the alternatives. He says someone will be angry about any solution.
Regarding the views of the pro-nuclear and pro-coal speakers on the best
sources for future energy, it's essential to consider a balanced approach. Nuclear
energy offers low-carbon emissions but comes with concerns about safety,
nuclear waste, and potential environmental risks. Coal, on the other hand, is a
significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. The best
approach for future energy sources should prioritize sustainability, efficiency, and
environmental impact, considering a mix of renewable energy sources like solar,
wind, and hydro, along with advancements in energy storage technologies.
In terms of efficiency, renewable energy sources such as solar and wind are considered
highly efficient as they harness natural resources to generate electricity. These sources
are sustainable, have low operating costs once installed, and contribute to reducing
carbon emissions. In contrast, coal and nuclear energy have lower efficiency levels due
to resource-intensive extraction processes and waste production. In terms of risk,
renewable energy sources are generally considered less risky than nuclear energy,
which poses safety concerns and potential environmental hazards.
When considering the concerns of climate change, nuclear waste, and energy shortage,
each presents significant challenges that require attention. Climate change is a pressing
global issue with far-reaching consequences for ecosystems, economies, and human well-
being. Addressing climate change through sustainable energy solutions is crucial to
mitigate its impacts. Nuclear waste management is a critical concern for long-term
environmental and public health risks. Energy shortage, particularly in regions with limited
access to reliable energy sources, can affect economic development and quality of life.
Prioritizing action on climate change to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and transition to
sustainable energy sources may be the most urgent concern to address for a sustainable
This country does not have
many energy resources.

Many people and living things

become ill from the pollution.
Sources of wind and sun
are intermittent.
Growing corn requires water and fertilizer.

New energy crops are being developed.

People worry about gas prices. Effect: Japan has a new fuel for cars.

Japan has a new fuel for cars.

Hydrogen can be separated from water.

Hydrogen from water can fuel cars.

There is a lot of garbage in San Francisco.

There’s a research project on using garbage.

Food leftovers are placed in a tank.

Gas is produced.

There’s a chemical reaction in the gas tank.

It creates electricity to power 80 homes per day.

These are the findings from the project.

They decrease garbage in the city.

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