Auxiliaries and Modals

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.XIlI.KIlS .`l MOl.

Auxlllary verbs
W Auxlllary verbs are used LogeLher
wlLh a maln verb Lo glve grammaLlcal
lnformaLlon and Lherefore add exLra meanlng Lo
a senLence whlch ls noL glven by Lhe maln verb
W e uo and Pave are auxlllary verbs Lhey are
lrregular verbs and can be used as maln verbs

@he auxlllary ls used

W n Lhe formaLlon of Lhe conLlnuous Lenses as
Pe ls worklng
wos wrlLlng
W n Lhe formaLlon of Lhe passlve as
@he gaLe wos opened
W @o lndlcaLe a plan arrangemenL or agreemenL as
We ote Lo be marrled nexL monLh
W @o denoLe command as
?ou ote Lo wrlLe your name aL Lhe Lop of each paper
W @he auxlllary have ls used ln Lhe formaLlon of Lhe
perfecL Lense as
Pe os worked
Pe os been worklng
W Pave Lo ls used wlLh Lhe lnflnlLlve Lo lndlcaLe
obllgaLlon as
Pe os Lo move Lhe furnlLure hlmself
W n negaLlves and quesLlons have Lo and has Lo are
used wlLh do does dld as
@hey have Lo go @hey don'L have Lo go uo Lhey
ove Lo go?
W uo ls used Lo form Lhe negaLlve and lnLerrogaLlve of Lhe
slmple presenL and slmple pasL Lenses of ordlnary verbs as
Pe es noL work
ues he work?
W uo ls used Lo avold repeLlLlon of a prevlous ordlnary verb
uo you know hlm? ?es
W uo ls also used Lo emphaslze Lhe afflrmaLlve naLure of a
sLaLemenL as
?ou look pale
W n Lhe lmperaLlve do makes a requesL or lnvlLaLlon more
persuaslve as
u be quleL
W @he verbs can could may mlghL wlll would
shall should musL and oughL are called modal
verbs or modals @hey are used before ordlnary
verbs and express meanlngs such as permlsslon
posslblllLy cerLalnLy and necesslLy need and dare
can someLlmes be used llke modal verbs
W @he modal verbs have no s ln Lhe Lhlrd perslon
slngular Lhey have no lng and ed forms
An CuLu ,A? ,P@
W an usually expresses ablllLy or capaclLy as
noo swlm
W an and may are used Lo express permlsslon
?ou noo$moy go now
W ,ay ls used Lo express posslblllLy ln afflrmaLlve senLence
L moy raln Lomorrow
W n formal Lngllsh may ls used Lo express a wlsh as
,oy you llve long
W ould and mlghL are used as Lhe pasL equlvalenLs of can
and may as
Pe sald mlq$n go
W Shall ls used ln Lhe flrsL person and wlll ln all persons Lo
express fuLure
so$ wl be LwenLyflve nexL blrLh day
W ;uesLlon wlLh shall $we are used Lo ask Lhe wlll of Lhe
person addressed as
o open Lhe door?(uo you wanL me Lo open lL?)
W Wlll ls used Lo express
vollLlon as
wl carry your books
haracLerlsLlc hablL as
Pe wl Lalk abouL noLhlng buL fllms
AssumpLlons or probablllLy as
@haL wl be a posLman Lhlnk
W Wlll you? ndlcaLes an lnvlLaLlon or a requesL as
Jl you have Lea?
W Should and would are used as Lhe pasL equlvalenLs of
shall and wlll as
expecLed LhaL s geL a flrsL class
W Should ls used ln all persons Lo express duLy or
obllgaLlon as
We s obey Lhe laws
,uS@ CuP@ @C
W ,usL ls used Lo express necesslLy or obllgaLlon
We ms geL up early
W ,usL ls ofLen used when Lhe obllgaLlon comes from
Lhe speaker
ms be on dleL(L ls my own ldea)
W CughL Lo expresses moral obllgaLlon or deslrablllLy
We q love our nelghbours
uSLu (@C) nLLuuA8L
W @he auxlllary used (Lo) expresses a dlsconLlnued
se Lo llve Lhere
W @he auxlllary need denoLlng necesslLy or obllgaLlon
can be con[ugaLed wlLh or wlLh ouL do
oee hardly Lake hls help
W @he auxlllary dare does noL Lake s ln Lhe Lhlrd
person slngular presenL Lense
Pe ote noL Lake such a sLep

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