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summer of 1873

-He took the entrance examinations on Christian doctrine, arithmetic, and reading at the college of San Juan de
Letran, and passed them.
-At first Father MaginFerrando, who was the college registrar, refused to admit him for two reasons.
oHe was late for registration
oHe was sickly and undersized
-Upon the intercession of Manuel Xerez Burgos, nephew of Father Burgos, he was reluctantly admitted to the Ateneo.
-Jose as the first of his family to adopt the surname Rizal, their family had come under suspicion of
the Spanish authorities. -At this time, Jose Studied in the Ateneo, this college was located in the
Intramuros, within the wall of Manila.
-He first boarded in a house outside Intramuros, on Caraballo Street, 25 minutes’ walk from the
-This boarding house was owned by a spinster named Titay who owned the Rizal Family the amount
of 300 pesos.
• -Ateneo offers academic courses leading to the degree of A.B. and vocational courses in agriculture,
commerce and mechanics
• -Students were divided into two groups, namely: the Roman Empire consisting of the internos
(boarders) and the Carthaginian Empire composed of the Externos (non- boarders).

• -Each empire had it ranks. The best student in each empire was the empire, the second best the
tribune, the third best the Decurion, the fourth best the centurion, and the fifth best, the standard
bearer. -They had their distinctive banners, red for the Roman, and Blue for the Carthaginians.
• -The Ateneo students wore a uniform which consisted of “hemp-fabric trousers” and striped cotton
coat.” The coat material was called rayadillo.
• -Rizal’s first Professor was Fr. Jose Bech, whom he described as tall thin man, with a body slightly
bent forward, a hurried walk, an ascetic face, severe and inspired , small deep sunken eyes, a sharp
nose that was almost Greek, and thin lips forming an arc whose ends fell toward the chin.
• -Summer Vacation (1873) Rizal did not particularly enjoy his vacation because his mother was in
• -Second year in Ateneo (1873-74). Some of his classmates were new. Among them were three boys
from Binan, who had been his classmates in the school of maestro Justiano.
• -Prophecy of Mother’s release. Dona Teodora told her Son of her dream the previous night, Rizal
interpreting such dream, said to her that she would be release from the prison.
• -Summer vacation in 1874 in Calamba when Rizal began to take interest in reading Romantic novels. -
The First favorite novel of Rizal was the count of Monte Cristo by alexander Dumas.
• -Later, Rizal read the Travels in the Philippines by Dr. Feodor Jagor, German Scintist – Traveler who
had visited the Philippines. oJagor’s keen observations of the defects of Spanish colonization
oProphecy that someday Spain would lose the Philippines and that America would come to succeed
her as colonizers
• -Third year in ateneo. At the end of the school year (March, 1875), Rizal returned to Calamba for
summer vacation. He, himself, was not impressed by his scholastic work. He said I returned dissatisfied
to my home town”.
• -Fourth year in Ateneo. After a refreshing and happy summer vacation, Rizal went back to Manila for
his fourth year course. On June 14, 1875, he became an internee in Ateneo. One of his professors this
time was Fr. Francisco Sanchez, a great Educator and scholar.
• -Years later Rizal wrote of Father Sanchez in glowing terms, showing his affection and gratitude. He
described his Jesuits professor as “a model of rectitude, solitude, and devotion to his pupils’ progress”.

• -The first poem Rizal probably wrote during his days in Ateneo was Mi Primera Inspiracion (My First
Inspiration) which was dedicated to his mother on her birthday.
• -In 1875, inspired by Father Sanchez, he wrote more poems, such as: 1.Felicitacion (Felicitation) 2.El
Embarque: Himno a la Flota de Magallanes (the departure: hymn to Magellan Fleet). 3.Y esEspanol:
Elcano, El Primero endar la Vuelta el Mundo (and he is Spanish; the First to Circumnavigate the
World). 4.El Combate: Urbiztondo, terror de Jolo (the Battle; Urbiztondo, Terror of Jolo).
• -In 1876, Rizal wrote poems in Various topics- religion, education, childhood memoirs and war. 1.La
tragediade San Eustaquo (the tragedy of St. Eustace) 2.Un Requerdo A Mi Pueblo (in Memory of my
Town) 3.Alianza Intima Entre La Religion y La Buena Educacion (Intimate alliance between religion and
good education) 4.Por la EducacionRecibeLustre la Patria (through Education the country receives
light)5.El Cautiverio y el Triunfo: Batalla de Lucena y Prision de Boabdil (The captivity and the triumph:
Battle of Lucena and the Imprisonment of Boadbil) 6.La Entrada triunfal de los Reyes Catolicosen
Granada (the triumphal Entry of the Catholic Monarchs into Granada)
• -A year later, in 1877, he wrote more Poems. It was his Last year in Ateneo. Among the Poems written
this year were: 1.El Herooismo de Colon 2.Colon y Juan II (Columbus and John) 3.Gran Consuelo en la
Mayor Desdicha (Great comfort in Great Misfortune) 4.Un DialogoAlusivo a la Despedida de
losColegiales (A farewell dialogue of the students)
• -Shorlty after his graduation from the ateneo, Rizal, who was then 16 years old experience
• his first romance “that painful experience which comes to nearly adolescents.”
• -The girl was Segunda Katigbak, a pretty,fourteen-year-old Batangeuena from Lipa.
• -In Rizal’s own words “she was rather short, with eyes that were eloquent and ardent at time
and languid at others, rosy cheeked, with an enchanting and provocative smile that revealed
very beautiful teeth, and the air of a sylph; her entire self-diffused a mysterious charm.” -
Segunda was already engaged to be married to her town mate, Manuel Luz.
• -After finishing the first year of the course in Philosophy and letters (1877-78), he transferred to the
medical course.
• -As a Thomasion, he won more literary laurels, had more romances with girls, and fought against
Spanish students.
• -The Bachelor of Arts degree during Spanish time was equivalent to a highschool diploma today. It
merely qualified its holder to enter a university.
• -Both Don Francisco and Paciano wanted that Jose should Pursue higher learning. But Dona Teodora
did not want him to study more. Evidently, she had a premonition that too much knowledge that too
much knowledge would imperil her son’s life.
• -In April, 1877, Rizal was then nearly 16 years old, matriculated in the University of Santo Tomas taking
Philosophy and letters. He enrolled this course in two reasons:
oHis Father like it
oHe was still uncertain as to what career to follow
• -He had written father Pablo Ramon, Rector of Ateneo, asking for advice on the choice of career.
• -It was during the following school term (1878-79) that Rizal took up medicine, enrolling simultaneously
in preparatory medical course and the regular first year medical course.
• -The reason why he studied medicine were: oHe wanted to be a physician so that he might cure his
mother’s failing eyesight oFather Rector of Ateneo finally answered his letter, recommending medicine.
-Rizal also studied in Ateneo during his first school term in UST. He took the vocational course leading
to the title of PeritoAgrimensor (expert Surveyor).
• -At the age of 17 he passed final examination in the surveying course, but he could not be granted the
title as surveyor because he was below age. The title was issued to him on November 25, 1881.
• -Rizal was a Romantic dreamer who liked to sip the nectar of love. His sad experience with the first
love had made him wiser in the ways of romance.
• -He courts to a young woman in Calamba. In his memoirs, he called her simply Miss L, describing her
as “fair with seductive and attractive eyes’’.
• -After visiting her in her house several times, he suddenly stopped his wooing, and the romance died a
natural death. He gave his reasons for his change of heart, namely: oThe sweet memory of Segunda
Katigbak was still in his heart oHis father objected to the match
• -Several months later, he boarded in the house of Dona Concha Leyva in Intramuros. The next door
neighbors of Dona Concha were Capitan Juan and CapitanaSanday Valenzuela, parents of a charming
girl named Leonor. -He courted Leonor Valenzuela, who was a tall girl “almost as tall as Jose Himself”.
He sent her love notes written in invisible ink.
-Rizal’s next Romance, was with another Leonor – Leonor Rivera – his cousin from Camiling. In 1879, at
the start of his junior year at the University
-In 1879, at the start of his Junior year at the University, he lived in “Casa Tomasino” a boarding house
managed by his uncle, Antonio Rivera, at No. 6 Calle Santo Tomas, Intramuros.
-His landlord Uncle, had a pretty daughter, Leonor, a student at La Concordia College, where Soledad was
then Studying.
-Leonor Born in CamilingTarlac on April 11, 1867, was a frail, beautiful girl, “tender as a budding flower with
kindly, wistful eyes”.
-They become engaged. In her letters to Rizal, Leonor signed her name as “Taimis” in order to
camouflage their intimate relationship from their parents and friends.

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