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Discuss both views and give your

Đề : có 2 quan điểm
While ABC think (that) SVO1, XYZ believe (that) SVO2
= ABC think (that) SVO1, HOWEVER/ WHEREAS/ XYZ
believe (that) SVO2.
Câu 1
Câu 1
2 câu:
• Some people believe that studying at university or
college is the best route to a successful career,
while others believe that it is better to get a job
straight after school.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

• The u.s cencus reports that the single child family
is the fastest growing family units for the last 20
• Supporters of large families claim the only child
will be spoiled lonely and selfish. However, those
who are in favor of the only child family think that
their children are more mature and independent
because they have to protect themselves. Write an
essay about the advantages and disadvantages of
being an only child in the family.
• (2) parents can devote more time, attention, and
resources to their single offspring. (3) As a result,
they often enjoy a greater degree of support and
opportunities for their personal development such
as better education and extracurricular activities.
• (4) Only children may develop a greater sense of
independence and maturity at an early age. (5)
Without siblings to rely on, they often become self-
reliant individuals, making them more independent
and mature.
Body 2
• (2) They may be faced with the potential for
loneliness and social isolation. (3) this is because of
the fact that only children may not have siblings or
playmates, so they do not have a chance to
socialize with brothers or sisters.
• (4) an only child is likely to become more spoiled
and selfish as their parents may be more
protective. In fact, overprotecting and having
everything done by parents can have a negative
effect on their personalities, potentially leading to a
sense of spoiling.
Test 2
• Some parents think that helping their children
with homework is good. Others think children
should do their homework on their own. Discuss
both views and give your opinion.
= parents should help their children with homework
or let them tackle it independently.
Body 1
• Parents can provide valuable educational support
by helping their children understand complex
concepts, providing explanations, and offering
guidance. This can reinforce/help the learning
process and improve comprehension.
• Homework can serve as an opportunity for parents
to spend quality time with their children. Spending
more time with each other after school can allow
for strengthening the parent-child bond and
fostering a love for learning.
Body 2
• Allowing children to complete their homework
independently can help them develop self-reliance
and problem-solving skills. It teaches them to
improve their creation, manage their time, and be
responsible for their own work.
• Over-involvement from parents can lead to a child
becoming overly reliant on their parents. clearly, if
there is no support from parents, they may ignore
their homework, potentially hindering their ability
to think critically and independently.
Test 3
• Some people believe that university students
should be required to attend classes. Others
believe that going to classes should be
optional for students. Discuss both views and
give your opinion.
Body 1
• Optional attendance provides flexibility, which can
be crucial for students managing work, family, or
other commitments. It allows them to adapt their
schedules to their individual needs and
• university is a time when students should be
encouraged to become more independent and self-
reliant learners. Allowing them to choose whether
to attend class or not empowers them to take
responsibility for their education.
Body 2
• students who attend classes regularly benefit from
a structured and guided learning environment.
Professors can provide explanations, answer
questions, and facilitate discussions, which can
deepen students' understanding of the subject
• Widen their relationships with other friends coming
from different regions of the country. =>
unforgettable experiences / Create lasting
memories during fruitful years at university.

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