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Seminar presentation-

leadership and team

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Leadership Organizational Motivation

Leadership - Concept Selection and Literature Review
For the successful leadership and management of a team project, a leader is mandatory.
Leadership is defined as “The Process of directing and influencing the task-related
activities of group members”.

● Thomas Carlyle in the mid-1800s, introduced The “Great Man” theory.

He considered that leadership qualities are innate and inherited.

● Lewin categorizes leadership styles into three: autocratic, democratic, and Laissez-

● Max Weber introduced the Transactional Leadership Style which is opposite to

transformational leadership in which “leaders and followers help each other to
advance to a higher level of morale and motivation".

● According to Aga, transactional leadership has a “positive significant effect on

project success due to goal clarity” (Aga,2016).

● Transactional leaders are “more effective in exploiting knowledge at the

organizational level”. Transformational leadership is “more effective at creating and
sharing knowledge at the individual and group level”(Bryant,2003).
Critical Analysis
• The effectiveness of leadership style is • According to research, transformational
dependent on the “contextual leadership is positively related to
factors”(de Poel et al., 2014). “empowerment, group cohesiveness,
and group effectiveness” (Jung and
• Transactional leadership has three first Sosik, 2002).
order factors including Contingent
reward leadership, active management • Project type, size, and cultural
by exception, and passive management orientations are linked to determine
by exception. what type of leadership style is
appropriate for an organization (de Poel
• According to Tyssen, Wald, and Spieth, et al.,2014).
there is an “overlapping measure
between passive management by • Less research is present on “the effects
exception in the transactional and of transformational leadership on
laissez-faire styles” (Aga,2016). project-related outcomes” (Abbas and
Synthesis and Argument Development
● Oke (2013) highlights the importance of transformational leadership due to more inclusiveness of
followers in the project. Aga (2016) highlights the importance of transactional leadership in project
management due to the clarity it brings to the team members.

● At Kenya's construction company, the negative dimensions of transformational leadership were seen
in the overall success of the project (Abbas and Ali,2023). Tyssen et al. highlighted “a positive but
insignificant effect of transformational leadership on project success”.

● During a construction project at Nigeria, it was seen that transactional leadership due to its factors
(clarity, assessment, and monitoring of errors) proved more successful in project management of
construction as compared to transformational leadership (Olasunkanmi et al., 2023).
Organizational culture: Concept Selection and Literature Review
● Organisation culture is important for good leadership and management of a project
team. According to Eldridge and Crombie (1974), organizational culture is defined as
“The unique configuration of norms, values, beliefs, ways of behaving and so on, that
characterize how groups and individuals combine to get things done” (Ankrah et
● Hofstede defines “organization culture as a shared cognitive system which acts as a
guidance for perceptions, thoughts and language of organization members” (Hofstede,
● According to Shipper and Manz, in the development of effective leadership,
organizational culture plays a dynamic role.
● The management style of an organization is greatly impacted by organization culture.
Schneckenberg highlighted internal incentives and the leadership role in building an
“internal culture of an organization” (Schneckenberg,2014).
● Schein's theory of organizational culture discussed the role of leaders as key agents in
defining the culture of an organization. Tran supported that for employee retention and
satisfaction at work, a powerful organizational culture is necessary.
● The theory of organizational excellence by Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman
supported the role of strong organizational culture in yielding stronger
organizations(Akpa et al,.2021).
● Empirical evidence showed that Corporate group failures can be avoided by developing
cultural integration among team members (Pathiranage,2019).
Critical Analysis
• Organizational culture assessments are
• The effectiveness of organizational culture is
linked to the strategic goals of the organization.
• Considering Schein's theory of organizational • According to Schneider et al., The concept of
culture, the theory of organizational excellence
organizational climate with organizational
by Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman, and
culture needs to be linked together.
Denison's organizational culture model, it is
concluded that by empowering employees • According to Lam et al., organizational culture
working in an organizational culture their sense
is not directly linked to organizational climate
of commitment to work increases further the
(Lam et al.,2021).
performance of an organization (Akpa et

• Cultural change efforts have to deal with

resistance from established values and practices
(Martinez et al.,2023).
Synthesis and Argument Development
● In the development of an ideal organizational culture, empowering employees and great leadership
play a huge role. The job satisfaction of employees is an ideal measure for an effective
organizational culture. For employee retention at an organization, there is a need for an efficient
organizational culture that empowers employees. Various theories of organizational culture support
the empowerment of employees in an organization for better work performance. The organization's
culture is dependent on the job satisfaction of employees (Tran, 2021).

● Still, arguments are present related to the relationship between organizational culture and
organizational climate. Lam et al., emphasize the role of leadership in organizational culture.
Schneider et al., link organization culture with organization climate.

● Considering the case of H and S it is seen that empowering employees through feedback, checklists,
and making arrangements for their safety resulted in good PR and an increase in performance due to
42 percent less lost time (Edwards and Holt,2010).
Motivation - Concept Selection and Literature Review

● Motivation is the key component that plays a major role in the

determination of overall working environment and organizational
performance in the environment. Self-efficacy, personal values, and past
experiences play the lead role in motivation determination (Galli,2020).

● Employees having different perceptions and emotional needs along with

varied pictures of reality determine the uniqueness of each need for getting
motivation as explained by the acquired theory of needs by McClelland
(de Andrade Baptista et al.,2021).

● According to research on the hard project management in construction

projects, it is found that motivation has a profound impact on the output
(Larsson et al.,2018).
Critical Analysis
• The theory of acquired needs by • Justice by giving rewards and fair
McClelland emphasized achievement work distribution among the team
power and affiliation as the three members are the two main concepts
major performance and behavior- highlighted by the theory of equity in
driving components. (Arogundade and motivation.
• Task significance and autonomy are
• This theory is good for delving into the intrinsic factors that uplift the
personal motivation motivation dynamics. The theory has
simplified the motivation process.
• The contextual factors are neglected.
• The theory has limited application to
• The diverse individual needs are not only highly collaborative teams where
well addressed by this theory. individual comparison can be done
from collective results.
Synthesis and Argument Development
● Opting for good motivation approaches is very important for enhancing the project outcomes. By
implementing McClellan's acquired needs theory and equity theory, project managers can develop
various strategies to improve performance among their team members.

● Two-way communication with employees plays a crucial role in the implementation of appropriate
motivational strategies as it helps. the manager to better understand which motivational aspect will
work for a specific employee (Arogundade and Akpa,2023).

● The case study of Google explained the strategy to ask its employees to spend 20 percent time
thinking about what can benefit Google leads to increased motivation and innovation for the
company (Walker,2011).
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