10 Top Leadership Qualities

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• A good leader should have a clear, strong
idea of the direction of the group and the
goals that need to be achieved, as well as a
firm grasp of what success should look like
and how to get there. In addition, they must
not only have a vision but also be able to
share the vision, communicate it clearly to
• Good leaders have the single-minded
determination and discipline to work
towards his or her vision and to direct the
team towards the goal. They will spend
whatever time or energy is necessary to
accomplish the task and complete the
project. Dedication is one of the traits which
is most easily inspired by example.
• Integrity inspires trust and respect, which in turn
inspires people to follow someone as their leader.
A leader who displays integrity can be trusted
because he or she never veers from inner values,
in spite of outside pressure, stresses and
temptations. Integrity not only refers to values but
also to behaviour – so for example, a leader who
displays honest dealings, predictable reactions,
well-controlled emotions, and does not indulge in
tantrums and harsh outbursts shows signs of
integrity as a person.
• To spread the fame and take the blame is a
hallmark of effective leadership. “In other words,
a leader who is magnanimous always gives credit
where it is due and also ensures that credit for
successes is spread as widely as possible through
the team or organisation. At the same time, this
leader will also take personal responsibility for
failures – helping members of the team to feel
good about themselves and thus drawing the team
closer together.
• Leaders who show themselves to be open to new ideas,
even if they do not conform to the conventional ways of
thinking, are more likely to be effective and successful.
The ability to suspend judgement while listening to others’
ideas as well as being able to accept new ways of doing
things, as suggested by other members in the team, are all
signs of great leadership. This openness between the leader
and followers helps to build mutual respect, as well as
encouraging creativity and the development of new ideas
which continually benefit the group as a whole.
• This does not mean that a good leader has
to be self-effacing; rather it means that a
good leader tries to elevate everyone in the
team as they recognise that they are no
better or worse than other members in the
group. Mahatma Gandhi is a great example
of a “humble” leader who was nevertheless
very powerful and effective.
• Good leaders have the ability to think
outside the box; to take a lateral view on
things and come up with solutions despite
constraints. They will see the things that
others may not see and thus help to lead
their team in new directions. They will also
encourage this creativity in other members
of the team and create an environment
which fosters and supports creativity.
• An important part of achieving trust and
respect is consistent fair dealings with all.
For example, a good leader should check all
the facts and hear everyone out before
passing judgment – and definitely avoid
jumping to conclusions based on
incomplete evidence. Fair treatment of
followers will reward the leader with
loyalty and dedication.
• Often confused with aggressiveness, which
is not a desirable trait in a good leader –
assertiveness refers to the ability to clearly
describe expectations so that there are no
misunderstandings and to display a sort of
diplomatic determination” in order to
achieve the desired results.
• Almost as important as anything else, a
sense of HUMOUR is essential as it not
only relieves tension and defuses hostility
within a group but also helps to strengthen
the bond between team members. In fact,
humour can be used to energise followers
and can even be used as a form of power to
provide some control over the team

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