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Vector Proof 08/11/2023

WALT: To be able to prove that two lines are parallel using vectors
To prove that two lines are collinear

Keywords Starter Task



Scale Factor
Whiteboards - Group Task
What's the difference? Collinear Vs Parallel

Are the two lines parallel

to each other?

How can we prove they

are parallel?
Think about what defines
a vector…
Proof of parallel lines - Think/Pair/Share

a ?
Independent Task - You Do
Choose your own pathway…
Skill 1
- Vector Proof Questions Answers

Confident 1 Questions Answers

- Complete all questions

Confident 2 Questions Answers

- Super Challenge (sheet has been printed out)

Support Question

b) Prove that OXD line on a

straight line
Cautious Answers
Confident 1
Confident 1 Answers
Confident 2 - Worksheet printed out
Confident 2 - Answers

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