Customer Relationship

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• Marketing specialists consider the development of customer relationships a
major lever for the sustainable development of the organization. The
management of the customer relations involves the radical change of the
organization's activity and strategies, in relation to the traditional evolution.
From the stage at which customers are considered as the number or total
value of the transactions made, more and more organizations are focusing on
marketing strategies focused on establishing and maintaining lasting
relationships with each relevant client.
• In modern competitive business environments, managers need to enact policies
that address challenges facing their organizations. Effective business strategic
should have the ability to take advantage of business opportunities and mitigate
against business risks and threats in their industry

• Businesses can only prosper if the management has policies that ensure that the products and services produced address the need of
their customers. To ensure that customer needs have been addressed, the management has the responsibility of undertaking wide and
comprehensive research on the target market and making responsive business decisions. According to management gurus, customer
is the most important segment of an organization; they need to be managed effectively and their loyalty developed.

• Organizations that have enacted effective customer management approaches have remained competitive amidst challenging
business environments they are engage in. For example Apple Inc. has become the world largest electronic industry in sale volumes
and production due to its effective customer management procedures; the company adopts a customer relationship management
(CRM) approach to attract and maintain customers.

• In the definition of the company CRM is a management strategy where a company creates healthy relationship with the suppliers,
customers and the public; at Apple Inc, customer is the most important stakeholder and all processes are aimed at increasing
customers’ welfare.

• In contemporary competitive business arena, companies need to management

the relationship they have with their customers. When customers are well
managed, an organization benefits from loyalty and self marketing notion of
their organization; customers are the backbone of a company; they are the
sources of finance and the reason why a certain business exist.
• CRM’s main objective is satisfying customers and developing close relationship
that facilitates customer loyalty; to attract customers and persuade them buy
ones products takes a combination of business processes; effective marketing
and sales strategies have a direct effect on customer’s attainment and
development of customer loyalty.
• In customer acquisition and creation of loyalty, there are two main theories that
a company needs to understand and decide the best approach to use; the theories
are customer retention and customer acquisition.
The development of the information technologies sector and the globalization of markets offer
consumers the possibility to choose easily and quickly a product or another, a service or another. In
this context, commercial success requires speed and flexibility adapted to increasingly sophisticated
demand and ever-increasing demands.
A successful program of attracting new customers is not limited to profitability generated by a first
sale act, but rather must be considered as a first step to the defidelization of a customer who, as a, on
the one hand, it will resort to new acquisitions, and on the other hand, it will offer additional sales
opportunities, thus generating an increase in profit in the future.
Attracting successful customers should be considered as a first strategic stage of management of the
customer life cycle; it is essential that any company develops a "customer attracting mentality". At this
stage, a fine segmentation of the market and the focus on customers who are likely to turn into loyal
customers are needed.
Companies must propose high quality offers that will give customers a positive image. Customers
who first purchase a product or service are circumspect; therefore, their impression must be positive,
a single error of a company at this stage risking to lead to irremediable loss of customers.

• Building a relationship is only the beginning - after your client has managed to
make a purchase, you will have to make an effort to maintain the relationship with
him. If you want a new customer to come back and become a loyal and long-term
customer of your business, you will need to implement some strategies.
• Customer service is the first aspect you need to focus on - if your customer finds it
difficult to communicate with your brand., has problems with an item or if a
purchase is not delivered on time, this will affect the relationship. Make sure they
exceed customer support expectations.
• Finally, keep the communication open - do not make the mistake of disappearing
from the radar and not contacting your customer after making the sale. Stay in touch
with your customers through online channels and social CRM is one of the most
reliable ways to maintain healthy relationships with customers.

The third stage of the customer life cycle is the development ofrelations between a
company and its customers, which involves increasing their value by increasing the volume
of products or services purchased through additional and cross-selling. A customer is
subject to „events” which contribute to the prolongation of his life cycle and have as a
consequence the increase of his consumption level, which has a positive impact on
Additional sales refer to offers addressed to loyal customers, who offer them new
products or services or improved variants of them. Cross-selling involves offers accepted by
loyal customers of similar products or services or that have already been purchased by
customers belonging to the same segment targeted by companies.

The training program identifies attitudes and behaviors that support a high-quality approach
to customer service and relationships, and provides positive experiences of buying and
Participants understand from their own experience how certain attitudes, thinking styles
and assumptions influence the performance of a person interacting with customers and
through extrapolation, the performance of a company.
• The program includes the following topics:
• Key aspects of customer service;
• What is the service? – a very useful definition;
• Individual thinking styles and values – Human Synergistics model of personal effectiveness;
• Service excellence – the example of a successful company;
• Excellent customer experience – actions with great impact;
• Personal development – learning, application, improvement of knowledge and skills.

An important activity carried out by the participants in the beginning

of the program is the individual assessment of the thinking styles,
attitudes and personal values that influence the way they approach
work and relationships. The results of this evaluation are corroborated
with all other subjects and activities within the programme.
Personal development does not stop at the end of the training
session. Participants are guided and encouraged to develop their own
development plan and apply it in the medium and long term.

• Customer relation management is strategic management tool that seeks to

create, improve, and maintain healthy relationship between an organization and
its customers. The management approach addresses internal and external
operational factors to develop policies and strategic to create loyal customers;
organizations that have adopted customer relation management strategic attain
competitiveness over products made by their competitors.

• Abu Amuna, Y. M., Al Shobaki, M. J., Abu-Naser, S. S., & Badwan, J. J. (2017). Understanding
Critical Variables for Customer Relationship Management in Higher Education Institution from
Employees Perspective.
• Badwan, J. J., Al Shobaki, M. J., Abu-Naser, S. S., & Abu Amuna, Y. M. (2017). Adopting technology
for customer relationship management in higher educational institutions.
• Kumar, V., & Reinartz, W. (2018). Customer relationship management. Springer-Verlag GmbH
Germany, part of Springer Nature 2006, 2012, 2018.
• Lubis, A., Dalimunthe, R., Absah, Y., & Fawzeea, B. K. (2020). The Influence of Customer
Relationship Management (CRM) Indicators on Customer Loyalty of Sharia Based Banking System.
Lubis, A, 84-92.
• Rahimi, R., & Kozak, M. (2017). Impact of customer relationship management on customer
satisfaction: The case of a budget hotel chain. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 34(1), 40-51.
• Soltani, Z., Zareie, B., Milani, F. S., & Navimipour, N. J. (2018). The impact of the customer
relationship management on the organization performance. The Journal of High Technology
Management Research, 29(2), 237-246.

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