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Practical No.


Petrography of Various Rock Units

in Balugyun Area
Regional geological map of the area

(mainly schist and gneiss
and slate)

Mesozoic and Cenozoic


p Paleozoic (Mergui Series)

Gabbro and related


C Carboniferous
(Taungnyo series)
Distribution of major rock units
• Exposed along the ridges and constitute nearlyb70%of the Bilugyum island area

• Granite rocks occupy about 10% of the exposed area

• Mainly foliated tourmaline granite , pegmatite, quartzofeldspathoc veins ansd

quartz veins (Abit taung , Kamanin taung, Thetke taung and Shwetaung Oo hill)

• Metasedimentary rock occupy about 90% of the exposed area (bounded by


• Slate, phyllite and quartzite imterbedded rock exposed along the easter part of
ridges ,(Mudu taumg, Taungzon taung, Abit taungg amd Kamakay hill)

• Phyllite and quartzite interbedded rock found at Sewemyinmo hill and Panne
• Slate is more abundant than the phyllite
• Banded quartzite and biotite schits is exposed as eastern parts of the
Kamanine Taung
• Andalusite-garnet-biotite schist is found within the biotite schist at
Gawhai stream
• Biotite schist change to quartz - sericite toward the west
• Hornblende - almandite - quartz schist is found at the Kamamine Taung
• Graphite - sillimanite - mica schist and calc-silicate rock is present at
Nut Taung, Kamamine Taung
• Garnet - biotite gneiss exposed at the western ridges( Kwayaik Taung,
Kalaw Taung, Kawmanaw Hill and Phanpha Hill )
1. Metasedimentary rocks
Subdivided into six units(base on the field character, texture and modal
① Subunit T1a: slate, phyllite and gneiss
② Subunit T1b: micaceous quartzite, quartzite and slate
③ Subunit T2a: banded quartzite and biotite schist
④ Subunit T2b: quartz-sericite schist and quartzite
⑤ Subunit T2c: Graphite-sillimanite-mica Schist and calc-silicate rock
⑥ Subunit T3: gneiss
Petrography Of Various
Rock Units
Subunit T1a: slate, phyllite and gneiss

• Fine-grained
• Cleavage distinct, smooth, hard, gray on fresh surface and
purplish color on weathered surface
• Primary structures and fossils are not observed

• Shows phyllitic texture

• Gray on fresh surface and reddish yellow to purplish color on
weathered surfaced
• Foliation is relatively poor
• Sandy phyllite intercalated within the slate and quartzite unit
• Sandy phyllite has gray, medium-grained, angular quartz grains

• Medium to coarse-grained, sugary texture and compoed of quartz

• Near the top of Abite hill,iron ore intruded
Subunit T1b: micaceous quartzite, quartzite and slate
Micaceous quartzite

• Yellowish white on weathered surface and white on fresh

• Very brecciation and highly jointed
• Mainly composed of quartz and sericite
• Fine grained and poor compaction, faintly foliation
Andalusite-garnet-biotite schist

• Gray
• on weather surface, andalusite mineral is easily found
as stick-like form

• More compact than micaceous quartzite

• Shows granular texture
• Mainly composed of quartz
Subunit T2a: banded quartzite and biotite schist
Banded quartzite

• White to gray, sugary texture, hard, mainly composed of

• Slightly micaceous
Biotite schist

•Gray to black, compact, fine to mediun-grained

•Biotite is easily found on the surface
•More compact and foliation poor
•At gawhai stream, andalusite-garnet-biotite schist is found
within biotite schist
Subunit T2b: Quartz-sericite Schist and Quartzite
Hornblende-garnet-quartz schist

 Quartz-sericite schist and quartz-muscovite schist are the same, vary in containing
 Weathered surface - white, soft
 Spotted graphite-silimanite-mica schist - grey, fine-grained, spotted
 Occur at content of igneous intrusion
 Hornblende-garnet-quartz schist - greenish gray
 Mineral composition - not idetified except quartz in hand specimen
Texture - medium-grained texture
Subunit T2c: Graphite-sillimanite-mica Schist
and calc-silicate rock
Graphite-sillimanite-mica Schist

 Colour - purplish colour, very soft

 Sillimanite and mica lineation can be easily recognized in hand speciman
 Segregation bands of sillimanite rich layers and graphite occur at content igneous
 At some content, tourmaline are found
 Colour - white, silky patches like scale
 Mineral lineation and foliation trend is the same direction
Calc-silicate Rock

 Colour and texture - Grey, granoblastic texture

 Some are greenish gray
 Ridge and furrow structure in hand speciman
T3 unit : Gneisses
Garnet-biotite gneiss, hornblende-biotite gneiss and leucogneiss

 Medium to coarse grained, light gray colour

 Augen texture observed due to porphyroblast of feldspar
 Gneiss are mainly composed of coarse grained quartz, feldspar,
biotite and almandite
 Thin flakes of mica are parallel alignment showing gneissose texture
 Pyrite is found along the foliation and fracture plane
2. Igneous rocks
Tourmaline granite

• Tourmaline granite is white, medium to coarse grained and

slightly foliated
• It is smaller the grain size of rocks are more foliated
• Mainly composed of quartz, feldspar, tourmaline and
• Garnet crystal are observed
• Tourmaline is found as trigonal pyramids and prism
• In contact zone, they show gneissose foliation due to the
preferred orientation of tourmaline and quartz

• Colour - white
• Grained size - very coarse grained
• Mainly composed of quartz, feldspar and muscovite
• Texture - foliation texture
Quartzofeldspathic Veins and Quartz Veins

• Colour - white
• Mainly composed of quartz and feldspar
• Graphite is present within the quartzofeldspathic vein.

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