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Prepared By –

• Sougata Saha (101FSBSMS2122049)

• Khushi Singh (101FSBSMS2122050)
• Mayukh Sur (101FSBSMS2122051)
• Bhumika Umrey (101FSBSMS2122052)
What is the official definition of violence?

“The intentional use of physical force or power,

threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or
against a group or community, that either results in or has
a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death,
psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation."
Saint Patanjali says-

"Vitarka himsadayah krutkaritanumodita lobh krodh moh purvaka

mrudumadhyadimatra dukha dnyanantphalaiti
(Yog-darshan: 2.34)
Causes of Violence

 The influence of one’s peers.

 Having a lack of attention or respect.
 Having low self-worth.
 Experiencing abuse or neglect.
 Witnessing violence in the home, community, or medias.
 Access to weapons
Types of Violence
The obstacles like violence, untruth and theft are of three types -
1. Krut or self created
2. Karit or committed by others with your instigation
3. Anumodit or supported by you.

Greed, anger and ignorance help you to create these obstacles. They are of mild,
medium or strong nature and give limitless sorrow.
Types of violence against which devotees should
The first kind of violence is Krut is i.e. violence which takes place through our
thought, words and deeds.
The second kind of violence is Karit i.e. one which we commit not by ourselves
but we get it done through others.
The third type of violence is anumodit i.e. one when we relate to greed, anger
and attachment.
The violence generated through greed, anger and attachment ( i.e.
Anumodit) is further divided into three types –

 Mild

 Medium

 Strong.
There are three stage of mild violence:

1. Mridu mridu (extremely mild): In this case the extent of violence is

extremely low.
2. Madhya (Medium): Slightly more violent.
3. Tivramridu: Highest state of violence in the limits of mild violence.

Likewise, medium and extreme violence have three stages each.

The three types of violence again have three differences -
 Indulging in violence by self, through others or by provoking others for skin,
land, building and other things is greed generated violence.
 In the same way anger-generated violence comes with the aim of revenge.
 The violence generated through attachment (done by self), through others or
through provocation with the selfish feeling will be generated for interests of
wife, children and other well-wishers.
How to Prevent Violence :
1. Teach children good safety habits while walking to and from school and playing in the neighborhood. Insist
on knowing at all times where your kids are, whom they are with, and what they are doing.
2. Get involved. Volunteer to help in anti-crime and other neighborhood and community improvement efforts.
Encourage groups you belong to (such as religious, civic, and social) to help stop crime.
3. Use common-sense tips to reduce your risk of being a crime victim. Stay in well-lighted, busy areas; travel
with a friend if possible; walk in a confident, assured way. Avoid known trouble spots.
4. Report crimes and suspicious activity to police; agree to testify when necessary. Stand up for what you
believe in if you want a safe community.
5. Get to know your neighbors and agree to look out for each other. Get organized; work with the police.
6. Find ways to settle arguments without violence. If you resort to violence to settle disputes, this is what you
teach your children. Be a good role model.
7. If you own a firearm, remember that your obligations as a responsible owner include training in firearms
safety, safe storage, and careful handling within the laws of your state and local jurisdiction.
8. Use common courtesy. It helps ease tensions that can result in violence. Teach kids that good manners are
9. Don’t carry illegal weapons, buy stolen property, use illegal drugs, or engage in other criminal activity. It’s
the wrong message to send a child.
10. Make sure your children know safe places to go when they are scared or need help. And make sure they
know where you are and how to reach you. Have them memorize or carry with them important phone numbers.

 10 Thinks You Can Do to Prevent Violence (PDF)_201505121458185398[1].pdf

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