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Dayana Villalobos Raquel Arce 10-2

South Africa has an area of 472,281 square miles. It lies at the southern end of the African continent. Bordered on the north by Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Swaziland; on the east and south by the Indian Ocean; and on the west by the Atlantic Ocean. Champagne Castle, the highest peak in the country.

A relevant event in South Africa was the Apartheid, this was a system of legal racial segregation enforced by the National Party governments of South Africa between 1948 and 1994. The government separates people by economics, culture, politics, but mainly because of their color. Black people were seen as inferior to whites and they could not use the public departments

South Africa has eleven official languages, a measure that was included in the 1994 constitution to equalize the status of languages. But the 2 main languages are: Afrikaans is still the most widely used language in everyday conversation. English dominates in commerce, education, law, government, formal communication, and the media.

In South Africa the food is especially of meats and seafood of the coastal zone of the country. The traditional food of South Africa are: Bobotie is a South African dish consisting of spiced minced meat baked with an egg-based topping. The people can use beef, pork or other meat to cook it.

Braaivleis, a delicious dish of roast beef.

Biltong an ostrich appetizer is served seasoned with spices.

Amasi is a drink. This is a drink made of fermented milk that tastes like cottage cheese or plain yogurt.

Boerewors is a sausage, popular in South Africa.

When a man wants to marry a woman, it must pay the family, a compensation is made for taking the boyfriend's daughter. Polyandry is also practiced but is rare, and it is refers to a form of marriage in which a woman has two or more husbands at the same time. It is practice but it is rare. Another tradition is known traditional circumcision that make them boys. This happens when you become adult, then his father decide he's ready to go to the "cabin", this period lasts about 6 weeks and helps the young learn the traditions of their ethnicity, this preparation ends with their circumcision .

Traditional music is known across the world for its sophisticated rhythms. Sets of drums and other instruments, played according to various rhythmic patterns. It is also common in the music group has performed in a leading voice and other voices answered him in turn. The music used at dances, work, ceremonies and royal processions, music is also used for communication. The native music is coral and others like afro rock, blues and jazz. South Africans have great variety in their culture, so great enrichment in music, dance, and architecture.

Human Rights Day: celebrated on March 21st. Freedom Day: celebrated on April 27th. Youth Day: celebrated on June 16th, Heritage Day: on September 24th it is like a honors the diversity of South Africa. Workers Day: celebrated on May 1st. National Womens Day is celebrated on August 9th.

Rugby is a style of football.

Cricket is like baseball.

Soccer, on 2010, FIFA World Cup was in South Africa.

The most prevalent biome in South Africa is the grassland, with different grasses, low shrubs, and acacia trees, mainly camelthorn and whitethorn. Only 1% of South Africa is forest.

Any animals like: lions, leopards, white rhinos, kudus(is a specie of antelope), impalas (African antelope), hyenas, hippopotamus and giraffes.

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