Lesson1 What Is AI How To Survive in AI Era

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What is

What’s your
opinion on AI
We will We will know AI
understand AI
What is AI ?

Хиймэл оюун ухаан (англ. artificial intelligence, AI) /зохиомол оюун/ нь

компьютерын програм хангамжаар бүтээгдсэн хүний сэтгэхүйг
дууриалгасан ба бараг ижил түвшинд хүргэхийг хичээдэг технологийн
төрөл ба аливаа хүний хийдэг үйл ажиллагааг хийж орлуулахад
зориулагддаг болно.
Whole thing is called AI
Key component of Artificial Intelligence
Normal program vs AI
Data is everything, you have all past
First of all Machine Learning
Supervised Learning
Unsupervised Learning
Reinforcement Learning
Okey now we have basic information
What does tesla works ?
In simple words
Deep learning
Human brain vs Computer Brain (AI)
Deep Learning by very deep way
Deep Learning by very simple way
Welcome to Deep Neural network !
In Second what is Deep Learning
Finally Generative AI
Transformer Architecture
Now AI can understand meaning
Bert and GPT
Bert and GPT
Accuracy is the main competition
Thanks for listening
In next lecture we will talk about ChatGPT, Gemini, Dall-E,
Midjourney etc …
• How it works
• How to use it more efficient
• How to make money with them ( Real cases )

Also use AI in Drop shipping, E-commerce, Marketing, Create

website, Create AI etc …

• Feel free to discuss and brain storming

• My name is Erkhemkhuu (Erka) “CEO of AIES
• I’m Artificial Intelligence, Automation engineer also
Project manager
• IG : __ShinoE__
• DM for cooperate
How to survive AI era
Stage of AI
Job loss

Source https://www.horsesforsources.com/gartner_fail_automation-ai_080418/
AI skill

Source https://www.epi.org/blog/how-big-is-ai-related-employment-not-that-big-at-all-despite-what-stanfords-ai-index-annual-report-tries-to-claim/
Impact on

Source https://www.techopedia.com/artificial-intelligence-statistics
Business needs you

Source https://www.zippia.com/advice/artificial-intelligence-statistics/
AI journey
Some one will replace you, not AI creator but AI user
AI Copilot
AI = Speed
AI tool = Employer
Thanks for listening
In next lecture we will talk about ChatGPT, Gemini, Dall-E,
Midjourney etc …
• How it works
• How to use it more efficient
• How to make money with them ( Real cases )

Also use AI in Drop shipping, E-commerce, Marketing, Create

website, Create AI etc …

• Feel free to discuss and brain storming

• My name is Erkhemkhuu (Erka) “CEO of AIES
• I’m Artificial Intelligence, Automation engineer also
Project manager
• IG : __ShinoE__
• DM for cooperate

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