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Analysis of Reliability with Protective Devices

for Kanbauk - Dawei (66/11) kV

Supervised By Presented By
Daw Khin Zaw Thet Ma Thu Thu Zin (VIEP-2)
Department Of Electrical Power Engineering Department of Electrical Power Engineering
Technological University (Dawei)
Outlines Of Presentation

 Aim and Objectives

 Scope of Thesis
 Introduction
 Reliability Indices with Protective Devices
 Lateral protection with fuse
 Feeder protection with disconnecting switches
 Effect Of Protection Failures Rate
 Reliability indices with DG
 Thesis Plan
 Energy not supplied (ENS)
Aim and Objective

 The aim of this thesis is to analysis reliability with protective devices in radial
distribution system by using hand calculations and ETAP software.
The objectives of this thesis are:
 To study literature on power system reliability and protective devices.
 To collect data
 To calculate Basic load point Indices, System Indices and Load & energy-
orientated indices .
 To study simulation of reliability using software tools like ETAP.
 3
To compare ENS values to know which protective device is the most reliable

Scope of Thesis

 This thesis will compute reliability of power distribution system with protective

devices for Kanbauk - Dawei (66/11) kV.


 Reliability is the probability of a device or system performing its purpose

adequately for the period of time intended under the operating conditions

 Reliability refers to the continuity of load flow when power distribution

network is considered. It supplies continuous power to the customers.

 System adequacy and system security are basic concepts of power

system reliability. 5
Reliability Indices with Protective Devices

 By using protective devices, reliability improvement scheme can test

 Lateral protection with fuse

 Feeder protection with disconnection switches
 Effect of protection failure rate
 Reliability indices with DG
Lateral protection with fuse

 A fuse is a protective device used in electrical circuits to prevent damage from

overcurrent conditions.
 Fuses play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and reliability of electrical systems by
providing an effective means of overcurrent protection. They are a simple yet essential
component in preventing electrical hazards and maintaining the integrity of electrical
Feeder protection with disconnection switches

 A disconnection switch (or isolator) is an electrical switch used in high-

voltage electrical circuit to isolate the section which has electricity from the section
with no electricity. This is done for a full safety method during electrical equipment
maintenance or service .
 DSEs are mostly installed in the input/output lines of substations, and they are used to
ground the DSE away from the DSE in order to avoid damage during line maintenance.
Effect Of Protection Failures Rate

 Failure rate can be defined as the anticipated number of times that an item fails in a
specified period of time. It is a calculated value that provides a measure of reliability
for a product . Example, fuse gear operates with a probability of 0.9, i.e. the fuses
operate successfully 9time-out of 10 when required.
Reliability indices with DG(Distributed Generation )

 Electricity generated by various tiny energy sources is referred to as distributed

generation (DG). DG can improve the reliability of the system by providing a means of
alternate power supply to the load points.

 Enough Capacity and Full time

 Full time but partial capacity
 Partial Capacity and Part Time

Thesis Plan

1 Literature Study

Data Collection

3 Calculate Basic Load Point Indices

Calculate System Indices and Load and Energy Oriented Indices

Study & Simulation ETAP Software

Compare ENS Values with protective devices

Specify which one is the most reliable value
Energy not supplied (ENS)

 Energy not supplied (ENS ) often refers to as “ energy loss” or “energy wasted”
expected to be delivered but was not provided to consumers due to various reasons.
ENS is measured in Megawatt hours (MWh). Reducing energy not supplied is indeed
beneficial for several reasons.
 Overall, reducing energy not supplied is a key objective in energy management
strategies, contributing to economics, environmental and social benefits.

 In this title presentation have proposed about reliability and process of thesis briefly
and this title also intend to find the most reliable value in distribution system by
using protective devices.
 In next presentation will show calculation sections by using hand calculations and
ETAP software with data for Kanbauk - Dawei (66/11) kV.

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