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By E.Wakefield
This role is
E.g accent, what makes
posture, body the character
language, tone, come to life
Used by

Preform a Character
This character
was Elizabeth
Tudor from the
series called
Reign. I called
this part of the
show ‘I am
Preform a Character
This character
was Elizabeth
Tudor from the
series called
Reign. I called
this part of the
show ‘I am
Elizabeth Tudor

I wanted to create a very powerful character, Elizabeth Tudor. I

used 2 different techniques to bring this wonderful character to
the stage. These were accent and tone, 2 voice techniques. I put
on an English accent to show that my queen was from England
not the rest of Britain. For tone it was a bit harder as I had to
make my point across but not shout. This showed that the
queen was had a very calm personality.
During this course I have learnt that it does take a lot to bring a
character to life and also that we should have patience when doing
tasks like these as they are hard and challenging sometimes. Even
though it was hard work I still loved this course and would definitely
recommend this to many other people.
Thank you for listening
I will be happy to answer any
your questions

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