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The Spooky House

Choose Your Own Adventure Halloween Story

It is Halloween and your friend Sam dares you to knock on the door of a spooky
old house. Will this be the greatest night of your life or the most terrible? Make
your choices and see where the story leads you! And don’t worry, should the
worst happen, you can always try again.
The Spooky House 1

It is Halloween and you and your friend Sam are bored. You wander around in
your costumes until you go down a street you haven’t noticed before. At the end
of the street, you see a spooky old house standing silent and foreboding. There
are no lights on and the only movement is a black cat running across the path.

“I dare you to knock!” says Sam.

You take a deep breath, walk up to the door and…

Knock Wait a moment

The Spooky House
You knock quietly. Nothing happens. You knock a little louder, feeling more
brave now.

Just as you raise your hand to knock again, the black cat meows loudly, scaring

Reach out to pat the ca Watch the cat to see wh

t at it does next
The Spooky House
Just as you are about to knock on the door, you notice that it is already open a
tiny bit. You give it a push and the door swings open a little more.

You know that you have two choices at this point.

Run away Step inside

The Spooky House
You reach out to pat the cat. It hisses and swipes at you with its sharp claws. As
you back away, you notice that there is a small scroll tied to the cat’s collar. You
are so curious about what is on the scroll.

What should you do?

Try to pat the cat and t

ake the scroll Let the cat calm down
The Spooky House
You pause, giving the cat some space. It settles down onto the grubby old
doormat and starts to lick its paws. You notice that it has a small scroll tied to its
collar and as it moves it knocks the scroll free. You slowly reach for the scroll
and pick it up. You look back at Sam, wondering what to do.

Call out to Sam to com

Read the scroll e and read it
by yourself with you
The Spooky House
You step backwards, almost tripping over. You turn around and run as fast as
you can away from the house.

As you race past Sam, he calls out, “Wait! Look!”

Keep running Stop and look

The Spooky House
The door is all the way open now but you can’t see much. You step inside and
look around. You are in a big lounge room with dusty old furniture and a strange
smell. On the right you can see a doorway. On the left there is a staircase.

Which way should you go?

Through the doorway Up the staircase

The Spooky House
You reach for the cat again, making soothing sounds as you try to take the scroll
from its collar. The cat swipes again and this time it makes a deep scratch in
your hand which immediately oozes blood.

It looks like the rest of your Halloween will be spent getting patched up by your
Mum. You just hope you won’t need stitches.

The end
The Spooky House
You back away from the cat. It seems pretty upset. In a moment or two, the cat
settles down onto the doormat and meows again. This time it seems a lot calmer
than before. You slowly reach towards the cat and it butts its head against your
hand, purring. It seems like it wants to be your friend!

The Spooky House
You turn your back to Sam and slowly open the scroll.

Zippy zam zim

Vippy vam vog
The reader of this scroll
Is now a slimy frog!

You feel yourself shrinking and your skin becoming damp. You open your
mouth to call for help… but only a croak comes out.

The end
The Spooky House
“Sam!” you call out. “Look what I found!”

Sam comes up the path, looking warily at the cat. You show him the scroll.
“Let’s read it!” you say excitedly.

You carefully unroll the scroll…

The Spooky House
You hear Sam’s voice but no way are you stopping. You run all the way home
and go straight to bed.

The next day at school, Sam is telling everyone about the cool new kid that has
just moved into the spooky house. Her parents own the new ice cream parlour
and because Sam is her first new friend in town, he gets free ice cream for life.
If only you had stuck around…

The end
The Spooky House
You stop running and look back at Sam. He’s pointing to the door. It has opened
wider and you can see a warm glow coming from inside. There is a table with
food on it and decorations hanging from the ceiling.

You can hear the faint sound of familiar voices and music coming from the

You and Sam approach the house. “What is this?” you wonder, as you push the
door open and step inside…

The Spooky House
You go through the doorway and look around. Somehow this room seems even
darker than the first. You fumble for a light switch and when you find it, you
wish you hadn’t.

In the corner of the room there is a spider the size of a dog, blinking at you with
its huge eyes. You move faster than you have ever moved in your whole life,
racing back through the dusty lounge room, through the front door and down the
street. You never go near that spooky house again.

The end
The Spooky House
You climb the stairs slowly, hoping they don’t collapse beneath you. When you
reach the top, you can hear soft singing somewhere nearby. You follow the
sound to a room at the end of a long corridor and gently push the door open…

The Spooky House
You reach down to scratch the cat’s head. “A little to the left.” It says in a deep,
croaky voice.

You can’t believe your ears.

The cat can talk! Congratulations!
You are now the proud
“Read the scroll.” The cat says. owner of a magic talking
cat. His name is Lionel.
Please take care of him.
You can’t believe your luck! You have
always wanted a pet. Now to convince
your family…

The end
The Spooky House

Follow my cat to find

riches beyond your
wildest dreams.

You look at the cat. It stretches lazily and pads over to a large box hidden in a
corner of the verandah. The cat butts the box with its head and looks at you
meaningfully. You and Sam push open the heavy lid to see piles of gold and

Best. Halloween. Ever.

The end
The Spooky House

You look around in amazement at your family and friends grinning back at you.

Your brother steps forward.

“We knew you were disappointed about missing your birthday party because
you were sick, so we decided to throw you a Halloween party instead!”

Best Halloween ever!

The end
The Spooky House
Inside the room there is a large golden cage. You get closer and there, sitting on
a small perch is a tiny fairy. You find a key and unlock the door, freeing her
from the cage.

The fairy explains that she was trapped in the house by an evil garden gnome
and could only be rescued by someone brave enough to come inside and find
her. She is so grateful to be released that she grants you three wishes.

Now, what to wish for first?

The end

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