3775 - 2024 8o Ano MOCK TEST 2 B2

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Book Three

Created and developed by CCAA/Isaac Gonzaga de Oliveira

Is there little or much salt in the sea water?
What are chipmunks? Do you water plants in your house?
What does your teacher look like? Is there a bee here?
Describe a butterfly. Are there apples in the fridge?
Can wild animals live in our houses?
What are the most popular pets?
Say an example of endangered species.
What color are chameleons?
Can you change colors
Can you run faster than a cat? like a chameleon?
How much water do you drink a day?
What´s the natural habitat of goldfish?
What do butterflies feed on? Where do potatoes grow?
What do you think about picking
up some caterpillars for lunch?
Say three necessary ingredients to prepare a cake.

Is there a lot of sugar in a bottle of Coke?

Do butterflies drink milk? What do birds eat?

Say the name of an animal people can ride on its back.

Do you have a green thumb? Do you eat rice?
What´s necessary to grow plants?
What – feed on? How much...? How many ... ?
Do birds eat... ? Can – chameleons ? Are there...?
Do - goldfish? you – want - eat? Does - sometimes?
you – want - eat? Are you good at... ? earthworms?
Do – recycle ? Which is worse, a... or a...?
What – necessary – to grow ? Do – a lot of ?
You – every month? How often – change – color of ?
Do – use – cell – videos? Do – live – forests? Can – drink?
Is there - under ? Chew – gum ? Do – old clothes?
Can – carry – in a car ? have – marine debris – bed?
Can – recycle – cardboard boxes? What things – recycle ?
Is – hungry work? How much– coffee – drink – a day?
1 2 3 4 5
wine in the glass
Not any – a little - some - much - a lot ( of )
How many... are there?

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