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Auu8LSS 8CCk

uSlnC C++ 8CC8AMMlnC

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LA1u8LS C C++
Cperators and operator over|oad|ng
C++ provldes more Lhan 30 operaLors coverlng baslc arlLhmeLlc
blL manlpulaLlon lndlrecLlon comparlsons loglcal operaLlons
and oLhers AlmosL all operaLors can be overloaded for user
deflned Lypes
C++ templates enable generic programming. C++ supports both
function and class templates. Templates may be parameterized by
types, compile-time constants, and other templates
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C++ introduces object-oriented (OO) features to C. t offers classes,
which provide the four features commonly present in OO (and some
non-OO) languages: abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance,
and polymorphism
Encapsulation is the hiding of information in order to ensure that data
structures and operators are used as intended and to make the usage model
more obvious to the developer.
nheritance allows one data type to acquire properties of other data types.
nheritance from a base class may be declared as public, protected, or
1he LlecLronlc 1elephone ulrecLory ls an
elecLronlc replacemenL for Lhe paper based
Lelephone dlrecLory

t enables information to be easily located

in seconds, and can include any
information that you want.
When you need certa|n |nformat|on you have to turn
page by page |n order to retr|eve that |nformat|on
D|rector|es occupy a |ot of space and are not at a||
1hey are not safe|y stored and |ts not poss|b|e to update
1hey are not at a|| |nteract|ve and can |ead to a |ot of
confus|ons to the user
SofLware SpeclflcaLlons
CperaLlng SysLem (Wlndows 98 or
hlgher / Llnux)
1asks performed by admlnlsLraLor
Add conLacLs
ueleLe records
updaLe records
1asks performed by user
Search records
1 8y number
2 8y name
vlew records
1echnlcal descrlpLlon of Lhe pro[ecL
1he pro[ecL ls dlvlded lnLo 3 modules
1. 1. Addition Addition
2. 2. DeIete DeIete
3. 3. Modification Modification
4. 4. View View
5. 5. Search Search
6. 6. Login Login
1he proposed sysLem ls much fasLer Lhan Lhe
manual sysLem
As Lhe sysLem ls menudrlven lL ls easler Lo keep
records 1he user [usL has Lo selecL an opLlon
from Lhe varlous avallable and perform Lhe Lask
lL ls rellable because lL ls compleLely
compuLerlzed and less manual work ls needed
1he sysLem keeps Lhe records ln a flle whlch can
be backedup very easlly

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