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20634 황윤성
As a sports trainer, my goal is to help athletes enhance their
physical performance and recover from injuries effectively. My
interest in this profession grew recently as I watched and par-
ticipated in various sports, leading me to find the role of a
sports trainer particularly fascinating. This experience inspired
me to pursue a career in this field. Currently, I am studying by
reading books related to sports training and watching relevant
instructional videos to deepen my knowledge. I am committed
to gaining the expertise needed to excel as a sports trainer
and support athletes in achieving their best performance.
• 스포츠 트레이너에 대해 찾아보면서 스포츠 트레이너가 될려면
어떠한 공부를 해야하는지 알아보고 그것에 대한 공부를 함 .
• 공부를 하면서 정말 그 직업을 가지기까지 엄청난 노력을 해야한다고
생각했고 이 일을 한다면 큰 보람감을 느낄거라고 느낌 .

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