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Problem Statement


In recent years, deepfake technology has emerged as a powerful tool,
capable of creating incredibly realistic synthetic images and videos
using artificial intelligence. The term "deepfake" combines "deep
learning" and "fake," reflecting the technology's reliance on advanced
neural networks, particularly Generative Adversarial Networks
(GANs), to fabricate content that often looks indistinguishable from
real media.

A video of a public figure Mr Amithsha making a controversial
statement on a particular community , to find out later that it was
entirely fake. This is the potential of deepfake technology. As these
synthetic media become more convincing, the importance of reliable
detection methods cannot be overstated. Detecting deepfakes is
crucial to prevent the spread of false information and protect
individuals from malicious uses of this technology.
Problem Statement
Now a days the Deepfake technology has become a big problem because it
can create very realistic fake images and videos that look real. These fake
media can be used to spread false information, invade privacy, and create
security issues. As deepfakes get better and more convincing, it becomes
harder to tell what is real and what is fake.

Current methods to spot deepfakes often need to be connected to the

internet and use a lot of computing power, which isn’t always practical. We
need a way to detect deepfakes that can work offline and doesn't require
constant internet access or heavy resources.Detecting deepfakes is crucial
to mitigate their potential negative impacts.

This project focuses on developing an offline deepfake detection system

that can look at a single image and decide if it’s real utilizing deep learning
techniques, specifically leveraging the Inception v3 architecture.
Inception v3 is a deep learning model
designed for image recognition tasks,
developed by researchers at Google. It's an
advanced version of the Inception
architecture, which introduced the concept
of using multiple filter sizes within the
same convolutional layer.
Model These modules perform convolutions with
different filter sizes (1x1, 3x3, 5x5) and
concatenate the results, allowing the model
to learn both fine and coarse features.
Inception v3 has demonstrated excellent performance on
various benchmarks, particularly in the ImageNet Large
Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC)

Its ability to process high-resolution images and

recognize a vast array of objects makes it one of the most
effective models for image classification tasks.

The use of factorized convolutions and optimized

architecture reduces the computational load, making it
more efficient than many other deep networks.

The architecture's modular design makes it ability and

adaptable to different computational environments, from
high-end servers to regular personal computers.
Thank you

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