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• Comes from the greek word "BIOS" means "LIFE",

and ETHOS" which means "COSTOMS".
• Is the application of ethics to the field of
medicine and healthcare.

• Bioethics as applied ethics is defined as the ethics

of life.
• The branch of moral decision that deals with the
problems of biology and medicines. It requires
disciplined systematic reflection of this difficult
The principles of bioethics are a set of ethical
that guide decision-making in the field of
healthcare and medical research. The principles
1. Autonomy

- respecting the individual's right to make their own

2. Beneficence

- acting in the best interest of the patient while

minimizing harm


-avoiding causing harm or inflicting

unnecessary pain or suffering
4. Justice
- ensuring fair and equitable
distribution of healthcare resources
-maintaining the privacy and
confidentiality of patient
6. Fidelity
-keeping promises and
commitments made to patients
and upholding professional
ethical codes and standards.
Genetic- the science of heredity

Genetic Manipulation-procedures
applied before birth.
Ethical issues
about life:

1. Euthanasia/ mercy killing

 The act of including death
painlesslyi n order to abort the
suffrering of one afflicted with
an incurable sickness or
suffering soldier.
Negative effect of euthanasia

• Legalizing euthanasia would

strengthen the trend towards suicide
by those who explicitly or without so
many words are told that they are
burden to other and to society.
• It might split the medical
proffession into those who
absolutely respect life and
those who are willing to kill on
- the technique of gathering sperm from a
male and implanting it to a woman.

The use of artificial insemination is not

advisable for the following reasons:

• It would probably cause the husband to

down grade his worth as a man.
• It would damage the marriage relationship
• It determines the importance and sanctity of
the mariage relationship.

3. Invitro fertilization
 Human life begins in a
Advantage of invitro fertilization
Text content
• Scientist can allow a murder
of blast cyst to grow in a
dish,choose the best one and
disgard others.

• Itis easier to manipulate

the gene of the blast cyst
in a laboratory
environment in a womb.
Invitro fertilization is acceptable

 Sperm and ovary came from husband and


 When the blastcyst is implanted in

youuterus of the real mother.

 The procedure by which the

nucleus of tissue taken
from an adult is submitted
for the nucleus in a
fertilized egg.
5. Organ transplant

 The motion of man's ability to rebuild

human bodies from parts of other
 Today, medical scientist have
discovered how to overcome some of
the obstacles of organ transplanting.
 Begun in 1950's but physician
found from experience that
although kidney transplant
siblings, and parents could be
 The first truely succesful
transplant operation was
performed in boston in 1954
between twin brothers.
Heart transplant

 Many heart transplant have

been performed since 1968.

 The first human heart

transplant was performed by
Dr.christian barnard in cape
toqn, south africa in 1968.

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