Slide For Presentation English To Booss

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learning " New International Business
English" for making slide power point to
presentation to boss.
• Slide 1: Title Slide

• Title: Outcome of Learning "New International Business English"

• Subtitle: A Presentation for [Boss's Name]

• Your Name

• Date

• Slide 2: Introduction

• Greet the audience and introduce the topic.

• Briefly explain the purpose of the presentation.

• Slide 3: Overview of "New International Business English" (NIBE)

• Provide a summary of the key components and objectives of the NIBE course.

• Highlight the focus on improving English language skills for international business communication.

• Slide 4: Enhanced Communication Skills

• Discuss how learning NIBE has improved your communication skills in English.

• Provide examples of how you have become more proficient in writing emails, making presentations, and participating in meetings in English.

• Slide 5: Expanded Vocabulary

• Highlight how NIBE has helped you expand your vocabulary in business contexts.

• Showcase some of the new business-related terms and phrases you have learned.

• Slide 6: Improved Business Writing

• Illustrate how NIBE has enhanced your ability to write professional business documents.

• Showcase before-and-after examples of your business writing to demonstrate improvement.

• Slide 7: Increased Confidence

• Discuss how learning NIBE has boosted your confidence in using English in various business situations.

• Share anecdotes or experiences where increased confidence in English has led to positive outcomes.

• Slide 8: Cross-Cultural Understanding

• Explain how NIBE has helped you gain a deeper understanding of cross-cultural communication.

• Highlight the importance of cultural sensitivity and awareness in international business interactions.

• Slide 9: Enhanced Presentation Skills

• Show how NIBE has improved your ability to deliver effective presentations in English.

• Include examples of successful presentations you have given since completing the course.

• Slide 10: Collaboration and Teamwork

• Discuss how learning NIBE has facilitated better collaboration and teamwork with international colleagues.

• Share experiences of successful teamwork or projects where improved English communication played a significant role.

• Slide 11: Conclusion

• Summarize the main points of the presentation.

• Express gratitude for the opportunity to learn NIBE and the support provided by the organization.

• Reiterate the benefits of improved English language skills for business success.

• Slide 12: Q&A

• Open the floor for questions from the audience.

• Invite feedback and discussion on the outcomes presented.

• Slide 13: Thank You

• Thank the audience for their time and attention.

• Provide contact information for further inquiries or follow-up discussions.

• Slide 14: References

• List any references or resources used in the presentation (optional).

• Note: Use visually appealing graphics, images, and minimal text on each slide to enhance comprehension and engagement. Practice delivering the presentation to ensure smooth delivery and effective communication of key points.
How to use PowerPoint Designer

How it works:

1 Start a new presentation by going to File > New > Blank


2 On the very first slide, add a picture: Go to Insert > Pictures or

Insert > Online Pictures and choose the picture.

Hint: You need to be online when you add the picture.

3 When PowerPoint asks your permission to get design ideas,

select Let's Go.

4 Choose a design you like from the Design Ideas task pane.
Morph makes smooth animations and object movements in your
presentation. You use two similar slides to perform the
animation, but it looks to your audience like the action happens
on one slide.

Play the video on the right to see a quick example.

Morph is a subscription-only feature. If you have an Office 365

subscription, you can try it yourself with the steps on the next
Setting up Morph

Try it yourself with these two simple “planets”:

1 Duplicate this slide: Right-click the

slide thumbnail and select
Duplicate Slide.

2 In the second of these two identical

slides, change the shapes on the
right in some way (move, resize,
change color), then go to
Transitions > Morph.

3 Return to the first of the two slides

and press Slide Show button and then
select Play to see your circle morph!

Hint: Effect Options gives you even more

options for Morph.
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How it works:

1 Select Share from above the ribbon, 2 When other people are in the presentation, 3 …and the part of the slide they're
or by using short-key Alt-ZS, to invite a marker shows who is on which slide… editing.
people to work with you (You can
save to the cloud at this point.)
You’re an expert with Tell Me
The Tell Me box finds the right command when you need it,
so you can save time and focus on your work.
Try it:

1 Select the Robot picture on the right.

2 Type animation in the Tell Me box, and then

choose Add Animation.

3 Choose an animation effect,

like Zoom, and watch
what happens.
Explore without leaving your slides
Smart Lookup brings research directly in to PowerPoint.

Try it:

1 Right-click in the word office in the 2 Choose Smart Lookup, and notice that 3 Just for fun, try Smart Lookup again by
following phrase: office furniture results are contextual for that phrase, not right-clicking in the word Office in Step 2.
Microsoft Office apps.
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