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● The external factors which are influencing the development

of a child that is including the immediate environment.
● This report is aiming to focus on the socioeconomic nature
of the background and analysis of the external environment.
● This is affecting institutions providing effective nature of
childcare is mentioned in this report.
● The challenges that are getting faced by the childcare service
providers of Lamesley are also discussed in this report.

● Lamesley Childcare is one of the largest and longest

establishments for providing care for children.
● The institution is having more than 22 years of
experience in taking care of children (Coates and
Dutson, 2022).
● They took care of almost 200 children aged between 3
to 15 years and extended up to 16 years of disabled
External environment analysis of Lamesley
Childcare (Contd.)

● Political stability is a significant role in finding out the impacts of “Childcare Limited”.

● The level of corruption seen in the UK in terms of regulating the consumers of the services sector (Shergill et al. 2022).

● Minimum wage and working overtime is not a great arrangement for the employees of Lamesley childcare institution.


● The government intervention in the free market in relation to the consumer service.

● Comparative advantage of the host country in delivering better services to the consumers in this industry

● Inefficiency seen in the financial market development is required to raise the capital in the local market
External environment analysis of Lamesley
Childcare (Contd.)

● The level of education is having a standard nature in the childcare limited industry.

● The entrepreneurial spirit is going to help society in broadening the nature of the community in delivering better care for
children (Williams, 2022).

● The demographics and skills level for managing the different levels of population in the UK.


● Recent technological advancements are capable of making sure that growth is taking place in Lamesley Childcare.

● The offering of different products by the country is getting hugely noted by the growth of technology (Kanli et al. 2022).

● This is capable of delivering impacts on the value chain in this services industry.
External environment analysis of Lamesley

● There are laws in regulating environmental pollution.

● Air and water pollution are in regulation by the customer services industry.

● The attitude is required to be supporting renewable energy.


● Aunty-trust laws in maintaining services for customers are regulated all over the country.

● Discrimination law is helping to prevent issues coming into the childcare sector (Ainger et al. 2022).

● Healthy and safety law delivered by the UK is also seen in getting consumer protection and development of e-commerce
Challenges faced by childcare services (Contd.)

● Child health care policy in the UK is seen to have been

conducted through 36 percent of insecurity grew in the UK.
● Lack of communication with the ideal nature of daycare
providers is failing in making proper communication with the
parents (Obeng et al. 2022).
● Reporting the ineffective incidents of children's falling and
hurting themselves is a clear indication of structures not
being aware of them.
Challenges Faced by childcare services

● Being a childcare administrator in order to strive for the

installments of safety measurements that are focusing on the
● Childcare facilities are required to change the picking up and
dropping process of a child which sometimes gets overlooked
(Bradley et al. 2022).
● At the same time, understaffing is a huge problem that is
coming in the development of the Lamesley Institute as the
main work of taking care of children does fall on the shoulders
of the staff members.
Strategies taken by the childcare sector (Contd.)

● Area of flexibility in maintaining the subsidiary of

reimbursement of the specific amount in providing
subsidy eligibility of the child.
● Paying the providers depending on enrollment on
managing the continuation with having received a
certain number of absences (Boling, 2023).
● Increasing the use of the contracts in trying to
promote stability for providers in encouraging a wider
nature of participation needed for the subsidy system
of the children.
Strategies taken by the childcare sector

● Investment is done in the growth of the workforce at the

front line of the pandemic in continuation of providing
childcare that is effective for the growth of the workers.
● Providing support to the development of many
programs related to childcare growth is useful in owning
and operating the small nature of businesses (Braunger
and Walk, 2022).
● Engaging with the stakeholders to make sure that the
universal nature of vision is being realized is helping
many institutions to take care of a child.
Government Rules and regulations (Contd.)

● All of the 3-4-year-old kids in the UK are seen

to have to get 570 free hours every year.
● This is normally taking 15 hours every week
for continuously 38 weeks (Ferry and Ahrens,
● Free early education in childcare has to be
approved by the childcare provider.
Government Rules and Regulations

● This is placed with the local authorities in securing the

sufficient nature of working parents in the UK.
● Section 12 of UK regulations are placing a duty on
local authorities by making sure that the following
childcare is taking place (Bullock et al. 2022).
● Childcare Act of 2016 is securing the secretary of the
state in securing the duty of free childcare for making
sure that children are qualified.
Recommendations for Lamesley Childcare

● Unholding the unique nature of value and dignity of

every child and tire family is a great way to strain to
look for a better way to improve the performance of
Lamesley Childcare.
● Recognizing the unique strength and support of full
inclusion is important for the growth of institutes
(Yasmin et al. 2022).
● Developing a trusting relationship with the children in
trying to nurture relationships who are knowledgeable
and skillful.
Recommendations for Lamesley Childcare

● Developmental and cultural appropriateness of the

learning of a specific environment with the teaching of
necessary practices for each and every child.
● Involving children, and families in among the design or
implementation of many learning activities (Garratt et al.
● Providing children with opportunities for engaging in
play and making choices of specific things is helpful for
the total growth of this institute.
Recommendations for Lamesley Childcare

● Setting many challenges that are going to help the

children in having their focus on some specific things.
● Designing and implementing many learning activities
that are using languages that are easily understood by
children is helping the Lamesley childcare grow more
(Nicholl, 2022).
● Being able to recognize that the requirement of
attention at a certain is required for ensuring that the
growth of children is taking place.

● Preschools, nurseries, and many other institutes that are

including affordability of depending on living in caring
for children.
● Recommendation for the betterment of childcare is
mentioned in this presentation.
● Strategies taken by the institutes to make improvements
are also mentioned in this presentation.
● Coates, N. and Dutson, R., (2021). The HR consultant–an experiential learning approach: A case study approach of HR students working on live client projects. In Organisation Studies and Human Resource Management (pp. 150-165). Routledge.
● Shergill, R.S., Farlow, A., Perez, F. and Patel, B.A., (2022). 3D-printed electrochemical pestle and mortar for identification of falsified pharmaceutical tablets. Microchimica Acta, 189(3), p.100.
● Williams, M.N., (2022). Diversity as an independent driver of change in the NHS. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 28(6), pp.1-6.
● Kanli, İ.B., Küpeli, İ.T. and Onat, A., (2022), October. A Comparative Analysis on the Bureaucratic Process in Establishing Health Cooperatives: The Cases of Turkey and the UK. In Eurasian Business and Economics Perspectives: Proceedings of the
36th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference (pp. 309-330). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
● Ainger, E.S., Rai, O. and Fernandes, R., (2022). Strategic Risk Management within a Healthcare Context. pp.1-10.
● Obeng, C., Slaughter, M. and Obeng-Gyasi, E., (2022). Childcare Issues and the Pandemic: Working Women’s Experiences in the Face of COVID-19. Societies, 12(4), p.103.
● Bradley, N.M., Dowrick, C.F. and Lloyd-Williams, M., (2022). A survey of hospice day services in the United Kingdom & Republic of Ireland: how did hospices offer social support to palliative care patients, pre-pandemic?. BMC Palliative Care,
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● Boling, P., (2023). The Politics of Work-Family Policies 11. The Oxford Handbook of Family Policy: A Life-Course Perspective, p.247.
● Braunger, I. and Walk, P., (2022). Power in transitions: Gendered power asymmetries in the United Kingdom and the United States coal transitions. Energy Research & Social Science, 87, p.102474.
● Ferry, L. and Ahrens, T., (2022). The future of the regulatory space in local government audit: A comparative study of the four countries of the United Kingdom. Financial Accountability & Management, 38(3), pp.376-393.
● Bullock, J., Lane, J.E. and Shults, F.L., (2022). What causes COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy? Ignorance and the lack of bliss in the United Kingdom. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9(1).
● Yasmin, F., Ali, S.H. and Ullah, I., (2022). Norovirus outbreak amid COVID‐19 in the United Kingdom; priorities for achieving control. Journal of Medical Virology, 94(3), pp.1232-1235.
● Garratt, E., Garner, S., Davis, T., Rushing, C., Forman, S. and Chisum, M., (2022). Therapists' Perspectives: The Impact of COVID-19 on Implementation of Early Intervention Services in Illinois, Florida, and the United Kingdom. Children, Youth and
Environments, 32(1), pp.210-219.
● Nicholl, P., (2022). Childcare Research in a Global World. Child Care in Practice, 28(2), pp.119-124.

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