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NIM; 175231015

identifies how the genetic makeup of a particular individual co-

ordinates his or her response to various dietary nutrients.

reveals why and how people respond differently to the same nutrient.

Together these two approaches promise to deliver a critical part of the scientific knowledge needed

to understand how diet affects the individual humans and eventually nutrigenomics will lead

to evidence-based dietary intervention strategies for restoring health and fitness and for

preventing diet-related disease.


The concept of a “nutritional phenotype” involves the

interconnection between diet and the disease/wellness
balance with the aim to determine relevant genes, proteins, and metabolic
pathways that modulate health status in a certain environment as a starting point
to tailor
dietary patterns .

Principles of Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics. Elsevier 2020

Nutrie nt require ments vary within a ll human popula tions and can be
modifie d by a ge , s e x, a nd life s ta ge ,
a mong othe r fa ctors .

Human ge ne tic va ria tion is a de te rmina nt of nutrie nt

e ffica cy a nd of tole ra nce s a nd intole ra nce s a nd ha s
the pote ntia l to influe nce nutrie nt inta ke va
lue s

Patrick J. Stover. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, vol. 28, no. 1 (supplement) © 2007
Single nucleotide
polymorphis ms (SNPs)

mapping polymorphic regions of the genome

that control individual phenotypic differences
among the human population.

Specific genetic polymorphisms in human

populations change their metabolic response to diet
and influence the risk patterns of disease as SNPs are
similar to variations in a recipe.

These genetic polymorphisms lead to alteration of the

response to the dietary components by influencing
absorption and metabolism

Nagwa E.A. Gaboon. The Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics (2011)
Patrick J. Stover. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 2007,
Carbohydrate intake

Ala 67Ala homozygotes AgRP polymorphis ms

Carbohydrate intake higher. resistance to fatness and to

resistance for developing type 2
diabetes  re ma in unknown

Transcription and translation Inhe rita nce

DNA is transcribed into RNA and then DNA is inhe rite d from ge ne ra tion to
translated into proteins, which control ge ne ra tion a nd is re s pons ible for pa s s
cellular activities. ing tra its from pa re nts to offs
Glucose and TCF7L2
Transcription Factor-7-Like -2 (TCF7L2),
• be longs to the T-ce ll fa ctor/lymphoid e nha nce r fa ctor (TCF/LEF) fa mily, is
the mos t common susceptibility gene for type 2 dia betes me
llitus (T2DM)

• TCF7L2 rs7903146 polymorphism affected glucose tolerance and free fatty acid metabolism in adults.

• For regulating glucose levels using dietary intervention.

Wang et al. Frontiers in Nutrition. 2022

Nutrient metabolism
Fructos e Me ta bolis m Lactose Metabolism Oxida tive me ta bolis
Twenty-five allelic variants m
of the human liver isozyme
aldolase B
impair enzyme activity by altering
Km, kcat,
e xpre s s ion of the low activity resulting from
and/or protein stability.
e nzyme la cta s e - a mino a cid s ubs titutions ,
phlorizin hydrola s e including the G6PD-
• Accumulation of fructose-1-
e ncode d by the LCT 202A a lle le
phosphate inhibits glycogen
breakdown and glucose
LCT e xpre s s ion de cline s
synthesis  in severe 
hypoglyce mia la ctos e intole ra nce
• P rolonge d fructos e inge s tion
in infa nts le a ds ultima te ly to
he pa tic a nd/or re na l fa ilure
a nd death.
Nutritional Requirements Depending on Genotype
Lipids & ApoE polymorphism
 Lipids are an essential class of hydrophobic biomolecules
that include phospholipids, sterols, and triglycerides (TG).
 Maintaining energy balance, sustaining vital processes,
controlling food intake, and regulating growth and
 Intake of excessive lipids, such as TG and low-density
lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), may lead to an increased
risk of metabolic diseases.
Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) is a polymorphic protein that
functions in lipid metabolism and cholesterol transport

ApoE2 (ε2 haplotype)

ApoE3 (ε3 haplotype)

ApoE4 (ε4 haplotype)

protein (ApoE)
This haplotype system comprises two non-
synonymous SNPs rs429358 (T/C) and rs7412
(T/C) in the exon of ApoE, where :
 ε2 haplotype is represented by TT,
 ε3 haplotype represented by TC,
 ε4 haplotype represented by CC.
Lipids and FTO polymorphism
Fat mass and obesity-associated gene (FTO) :
Involved in the expression of fat deposition & metabolism-related hormones and genes, is
the first gene associated with obesity

FTO polymorphism :
 FTO rs9939609 A/A genotype was significantly associated with impaired fasting glucose and
insulin resistance.
 Higher serum leptin & lower high-density lipoprotein levels were observed in the
homozygotes of the FTO rs9939609 risk genotype (AA) compared to those with the TT
genotype in overweight adults (29), suggesting the need of precise interventions for these
high-risk population.
 individuals genetically predisposed to obesity particularly benefit by regulating dietary intake
(30, 31) or following personalized diet
n-3 PUFA and FADS polymorphism

n-3 PUFA, such as eicosapentaenoic acid EPA and DHA can be synthesized by
(EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are desaturases and elongases through the PUFA
essential for maintaining health by biosynthetic pathway, wherein fatty acid
contributing to organ development, desaturase (FADS) enzymes including FADS1
membrane fluidity, and inflammation status and FADS2, are rate-limiting step enzymes

Cumulative evidence suggested that

the link between PUFA intake and the
risk of CVD could be altered using
genetic differences in FADS


Serum cholesterol levels are likely to be

more responsive to low-fat and low-
cholesterol diets in carriers of the ε4 allele
Alcohol Metabolism
 The efficiency of ethanol metabolism varies widely among human ethnic populations.
 ADH encodes the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase, which oxidizes ethanol to
acetaldehyde; acetaldehyde is subsequently oxidized to acetic acid by the enzyme
aldehyde dehydrogenase encoded by ALDH2.
 Seven ADH genes have been identified and cluster on chromosome 4; all encoded
proteins display distinct catalytic properties and tissue-specific expression patterns.
ADH and ALDH alleles that predominate in east Asian
populations display signatures of positive selection, and the
expression of these variant alleles results in elevated
acetaldehyde concentrations following alcohol consumption,
which may have conferred advantage by protecting against
parasite infection
VITAMIN Identifying & matching individuals to
appropriate dietary supplement according to
their genotype is important

differences in response
to micronutrient optimal health benefits
nutrigenetics & nutritional
supplementation and micronutrient
according to genetic equilibrium

reducing the adverse events and financial costs

often associated with excessive ONS
Kalliopi K. Gkouskou,

folate deficiency is
managed by dietary
insufficient dietary
Folate is the natural form of supplements containing
intake  folate
vitamin B9. folic acid, a stable
synthetic form of
5,10 5- Predominant form of
methylenetetrahydrofolate methylenetetrahydrofolate, folate in the bloodstream

enzyme 10- riboflavin (vitamin B2)  flavin adenine dinucleotide

methylenetetrahydrofola (FAD)
te reductase (MTHFR)

genetically linked to the MTHFR

polymorphism rs1801133

Individuals risk for venous

lower serum 5-
carrying the ↑ circulating thrombosis,
rs1801133 TT homocysteine atherosclerosis, &
drofolate levels
genotype heart disease

Homozygotes for rs1801133 TT require higher folate intake than with the CT or CC genotype
 achieve similar homocysteine levels and protection from cardiovascular pathologies
flavin adenine
dinucleotide (FAD)

of hypertension
benefits of &
linking cardiovascular
important cofactor
genotypic disease (CVD)
and modulator of the information to risk in
enzymatic activity of ↓ BP >
folic acid & susceptible
MTHFR treatment with individuals
riboflavin (ONS)
e drugs
B2 to
individuals +
originating from MTHFR
riboflavin (vit. B2) rs1801133 TT
Women with the MTHFR rs1801133 TT genotype have
been suggested to be more prone to depression
synthesized in the

human epidermis
Dietary intake
following exposure
to UV-B

Individuals who are genetically predisposed to low 25-

Several polymorphisms have been identified in vit D
hydroxy-vitaminD (25[OH]D) concentrations exhibit an
receptor and vitamin D metabolism  associated
increased risk of developing osteoporosis, sarcopenia,
genes affecting vit D levels and health outcome
autoimmunity, malignancies, or CVD

Some RCTS  a significant reduction in the risk of recurrent adenomas following vit
D supplementation according to vit D receptor genotype

importance of applying genetic information about vit D pathway variants and thus
personalizing dietary vit D ONS
A catalyzed by the enzyme b-carotene 15,150-monooxygenase (BCMO1)
unstable retinol as
retinyl esters

Vit A deficiency
predominantly affects
pregnant or lactating
women and pre-school women and children are
children in developing administered large therapeutic
countries doses of b-carotene or provit
A carotenoids
modify the amino acid
sequence of BCMO1 at
residues R267S & A379V
2 nonsynonymous
polymorphisms identified in the
Carriers of the A379V allele  32%
BCOM1 gene, rs12934922 & reduction in the conversion of β-carotene to
rs7501331 retinol

carriers of both R267S and

A379V alleles have a 69%
Overview of nutrigenetic evidence concerning personalized nutritional

Kalliopi K. Gkouskou,


Genome-wide association studies have identified several SNPs

that correlate with variations in serum iron levels.

rs855791 association with red blood cell indices and iron levels, with each T
allele decreasing serum iron, transferrin saturation, mean erythrocyte
hemoglobin, and mean corpuscular volume in an additive manner

The T variant of TMPRSS6 rs855791 encodes a nonsynonymous amino acid

substitution (A736V), which reduces the enzymatic activity of TMPRSS6, and may
lead to iron deficiency

Genotype-guided dietary supplementation in precision nutrition Kalliopi K. Gkouskou,

The rs855791 variant localizes in the coding region of transmembrane protease serine 6
(TMPRSS6) gene

The T variant of TMPRSS6 rs855791 encodes a nonsynonymous amino acid substitution

(A736V), which reduces the enzymatic activity of TMPRSS6, and may lead to iron

The assessment of TMPRSS6 genotype in patients with anemic celiac disease could inform the
management of iron deficiency, because carriers of the TMPRSS6 rs855791 TT genotype do not
respond to oral iron therapy, and they should rather be guided to parenteral iron

Genotype-guided dietary supplementation in precision nutrition Kalliopi K. Gkouskou,

19%–75% of people who
are homozygous for the
Hemochromatosis, an C282Y mutation have
inherited disease associated elevated serum ferritin
with C282Y, H63D, and S65C concentrations
mutations in the HFE gene
involved in iron metabolism

The HFE variations should be

The vast majority of considered particularly for
hemochromatosis cases is linked pregnant women and athletes,
to either homozygous C282Y who require frequent iron
allele mutation or to compound supplementation.
heterozygosity for C282Y and
H63D or S65C mutations

Genotype-guided dietary supplementation in precision nutrition Kalliopi K. Gkouskou,


Zinc (Zn) is required for the synthesis, release, and transport of insulin

Zn homeostasis and responses to supplementation are largely controlled by

SLC39 and SLC30 family members

Genetic variations in SLC30A8 have attracted particular attention, because they

interact with Zn to control glucose levels and insulin responses to glucose.

Genotype-guided dietary supplementation in precision nutrition Kalliopi K. Gkouskou,

Zn supplementation and fasting
glucose levels has been reported
in individuals carrying the glucose-
The major C allele of another SLC30A8
raising A allele of SLC30A8
SNP, rs13266634 (C/T), is associated with
rs11558471 rather than the G
lower early insulin response to glucose
intake, and a higher risk of type 2
diabetes mellitus compared with
individuals carrying the T allele

Genotype-guided dietary supplementation in precision nutrition Kalliopi K. Gkouskou,

Improved selenium
Selenium 25 selenoproin
(selenocysteine) status has been linked
to a reduced all-cause
mortality rate, improved
brain function and
immune response.
Redox Protein
regulation Selenium folding

some benefit of attaining

higher serum selenium
levels in reducing the risk of
prostate, lung, colorectal,
Thyroid bladder, and breast cancer

Genotype-guided dietary supplementation in precision nutrition Kalliopi K. Gkouskou,

Selenoproteins include enzymes with important physiological roles, as exemplified by the impact
of selenoprotein gene polymorphisms on disease risk and mortality.

Enzyme antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase has an important rolein reducing

oxidative damage.

Men carrying the GPx1 Variant rs1050450 T allele benefit from supplementation of
selenium as it reduces the level of prostate-specific antigen

Genotype-guided dietary supplementation in precision nutrition Kalliopi K. Gkouskou,


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