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Using MIS

Tenth Edition

Chapter 6
The Cloud

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“How About $10 Per Terabyte?”
• Lease storage capacity from third party.
• All incoming data from drones automatically uploaded.
• Average monthly storage costs cut at least 50%.
• Power savings, backup time saved, no new hardware
• One-time set up and development costs.

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Learning Objectives
6.1 Why are organizations moving to the cloud?
6.2 How do organizations use the cloud?
6.3How can Falcon Security use the cloud?
6.4 How can organizations use cloud services securely?
6.5 2027?

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Learning Objective 6.1
• Why are organizations moving to the cloud?

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Benefits of the Cloud
• The Cloud
– Elastic leasing of pooled computer resources over the
– Elastic
▪ Automatically adjusts for unpredictable demand
▪ Limits financial risks
– Pooled
▪ Same physical hardware
▪ Economies of scale

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Where Did the Cloud Come From? (1 of 2)
• The Mainframe Era (1960s–1980s)
– Large-scale high-speed centralized computers.
– Thin clients, no Internet, and no Cloud.
• The Client-Server Era (1990s–2000s)
– Allowed clients (users) to send requests across the
Internet to servers.
– Internet, but no modern cloud computing yet.

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Figure 6-1 The Mainframe Era (1960s–

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Figure 6-2 The Client-Server Era (1990s–

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Figure 3: Increasing number of internet users per year

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Figure 4: Increasing amount of data stored per year

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1. Real Time Statistics Project (2015). Internet Live Stats
2. IBM (2017). What is Big Data?
3. Accenture (2015). Increased Use of Digital Technologies Could Add $1.36 Trillion to World's Top 10 Economies in 2020

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Where Did the Cloud Come From? (2 of 2)
• The Cloud Computing Era (2008–Current)
– Applications, data, and processing power can be used
– Accessed with a variety of devices including PCs, thin
clients, mobile devices, and IoT devices.

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Figure 6-3 The Cloud Computing Era

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Why Do Organizations Prefer the Cloud?
• Lower costs – cheap processors, essentially free data
communication and storage.
• Ubiquitous access
• Improved scalability
• Elasticity
• Virtualization technology
• Internet-based standards enable flexible, standardized
processing capabilities.

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Growth of Amazon Web Services
Figure 6-4 AWS Revenue Growth

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When Does the Cloud Not Make Sense?
• When law or standard industry practice require physical
control or possession of the data.
– Financial institutions legally required to maintain
physical control over its data.

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Why is the Cloud Preferred to In-House
Hosting? (1 of 2)
Figure 6-5 Comparison of Cloud and In-House Alternatives

Cloud In-house
Small capital requirements Control of data location
In-depth visibility of security and
Speedy development disaster preparedness
Superior scalability to growing or fluctuating demand Blank
Known cost structure Blank
Possibly best-of-breed security/disaster
preparedness Blank
No obsolescence Blank
Industry-wide economies of scale, hence cheaper Blank
Focus on core business, not infrastructure Blank

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Why is the Cloud Preferred to In-House
Hosting? (2 of 2)
Figure 6-5 [Continued]

Cloud In-house
Dependency on vendor Significant capital required
Loss of control over data location Significant development effort
Little visibility into true security and disaster Difficult (impossible?) to accommodate
preparedness capabilities fluctuating demand
Blank Ongoing support costs
Blank Staff and train personnel
Blank Increased management requirements
Blank Annual maintenance costs
Blank Cost uncertainties
Blank Obsolescence

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Learning Objective 6.2
• How do organizations use the cloud?

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Using the Cloud
• Resource Elasticity
– A car manufacturer runs an ad during the Academy
– Doesn’t know if there will be a thousand, a million, 10
million, or even more site visits.
– Cloud vendor will programmatically increase server
– The car manufacturer reduces costs substantially.

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Figure 6-6 Example of a Video Banner Ad

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Pooling Resources
• Economies of scale
– Average cost decreases as size of operation
– Major cloud vendors operate enormous data centers
(Web farms).

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Figure 6-7 Apple Data Center in Maiden,
• Billion-dollar facility contains more than 500,000 sq. ft.

Source: Google Earth

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Figure 6-8 Transportation as a Service

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Types of Cloud Service Offerings
Figure 6-9 Three Fundamental Cloud Types

Cloud Service Users Examples

SaaS Employees
Customers iCloud
Office 365
PaaS Application developers Google App Engine
Application testers Microsoft Azure
AWS Elastic Beanstalk
IaaS Network architects Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)
Systems administrators
Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service)

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Figure 6-10 Comparison of Cloud Service

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Learning Objective 6.6
• How can Falcon Security use the cloud?

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Falcon Security in the Cloud
• SaaS products Falcon Security could use.
– Google Mail
– Google Drive
– Office 365
– Microsoft CRM OnLine
– many others . . .

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PaaS Services from Amazon DBMS
Products with Elastic Cloud 2 (EC2)
• Falcon Security could use CDN to distribute content
worldwide and respond to leads generated from

Amazon Relational A relational database service supporting MySQL,

Database Service (RDS) Oracle, SQL Server, or PostgreSQL

Amazon DynamoDB A fast and scalable NoSQL database service

Amazon ElastiCache A very fast in-memory cache database service
Amazon Redshift A petabyte-scale data warehouse

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IaaS Services at Falcon Security
• Provides basic hardware in the cloud.
• May acquire servers to load operating systems.
• Considerable technical expertise and management.
• Alternative: Use elastic data storage services.
• SaaS and PaaS provide more added value to Falcon

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Learning Objective 6.7
• How can organizations use cloud services securely?

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Organizations Using Cloud Services
Figure 6-28 Remote Access Using VPN; Actual Connections

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Figure 6-29 Remote Access Using V PN;
Apparent Connection

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Figure 6-30 Private Cloud for Inventory
and Other Applications

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Figure 6-31 Accessing Private Cloud over a
Virtual Private Network

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Using A Virtual Private Cloud
• Subset of a Public Cloud With Highly Restricted, Secure

Figure 6-32 Using a Virtual Private Cloud (V PC)

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Learning Objective 6.8
• 2027?

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The Cloud in 2027 (1 of 2)
• Cloud services faster, more secure, easier to use,
• Fewer organizations own their computing infrastructure.
• More pooling of servers across organizations.
• Overall size of the cloud gets bigger.
• Individuals, small businesses, large organizations obtain
elastic resources at very low cost.
• Cloud fosters new categories of work.

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The Cloud in 2027 (2 of 2)
• Remote action systems
– Telediagnosis
– Telesurgery
– Teleplay enforcement
– Provide services in dangerous locations.
– Watch top-notch performers and performances.
• New cloud services
– Analytics as a Service (AaaS)
– Business Process as a Service (BPaaS)

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It’s Your Choice!!!

• Ukraine bí mật triển khai "đội quân UAV" đối phó Nga, quyết xuyên thủng phòng tuyến
thứ hai của Nga | Watch (

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1. What is cloud computing?

A.Delivery of computing services over the

B.Delivery of storage services over the
C.Delivery of websites accessible via the

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2. Which of the following is true about
A. SaaS is a software model in which updates and patches
are not required to be installed manually by every end
B. SaaS is a software model in which a cloud vendor hosts
services. Those services are made available to end
users over a network, typically the Internet.
C. SaaS is software that is made available to the end user
over a browser or mobile application.
D. All of the above

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3. A company is creating new algorithms for
accurate face recognition software. The company is
interested in moving to the cloud for its application
development needs. Is software as a service the
right model for this particular project?


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4. Azure's App Service is an example of
PaaS. Given that you read the PaaS section,
which of the following statements about
App Service is incorrect?
A. The applications deployed on App Service have the same security,
privacy, and data protection policies that Microsoft's applications have.
Hence, end users can take advantage of the reliability, performance,
and security of Azure's infrastructure.
B. Customers have the flexibility to decide the number and configuration
of physical servers required for hosting an application.
C. App Service provides customers with web-based user-interface
creation tools to help create and modify the application's APIs.

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5. Which of the following is considered to
be a characteristic of IaaS?

A. IaaS providers do not allow clients to

scale resources on demand.
B.IaaS providers provide computing
resources to clients in the form of
instances or virtual machines.
C.Users are aware of whom they share
physical resources with.

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This course project should be done in a team. Each team can choose one of the
following topics:
1. Big Data and Analytics
2. Artificial Intelligence
3. Internet of Things
4. Blockchain
5. Autonomous Vehicle
6. 3D Printing
• Your presentation and report shall introduce the topic and illustrate how the technology
can be applied to enhance human life quality or your firm’s business performance.

• Your presentation should last approximately 15 minutes with a minimum of 10 slides.

The report shall extend the content of the presentation in a more detailed manner.

Deadline for submission: 30/10/2023

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