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Diffraction Gratings


Importance of Coherence
When observing interference between two
wave sources, it is important that these
waves are coherent.

Not Coherent Coherent

Coherent sources have the same frequency, wavelength,

velocity and a constant phase difference
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Double Slit Interference
When two
coherent waves
travel through a
double slit, an
pattern of
maxima and
minima fringes

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Double Slit - Path Difference
Constructive interference occurs when the path difference between
the waves is an integer multiple of the wavelength.

θ1 = θ2
(since the angles have their
sides mutually perpendicular)

Using trigonometry, the following equation

applies for constructive interference:

☜ nλ=dsinθ

Multiple Slit Diffraction
If the number of slits
through which the waves
pass increases, the path
difference between any two
waves is also an integral
number of wavelengths.

The same equation for

constructive interference
may apply for multiple slit

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Diffraction Grating
A diffraction grating is a large
number of parallel slits, whose
widths are considered

The same equation applies:

n = Order of constructive fringe (n=0, ±1, ±2, etc)
λ = Wavelength of light
d = Distance between slits
θ = Angle between normal to grating and the maxima.

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Diffraction Grating - Question
A diffraction grating with 500
lines per mm produces a
second-order maximum at an
angle of 24.8º.

Calculate the wavelength of

light used.

☜ Click Here for Answer

Interference Pattern
Interference pattern for
double slit

Interference pattern for

diffraction grating

For a diffraction grating, the width of the maxima decreases, but

the position remains the same as a double slit interference pattern,
assuming the distance between the slits remains constant.

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Intensity Pattern
Intensity pattern for
double slit

Intensity pattern for

diffraction grating

For a diffraction grating, the width of the maxima decreases, but

the position remains the same as a double slit intensity pattern,

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assuming the distance between the slits remains constant.
Diffraction Grating - Pros
The following properties apply for diffraction gratings:
• As distance between slits, d, is very small, the orders
are much further apart than in two-source interference.
This makes the orders easier to distinguish from each
• As the number of slits increases, the orders become
much sharper. It is therefore easier to measure the
distance between the centre of each maxima than in
two-source interference patterns.

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Diffraction Grating

Using a diffraction grating to measure the wavelength of

light is much more precise, as the maxima are more
defined and the separation, x, is easier to measure.

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White Light
When a narrow beam of white light is directed at a
diffraction grating, a set of coloured spectra are observed
on both sides of the central white band.

Red light has the longest

wavelength and is
diffracted through the
largest angle.

θ increases with wavelength λ.

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Diffraction of Electrons
Davisson and Germer used a thin graphite film as a
“diffraction grating” to prove that electrons can behave
as waves.

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Electron Interference Pattern
The interference pattern of electrons as they pass through
the thin graphite film has clearly defined maxima that are
a measurable distance apart.

The existence of this

interference pattern proved
that electrons could behave as

Diffraction Grating - Answer

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