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Two-Source Interference


When two waves meet whilst travelling
through the same medium, they interact and
The net
amplitude of
the resulting
wave is the
sum of the
amplitudes of
the individual

☜ ☞
Constructive Interference
Constructive interference is when waves
superimpose to create a larger oscillation.

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In Phase
When peaks line up
with peaks and
troughs line up with
troughs, waves are
said to be in phase.

The phase difference is 0 or 2π (0º or 360º).

Where 2π is one complete cycle of a wave.

Waves that meet “in phase” produce constructive

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Destructive Interference
Destructive interference is when waves
superimpose to create a smaller oscillation.

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Out of Phase
When peaks line up
with troughs, waves
are out of phase -
they cancel each
other out

The phase difference is π or 3π/2 (90º or

Where 2π is one complete cycle of a wave.
Waves that meet “out of phase” produce destructive
☜ ☞
When observing interference between two
wave sources, it is important that these
waves are coherent.

Not Coherent Coherent

Coherent sources have the same frequency, wavelength,

velocity and a constant phase difference
☜ ☞
Two-Source Interference
The loudspeakers are both
connected to the same signal
generator. The sound waves are
coherent with:

This apparatus allows two-source • Same frequency

interference to be observed with • Same velocity (in air)
coherent sound waves. • Constant phase difference

An observer walking past the speakers will hear regularly spaced

loud and quiet regions, demonstrating regions of constructive and
destructive interference

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Path Difference = (n+½)λ

L1 L2

Regions of quiet are heard when waves from Trough meets Crest
L1 travel half a wavelength further (or
shorter) than waves from L2.

☜ This causes destructive interference.

Path Difference = 0 or nλ

Regions of loud are

heard when waves from L1 L2
L1 travel zero or a
whole number of
wavelengths further (or
shorter) than waves
from L2.
Crest meets Crest

☜ This causes constructive interference.

Interference Pattern

L1 L2

Regularly spaced loud and quiet regions are a result of the path
difference between the waves from both sources, causing
constructive and destructive interference.

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Wavefront Diagram
Consider two coherent waves travelling through a double slit:
• Constructive interference
takes place in a straight line,
causing a maxima on the
• Destructive interference
takes place on either side,
causing minima on the
• This pattern repeats
outwards, causing an
interference pattern.

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Young’s Double Slits
• Thomas Young performed a version
of an interference experiment with
light at the beginning of the 19th
• He was unable to find a two
coherent sources, so used a single
slit to ensure coherence.
• The waves emerging from the
double slit were from the same
source and hence coherent.

This experiment proved light existed

as a wave.

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Interference of Light

• Laser produces intense beam of coherent, monochromatic light.

• Laser is shone through very thin parallel slits, about 1mm apart.
• An interference pattern is observed on a screen several metres away.
• Maxima and minima can be clearly seen.

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Young’s Double Slit Formula
Young deduced that it is possible to find the wavelength of any
wave using the following formula:

λ = wavelength of the wave
a = spacing between double slits
x = spacing between fringes
D = distance from slits to screen.

Note that the distance between fringes, x, is measured as the

distance between minima or maxima.

☜ ☞
Interference of Light

Calculate the wavelength of red light, using the experimental results

below and Young’s double slit formula.

Click Here for Answer

Young’s Double Slit Formula

a = 1mm = 1x10-3m
x = 7mm = 7x10-3m
D = 10.5m

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