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MODEL - Supplementary

Pitch deck title 1

Question 1: COSTS
Using the superficial area method, estimate the total construction cost for a proposed
Using the superficial area method, estimate the totalLoss of potential income
construction by not
cost for offering commercial
a proposed
commercial building. The total Gross Floor Area (GFA) for all floors of the proposed

building. The total gross floor area (GFA) for all investment
floors of opportunities
the proposed for building
businesses is 12,000 m².
building is 12,000 m². The building has two types of areas: office space and retail space.
The office space constitutes 60% of the total GFA, while the retail space constitutes 40%.

The building has two types of areas: office space and retail space. The office space constitutes
Refer to the previous cost plan where the total construction cost for a similar project was
RM 8,000,000 with a GFA of 8,000 m².
60% of the total GFA, while the retail space constitutes 40%.
Refer to the previous cost plan where the total construction cost for a similar project was RM
8,000,000 with a GFA of 8,000 m². Customers want something that’s easy to adopt
and simple to use

7/14/20XX Pitch deck title

Question 2 : COSTS
Using the superficial area method, estimate the total construction cost for a proposed
Using the storey enclosure method, estimate the total of potential income
cost by
fornota offering
commercial building. The total Gross Floor Area (GFA) for all floors of the proposed proposed residential
building with five storeys. The proposed building has varying
investment floor
opportunities areas and includes a
for businesses
building is 12,000 m². The building has two types of areas: office space and retail space.
The office space constitutes 60% of the total GFA, while the retail space constitutes 40%.

basement and a penthouse. The floor areas are as follows:

Refer to the previous cost plan where the total construction cost for a similar project was
RM 8,000,000 with a GFA of 8,000 m².

Basement: 1,800 m² USABILITY

Ground Floor: 2,500 m² Customers want something that’s easy to adopt
and simple to use
First to Third Floors (each): 2,200 m²
Penthouse: 1,500 m²
Refer to the previous cost data where the total construction cost for a similar project was RM
8,000,000 with a total area of 26,300 m².

7/14/20XX Pitch deck title


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