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Parasympathetic Ganglia

of head and neck

Submandibular ganglion
Lies superficial to hyoglossus muscle in the
submandibular region.
Functionally it is connected to the facial nerve while
topographically it is related to the lingual br of
mandibular nerve.
Sensory – Lingual nerve
Sympathetic – derived from the nerve plexus around
the facial artery.
Secretomotor pathway – Superior salivatory nucleus
(pons) ---- Facial nerve ---- Geniculate ganglion
-----Chorda tympani nerve ----- Lingual nerve
-------- submandibular ganglion (fibres relay) ----
post ganglionic fibres supply the submandibular gland.
Otic ganglion
It lies deep to the trunk of the mandibular nerve in the
infratemporal fossa just distil to the foramen ovale.
Functionally related to 9th nerve but topographically
related to mandibular nerve.
Parasympathetic (secretomotor) – Preganglionic fibers
start in the inferior salivatory nucleus --9th nerve --
tympanic br --tympanic plexus --lesser petrosal
nerve --otic ganglion --- auriculotemporal nerve --
 parotid gland.
Sympathetic (vasomotor) – Preganglionic fibers arise
from lateral horn of thoracic segments of spinal cord.
They relay in superior cervical sympathetic ganglion.
Postganglionic fibers form a plexus around the MMa
and reach the gland.
Sensory – auriculotemporal nerve.
Pterygopalatine ganglion
It is the largest parasympathetic peripheral ganglion.
It serves as a relay station for the secretomotor fibers
to the lacrimal gland and to the mucous glands of the
nose, paranasal sinuses, palate and pharynx.
Functionally connected to facial nerve but
topographically related to maxillary nerve (5th nerve).
Parasympathetic – The preganglionic fibers arising from
the lacrimatory nucleus in the pons pass thru the facial
nerve --- geniculate ganglion ---- greater petrosal
nerve ---nerve of pterygoid canal to reach the
pterygopalatine ganglion. The fibers relay in the
ganglion. The postganglionic fibers traverse thru the
maxillary nerve and its zygomatic branch to reach the
lacrimal br of ophthalmic nerve - lacrymal gl.
Sympathetic root – This is vasoconstrictive.
Postganglionic fibers arising from the superior cervical
sympathetic ganglion form a plexus around the internal
carotid artery --deep petrosal nerve --nerve of
pterygoid canal - pterygopalatine ganglion.
They pass thru thru ganglion without relay and then
follow the same path as the parasym. fibres to reach the
lacrimal gl.
Sensory root – Comes from maxillary nerve.
Ciliary ganglion
It is a peripheral parasympathetic ganglion placed in
the course of 3rd nerve.
It lies near the apex of the orbit between the optic
nerve and lateral rectus muscle.
Motor root – Preganglionic fibers begin in the edinger
westphal nucleus ---3rd nerve -----ciliary gangliion
------ postganglionic fibers pass thru the short ciliary
nerves and supply the sphincter pupillae and ciliaris
Sensory root – comes from the nasociliary nerve (5 th
nerve) and contains sensory fibers for the eyeball.
Sympathetic root is a branch from the internal carotid
plexus. They pass thru the ganglion without relay and
thru the short ciliary branches supply the bloosd vessels
of eyeball and dilator pupillae muscle.

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