Workplace Stress

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B Y:
Topics to be discussed:
• What Is Stress / Workplace Stress?
• Characteristics Of Workplace Stress.
• Effects Of Workplace Stress
• Cause Of Workplace Stress
• Is stress good or bad?
• Stress Management.
• Different Stress Management Techniques &
• Desperation At Work
• Conclusion
What Is Stress / Workplace Stress?

O Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical

tension. It can come from any event or thought
that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or
O Workplace stress then is the harmful physical
and emotional responses that can happen
when there is a conflict between job demands
on the employee and the amount of control an
employee has over meeting these demands.
Characteristics Of Workplace Stress.

O Fear Of job redundancy.

O Layoffs
O Increased demands due to staff cutbacks or
insufficient qualified staff
O Pressure to perform with decreased job
O Constant demands to work at optimum
Effects of workplace stress
O Job dissatisfaction
O Employee turnover
O Reduced efficiency
O Illness.
O Alcoholism
O Bad or snap decisions
O Lack of motivation or creativity
O Absenteeism
Cause of work place stress
O Working Environment
O Job Itself
O Violation Of Laws
O Change In working Hours Or Conditions’
O Change In our work culture, ethics,
O Unfulfilled goal, vision and ambition
Is Stress good or bad?
O Stress is key for survival.
O It Is Not necessarily something bad – it
all depends on how we take it or
manage it.
O The Stress of excitement, creative
successful work is beneficial, while that
of failure ,humiliation or infection is
Stress management
O Stay away from conflicts
O Stay Organized
O Be comfortable
O Forget Multitasking
O Walk at lunch
O Keep Perfectionism in check
Different Stress Management
Techniques & Strategies.
The techniques are categorized into three
O Action Oriented Approaches
O Emotion - oriented approaches
O Acceptance - oriented approaches
1. Action-oriented approach
In this kind of approach, the problem creating the stress is
identified and confronted directly. Appropriate changes are
made to alter the situation or the environment and thereby
reduce or eliminate stress by resolution of the problem
creating the stress.
O Be assertive
O Reduce the noise
O Manage your time
O Creating boundaries
O Get out of your head
2. Emotion-oriented approach
In this kind of approach, the individual does not have the
power to change the environment or the situation. The
individual modifies personal emotions to interpret the
situation differently and thereby attempts to reduce to
eliminate stress.
O Use Cognitive Restructuring
O Thought Awareness
O Rational Thinking
O Positive Thinking
O The ABC Technique
3. Acceptance-oriented approach
- In this kind of approach, the individual has no
direct or indirect control over the factors causing
the stress, along with no emotional control to alter
the interpretation of the situation. Total acceptance
of the stress is undergone and the focus is only on
to somehow let the time pass and survive the
stress. This shows results in short term or long
term health damages.
O Meditation
O Physical Relaxation
O Support Network
O Exercise
O Enough Sleep
O Cope With Change
O Build Resilience
Avoid desperation At work
O To be desperate means to rush, to be hasty,
to be frantic, hopeless and helpless.
O Don’t be desperate about making money,
securing visa to travel
abroad,positions,promotions,change of
jobs etc.
O It makes you do silly things, which you
will regret later.
Desperation At Work
O Look before you leap. Be patient, because if
you are not patient you may soon become a
O Take a close look or always seek a 2nd opinion
on every major issues at home and work.
O Be simple in your approach to things.
O Do not put yourself under pressure and never
allow anybody/anything to put you on
unnecessary pressure.
Conclusion – In everything
O Be Diligent – Work Hard, Do your very
best at all times.
O Follow basic principles and professional
O Take precautions – Ask Yourself What you
are about to do/say?....Is It Fair??
O Pray And Praise God Always…

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