Module 2 - Health and Behaviors 2022

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Health and Human Behaviors

June 26, 2024 MPH year I

By: Henok s.1
 Definitions and concepts
 Types of behaviors

Determinants of human behaviors

 Predisposing factors –psychosocial factors
 Enabling factors
 Reinforcing factors

Role of behaviors in disease prevention

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 2

Leaning outcome
 At the end of this session, you will be able to;

 Define what behaviors mean?

 Describe factors affect human behaviors

 Discuss the role of human behaviors in disease


June 26, 2024 MPH year I 3

Human Behavior: Definition

What is behavior ????

Behavior- is an action that has specific frequency,

duration, and purpose, weather conscious or
It is both the act and the way we act.

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 4

Behaviors ….
Action – drinking/smoking

To say a person has drinking/smoking behavior

Duration –is it for a week/month?
Frequency- how it is repeated?
Purpose –is he/she doing consciously or not

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 5

Dimensions of behavior

1. Time and promptness of the behavior –when?

 Use condom when sexual intercourse with multiple partners
2. Frequency of behavior-how often?
 Use condom every time having….
3. Quality of behavior-correct ?
 Check condom to make certain no leakage, use condom
4. Range of behavior-how many?
 Use condom, avoid multiple partners, abstinence

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 6

Components of Behavior

Basically human behavior has 3 domains;

A) Cognitive domain (Information)
 Encodes, stores, retrieves, processes information;
 Purpose is manipulation of information
Eg. knowledge, awareness
B) Affective domain= cognition +feeling
eg. Attitude, Beliefs
 Purpose is to create arousal
C) Psychomotor domain - Voluntary muscle
 Psycho-mind , Motor – action

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 7

1. Involuntary (not purposeful) is behavior

2. Voluntary (purposeful) act is behavior-In health

education we refer only to those voluntary movements
and purposive acts arising out of decisions taken by the
motor center of the brain.
3. The same words ( behavior=action= practice)

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 8

Behavior and health
Well/healthy behavior can promote health
Eg. Physical exercise, BF, seeking treatment, ………..
Ill/unhealthy behavior can harm health
Smoking, chat chewing, excessive alcohol
consumption, unsafe sex, sedentary life style etc.

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 9

Why do we study health behaviour?

 The study of health behaviour is based upon two


 a substantial proportion of mortality and morbidity is

caused due to a particular pattern of behaviour

 and that these behaviour patterns are modifiable

 It is recognized that individuals are the major

producers/contributors of their health

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 10

Why do we study ...........

 Research on health behaviour is based on two main


i. To gain more general understanding of the reason why

individuals perform a variety of behaviours

ii. To design interventions to improve health

compromising behaviours

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 11

What do we focus on health behaviour studies?

 The focus health enhancing behaviours like:

√ regular exercise, screening, healthy eating etc.

 To health harming behaviours like:

√ smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, and sick role
behaviours such as non-compliance with medical

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 12

Focus cont…

 A unifying theme across these behaviours has been

that they have long–term effects upon the individuals
health and at least particularly with in the individuals

 Epidemiological studies have revealed considerable

variations in who perform these behaviours

 Broadly these factors are divided in to two

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 13

Focus cont…

 Intrinsic factors:
√ Socio-demographic factors, personality, social support,
 Extrinsic factors which can be divided into two again
√ Incentive structures such as: taxing tobacco, and alcohol
and subsidizing sporting facilities
√ Legal restrictions such as: banning dangerous
substances, fining individuals for not wearing seat belts

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 14

Focus cont…

 The intrinsic factors have received attention in

psychological studies and among these the cognitive
factors have been focused upon as the most important
proximal determinants.

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 15

The role of health behaviours in health outcomes
 A number of studies have looked at the relationship b/n
the performance of a range of health behaviours and a
variety of health outcomes.
For example:
√ A study conducted in Alameda (California) on seven

life styles i.e., avoid smoking, moderate alcohol

intake, sleeping seven to eight hrs at night, regular
exercising, avoiding snacks and eating breakfast
regularly, maintaining a desirable body weight
√ Were together associated with lower morbidity and

higher subsequent long-term survival (Bellock and

Bereslow 1972; Belolock 1973; Berslow and Enstrom
June 26, 2024 MPH year I 16
Human behavior and disease burden
The world is experiencing shift in…

 Cause of ill- health: Bacteria to Behavior

 Risk factors: traditional risk to modern risk
 Disease burden: Communicable disease to non-
communicable –double burden (for developing
 Human behaviors plays significant role as a cause as well
as a solutions for existing and emerging problems

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Traditional risk Vs Modern risk

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The behavior-health link becomes clear when
examining the 10 leading risk factors for
preventable death and disease worldwide.

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June 26, 2024 MPH year I 20
According to WHO, 40% of deaths worldwide are
due to these 10 risk factors alone (behaviors).

Global life expectancy could be increased by 5-10

years if we reduce these risks.

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 21

Risk factors translate into disease, disability, and
death—collectively referred as the “burden of

Addressing risky behaviors rather than specific

diseases is cost-effective because one risk factor
can result in several diseases.

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 22

Healthy behavior
Health behaviour- is an action that healthy people
undertake to keep themselves or others healthy and
prevent disease.

Aimed to prevent disease

BCC aims to change and maintain behaviours to


June 26, 2024 MPH year I 23

Healthy behaviors…
In BCC we seek one or more of the following changes;

1 • To start or adapt a new behavior

• To prevent the adoption of a

negative or harmful behavior

• To change or modify an existing


June 26, 2024 MPH year I 24

Types of behaviours important for health promotion

Promotive behaviors

Preventive behaviors

Utilization behaviors

Illness behaviors

Compliance behaviors

Rehabilitation behaviors

Community action

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 25

Factors determine human behavior

Human behavior is influenced by a huge range of

Lawrence Green identified three categories of factors
affecting individual or collective behavior. These are;

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 30

Factors determine human behaviors

Knowledge, attitude,
perception, beliefs, values,
self efficacy etc.

Cultures/ Predisposing
norms factors
Behaviors affordability,
resources to
accomplish the
Peer pressure, influential Enabling
people, perceived socialfactors factors

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 31

1. Predisposing factors

 Are antecedents or prior to behavior that provide the

rationale or motivation for the behavior to occur.
Eg. Knowledge, Perception, Belief , Attitude, Values

They are generally referred to cognitive variables because they

are inside the mind –inside head factors and have to do with
knowing or believing
They are also called psychosocial because they are socially

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 32
Knowledge or awareness

One`s knowledge of something include some

combination of ;
1. Simple awareness of facts and

2. understanding of how these facts relate to one


June 26, 2024 MPH year I 33

 Knowledge can be viewed as an accurate impression of
some phenomenon. What one


Getting Retaining Taking

information information information
Perception into memory over time out of storage

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 34

Knowledge ….

Knowledge is necessary but not sufficient in

behavior change.
It is necessary, because, without adequate
knowledge , people may unaware of and concerned
about health problem and unable to manage their

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 35


Simple logic for the specific knowledge is that

before act voluntarily people need to know,

Why they should act?

What actions are needed?
When or under what circumstances?
How to act and where?

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 36

Knowledge …

Therefore, one of the main task in health

education is helping the learner to become
knowledgeable about some health topic.

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 37

Perception: a process by which
individuals organize and
interpret their sensory
information in order to give
meaning it.

Perception is a means of acquiring


And it is highly subjective

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 38

Perception is subjective

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 39

√ Skills is the capability of accomplishing something with
precision and certainty.

√ Skills require practical knowledge and ability

√ On many occasions inappropriate or ineffective health

behavior may result from the lack of mastery of specific

√ Knowledge and skills are interrelated in that skills are the

practical application of essential knowledge

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 40


 Social psychologists define an attitude as an enduring

evaluation, positive or negative, of people, objects, or
 We are not neutral observers of the world; we evaluate
what we encounter.
 Attitudes are often a matter of good or bad; as soon as you
know what something is, you start to know whether you
like it or dislike it.
June 26, 2024 MPH year I 41
Mucchielli (1970) describes attitude as “a
tendency of mind or of a relatively constant
feeling towards a certain category of objects,
people, or situation.”

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 42

Characteristics of attitude

1) Predisposition- exposure related to an

attitudinal object. No exposure, no attitude
2) Has directions- polar, +ve or -ve, good or bad.

Negative ……………… positive

3) Evaluation-can be evaluated by intensity or
e.g. Favorable or unfavorable
June 26, 2024 MPH year I 43
4) Changeability-can be changed, not static.
5) Stability or consistency
Stability=related to time

Consistency= sameness of attitude

e.g. “Mood” changed quite often.

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 44

Link between knowledge(K) and Attitude (A)

Knowle sense of Attitude
dge like or

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 45

Link among knowledge(K) and Attitude (A) and Practice
(P)/Behavior (B)

hierarchy K A B
Other possibilities


June 26, 2024 MPH year I 47

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 49
KAP ….
In health education, we try is to close these gaps by
helping people to practice at least what they know.

Apply cognitive consistency theory

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 50

Cognitive consistency theory
States people prefer to be consistent in their
knowledge, attitude and practice.

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say and

what you do are in harmony”
Mohandas Gandhi

New information creates dissonance between

knowledge, attitude and behavior and this stimulates
alternation in their behaviors consistent with
knowledge and attitude.
June 26, 2024 MPH year I 51
Cognitive consistency …

HE To create dissonance
Atti Beh
tud avio
e r
June 26, 2024 MPH year I 52
Attitude measurement
 Self-reported attitudes- asked direct questions about their

 The Likert Scale –is of one the mostly commonly used scale to
measure attitude.

 In likert scale, respondents are asked how strongly they agree

or disagree with carefully selected statements on five point
 Attitude scale is usually stated in form of statement.
Eg. Condom use increase sexual pleasure.
1. Strongly disagree 2. disagree 3. undecided 4. agree 5.strongly agree
June 26, 2024 MPH year I 53

Beliefs are what one perceive as a true; it may be

correct or not.
It also refers to a conviction that a phenomenon or
object is true or real.
It is different from knowledge in that it is perceived
whereas knowledge is accepted objective truth.

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 54


√ Beliefs are derived from parents, grand parents, and

other people we respect to listen and are accepted as

√ But we accept beliefs without trying to prove that they

are true or false.

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 55

Difficulty index of changing beliefs

It is usually difficult to change those beliefs that

are held by the whole community

Have been deep rooted in the culture

Come from highly respected and trusted sources

Are part of the a religion or traditional medical

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 56
Types of beliefs

Any traditional belief held by the community is

bad and must be changed!!
To overcome this, health workers must categorize
beliefs in advance as harmful, neutral and

Then, they can concentrate on trying to change

only the harmful and encourage the helpful ones.

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 57

Harmful belief: is a belief which damage health.

Helpful beliefs: is a belief which preserves health.

Neutral beliefs: is a belief which neither damages

nor preserves health.

What do you if you are unsure???

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 58

Relationship between beliefs and attitudes


June 26, 2024 MPH year I 59
Beliefs Vs attitude ….

√ Our beliefs about things affect our attitude

towards it.

√ Our beliefs, in turn, are influenced by our


√ The judgment as good or bad and worth

carrying out a behavior will depend on the beliefs
about the consequences of performing the
June 26, 2024 MPH year I 60
Beliefs Vs attitude ….

 If an individual beliefs the behaviors have good

outcomes (positive beliefs)…………………… +ve attitude

 If an individual beliefs the behaviors have bad

outcomes (negative beliefs)…………………… -ve attitude

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 61

The relative worthy/preference/judgment
individual gives every thing around is known as
Value is something is held to be important or
worth; and prized by an individuals or community.

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 62

Examples of characteristics that can be valued by the

 Being a good mother

 having many children/cattle Value exert strong and
enduring influence on
 Being approved by friends
behaviors. It provides
 masculinity and sexual prowess general guides to
 Being attractive to opposite sex behaviors.
 Having beautiful girl friend

 academically success

 Being a man of God /Allah, success in foot ball events , being

‘modern’ * being healthy

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 63
These values that have advantages for the

self and for the society are known as

positive values.
And these values that are harmful and

disadvantageous are known as negative


June 26, 2024 MPH year I 64

Value conflict and value clarification

 People value life, health. However, in opposite engaged in

unhealthy behavior, for instance, smoking. This reveals
conflict of values=inconsistencies between two or
more values.

 In health education one shouldn’t seek to change values

rather should help people recognize inconsistencies
between and among their values.

 But we can sometimes bring about changes by

emphasizing values which don’t involve health.
 We, often trying to encourage people to think about their
values. This process is called value-clarification
June 26, 2024 MPH year I 65
Relationship between attitude and value

Values are more permanent and resistant

to change than attitudes and beliefs and
they determine attitude.

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 66

Difficult index; Relationship between attitude and value

Values are more permanent and resistant to change than

attitudes and beliefs and they determine attitude.

In terms of difficulty of changing:

Beliefs <
Value < <

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 67

Individual ‘s sense of agency: believes about ones own
ability to perform the behavior and its effectiveness

1. Outcome efficacy (outcome expectation)

The beliefs that undertaking the behaviors will
bring a desired health benefit.

Example, the belief that taking a prescribed

medication will reduce your pain.

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 68

2. Self-efficacy or self-confidence: It is your belief in your
ability or competence to perform a behavior.

 For example, can you remember to take the medication?

And can you discipline your self to exercise regularly?

3. Behavioral intention-is the willingness/ readiness to

perform a certain behavior provided that enabling factor is
in place.

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 69

2. Enabling factors

√ Enabling factors are those antecedents to behavior

that facilitate a motivation to be realized.

√ They help individuals to choose, decide and adopt

behaviors and may be barriers and assets to

needed changes.
√ The absence of enabling conditions inhibits

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 70
Enabling ….

Sometimes a person may intend to perform but

still not do so. This is because of the influence of
enabling factors such as time, money,
equipment, skills and health services.

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 71

They includes
√ Availability, accessibility and affordability health care
√ New skills
√ Resources. Eg. Time, money, transportation etc.

1. What is enabling factors to prepare home made ORS?

2. What are the enabling factors to promote condom use?
3. What are enabling factors to promote quitting of
smoking ?

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 72

Note: Behaviors which involve spending
much time, money, requiring new skills
or conflict with existing practices will be
more difficult to promote than those
which are simple to carry out or fit with
the existing practices.

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 73

Enabling …

In behavior change communication be sure that

enabling resources are readily available in the
community of interest.

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 74

3.Reinforcing factors

Reinforcing factors are those factors subsequent to

a behavior that provide the continuing reward or
incentives for the behavior to be persistent and
Positive or negative feedback and is support
socially or by significant others after it occur.

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 75

Significant others
Can also be called relevant others or influential
These are people who are significant (determine or
influence) the behavior of others to encourage or
discourage to do something.
The woman does not adopt FP because her
husband disapproves.
The young man who starts smoking because his
friends encourage him to do so.
June 26, 2024 MPH year I 76
Friends Traditional

Grand Religious
parents leaders


I want to use FP, but…

The influence of social pressure (circle of influence)

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 77

Summary of factors affect human behaviors

create intention to

Realizes the
Enabling factors

Encourage behaviors
Reinforcing factors to persist

Sustainable behavior

Remember: Any given behavior can be explained as a function of

the collective influence of these three factors
June 26, 2024 MPH year I 78
Theoretical sequence to address determinants of

• Knowledge, attitude, beliefs, values

Predisposing factors
In practice simultaneously
June 26, 2024 MPH year I 79
Educational approaches to behavior change

Determinants • Approaches to change

of behaviors
•Direct communication with target individuals-
Predisposing factors educational approaches

•Organization change, avail services,

Enabling factors accessibility, advocacy , resource mobilization

•In direct communication with the social

Reinforcing factors environments , influential peoples

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 80

Role of behaviors in disease prevention

Primary prevention
• Promotive behaviors
• Preventive behaviors
• Utilizations behaviors
• Community actions

Secondary prevention
• Illness behaviors
• Compliance behaviors

Tertiary prevention

• Rehabilitation behaviors

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 81

Further reading materials
1. Lawrence W. Green et al. 1980. Health education planning
a diagnostic approach

2. Randall R. Cottrell, James T. Girvan, James F. McKenzie

2006. Principles& foundations of health promotion and
education. Third ed. USA.

3. BruceG, Wlter H, Nell H. Introduction to Health education

and Health promotion;2nd edition, 1984
4. Ramachandran L. and Dharmalingam. T. 1995. Health
education’s new approach.
June 26, 2024 MPH year I 82
u !!
k yo
a n

June 26, 2024 MPH year I 83

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