Introduction To CSS

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Introduction to CSS

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used to describe the
presentation of a document written in a markup language like HTML. CSS
provides a way to control the visual appearance of web pages, from layout
and typography to color and animations.

by Sebar rex
CSS Syntax: Selectors, Properties, and Values
Identify the HTML elements to apply styles to

Define the visual attributes to change

Specify the settings for each property

The core syntax of CSS consists of three key components: selectors, properties, and values. Selectors target the HTML elements that will
receive the styles, properties define the visual attributes to be modified, and values determine the specific settings for each property. This
structured approach allows for precise control over the appearance and behavior of web content.
CSS Selectors: Type, Class, ID, and Attribute

Type Selector
1 Targets elements by their HTML tag name

Class Selector
Targets elements with a specific class attribute

ID Selector
Targets a unique element with a specific ID attribute

Attribute Selector
Targets elements based on their attribute values

CSS selectors are the fundamental building blocks that allow you to target and style specific HTML elements on a web page. The four main types of
selectors - type, class, ID, and attribute - provide increasing levels of specificity and control over which elements are affected by your CSS rules.
CSS Properties: Typography
Font Family Font Weight
Choose a font family that matches the tone and style of Adjust font weight to emphasize important text and create
your design. Common options include serif, sans-serif, and visual contrast. Thin, regular, bold, and black are common
monospace. weight options.

1 2 3

Font Size
Set font sizes to create a consistent hierarchy and improve
readability. Use a combination of headings, body text, and
other sizes.
CSS Properties: Color and Background

Color Background Color Background Image

CSS provides extensive color options, from The background-color property sets the The background-image property allows you
basic named colors to advanced hex, RGB, background color of an element. This can be to set an image as the background of an
and HSL values. Colors can be applied to used to create solid color backgrounds or element. These images can be positioned,
text, backgrounds, borders, and more. even linear and radial gradients. sized, and repeated to create visually
appealing designs.
CSS Properties: Box Model
The innermost layer of the box model, containing the actual content.

The space between the content and the border.

The line surrounding the padding and content.

4 The space outside the border, separating the box from other elements.

The CSS box model defines how elements are sized and positioned on the page. It consists of four key properties - content, padding, border, and margin.
Understanding how to control these elements is essential for creating visually appealing and well-structured web layouts.
CSS Properties: Layout and Positioning
Static Positioning
1 The default positioning method

Relative Positioning
Moves elements relative to their normal position

Absolute Positioning
Positions elements relative to their nearest positioned ancestor

Fixed Positioning
Positions elements relative to the viewport

Sticky Positioning
Combines relative and fixed positioning

CSS provides powerful layout and positioning tools to control the placement and behavior of elements on a web page. Static, relative, absolute, fixed,
and sticky positioning give you granular control over how your content is displayed. Mastering these techniques is essential for creating complex,
responsive web designs.
CSS Properties: Responsive Design
1 Flexible Layout
Use CSS grid and flexbox to create a layout that adapts to different screen sizes,
ensuring your content looks great on any device.

2 Fluid Typography
Adjust font sizes with viewport-relative units like 'vw' and 'vh' to scale text
dynamically as the screen size changes.

3 Responsive Images
Implement responsive image techniques like 'srcset' and 'sizes' to serve the
optimum image file for each device, improving load times and visual quality.
CSS Inheritance and Cascading
CSS properties can be inherited by child elements from their parent elements, allowing for efficient and consistent styling across a web

When multiple CSS rules apply to the same element, the cascade order determines which styles take precedence, based on factors like
specificity and order of appearance.

The specificity of a CSS selector determines its priority - the more specific the selector, the higher its precedence in the cascade.
Conclusion and
In this presentation, we've covered the core concepts of CSS - its syntax,
selectors, properties, and how to use them effectively. As you continue your
web design journey, remember to explore online tutorials, documentation,
and communities to further expand your CSS knowledge and skills.

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