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Microsoft Security
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Learning Path 5:
Create queries for Microsoft Sentinel
using Kusto Query Language (KQL)

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• Construct KQL statements for Microsoft Sentinel

• Analyze query results using KQL

• Build multi-table statements using KQL

• Work with string data in using KQL statements

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Construct KQL statements
for Microsoft Sentinel

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After completing this module, you will be able to:

1 Construct KQL statements

2 Search log files for security events using KQL

3 Filter searches based on event time, severity, domain, and other relevant data using KQL

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The Kusto Query Language statement structure

A KQL query is a read-only request to process data and return results. The request is stated in
plain text, using a data-flow model designed to make the syntax easy to read, write, and
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Use the table reference
The most common kind of query statement is a tabular expression statement, which means both its
input and output consist of tables or tabular datasets.

Tabular statements contain zero or more operators, each of which starts with a tabular input and
returns a tabular output. Operators are sequenced by a | (pipe). Data flows, or is piped, from one
operator to the next. The data is filtered or manipulated at each step and then fed into the following


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Use the search operator
search “new"

search in (SecurityEvent,App*) “new"

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Use the where operator
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)

| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h) and EventID == "4624"

| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| where EventID == 4624
| where AccountType =~ "user"

SecurityEvent | where EventID in (4624, 4625)

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Use the let statement Declare and reuse variables\dynamic tables or lists

let timeOffset = 1h;

let discardEventId = 4688;
| where TimeGenerated > ago(timeOffset*2) and TimeGenerated <
| where EventID != discardEventId

let LowActivityAccounts =
| summarize cnt = count() by Account
| where cnt < 1000;
LowActivityAccounts | where Account contains “sql"

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Use the extend operator
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| where ProcessName != "" and Process != ""
| extend StartDir = substring(ProcessName,0, string_size(ProcessName)-

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Use the order by operator
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| where ProcessName != "" and Process != ""
| extend StartDir = substring(ProcessName,0, string_size(ProcessName)-
| order by StartDir desc, Process asc

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Use the project SecurityEvent
operators | project Computer, Account

Operator Description
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
project Select the columns to include, | where ProcessName != "" and Process !
rename or drop, and insert = ""
new computed columns.
| extend StartDir =
project-away Select what columns from the substring(ProcessName,0,
input to exclude from the string_size(ProcessName)-
output. string_size(Process))
project-keep Select what columns from the | order by StartDir desc, Process asc
input to keep in the output. | project-away ProcessName
project- Select the columns to rename
rename in the resulting output.

project- Set the column order in the

reorder resulting output.
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Analyze query results using

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After completing this module, you will be able to:

1 Summarize data using KQL statements

2 Render visualizations using KQL statements

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Use the summarize SecurityEvent

operator | where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)

| summarize dcount(IpAddress)

Function(s) Description let timeframe = 30d;

Returns a count of the records let threshold = 1;
count(), countif()
per summarization group
Returns an estimate for the | where TimeGenerated >= ago(timeframe)
dcount(), number of distinct values taken
dcountif() by a scalar expression in the | where ResultDescription has "Invalid
summary group. password"
Calculates the average of Expr | summarize applicationCount =
avg(), avgif()
across the group. dcount(AppDisplayName) by
Returns the maximum value
UserPrincipalName, IPAddress
Max(), maxif()
across the group. | where applicationCount >= threshold
Calculates the sum of Expr
sum(), sumif()
across the group.

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Use the summarize operator to filter results
| where Computer == ""
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated,*) by Computer

| where Computer == ""
| summarize arg_min(TimeGenerated,*) by Computer

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Use the summarize operator to prepare data
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| where EventID == "4624"
| summarize make_list(Account) by Computer

| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| where EventID == "4624"
| summarize make_set(Account) by Computer

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Use the render operator SecurityEvent
to create visualizations | where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| summarize count() by Account
| render barchart

| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
barchart | summarize count() by
bin(TimeGenerated, 1m)
| render timechart



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Build multi-table statements
using KQL

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After completing this module, you will be able to:

1 Create queries using unions to merge results from multiple tables using KQL

2 Merge two tables with the join operator using KQL

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Use the union operator
SecurityEvent | union SigninLogs

| union SigninLogs
| summarize count()
| project count_

| union (SigninLogs | summarize count()| project count_)

union App*
| summarize count() by Type

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Use the join operator
| where EventID == "4624"
| summarize LogOnCount=count() by EventID, Account
| project LogOnCount, Account
| join kind = inner (
| where EventID == "4634"
| summarize LogOffCount=count() by EventID, Account
| project LogOffCount, Account
) on Account

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Use the join operator (continued)***
When joining tables, you use
Join flavors to determine the
joining behavior. It is essential
to understand the impact of
records on the left and right
side based on the join flavor.

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Work with string data
using KQL statements

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After completing this module, you will be able to:

1 Extract data from unstructured string fields using KQL

2 Extract data from structured string data using KQL

3 Create Functions using KQL

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Extract data from unstructured string fields

Extract function:
print extract("x=([0-9.]+)", 1, "hello x=45.6|wo") == "45.6"

| where EventID == 4672 and AccountType == 'User'
| extend Account_Name = extract(@"^(.*\\)?([^@]*)(@.*)?$", 2,
| summarize LoginCount = count() by Account_Name
| where Account_Name != ""
| where LoginCount < 10

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Extract data from unstructured string fields (continued)

Parse function:
let Traces = datatable(EventText:string)
"Event: NotifySliceRelease (resourceName=PipelineScheduler, totalSlices=27,
sliceNumber=23, lockTime=02/17/2016 08:40:01, releaseTime=02/17/2016 08:40:01,
previousLockTime=02/17/2016 08:39:01)"

| parse EventText with * "resourceName=" resourceName ", totalSlices="
totalSlices:long * "sliceNumber=" sliceNumber:long * "lockTime=" lockTime ",
releaseTime=" releaseTime:date "," * "previousLockTime=" previousLockTime:date ")" *
| project resourceName, totalSlices, sliceNumber, lockTime, releaseTime,

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Extract data from structured string data

Parse dynamic fields:

| extend OS = DeviceDetail.operatingSystem

Work with JSON data:

| extend AuthDetails = parse_json(AuthenticationDetails)
| extend AuthMethod = AuthDetails[0].authenticationMethod
| extend AuthResult = AuthDetails[0].["authenticationStepResultDetail"]
| project AuthMethod, AuthResult, AuthDetails

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Integrate external data
| where UserID in ((externaldata (UserID:string) [

h@"?...SAS..." // Secret token needed to access the blob
| ...

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Create Parsers using functions
| where EventID == 4672 and AccountType == 'User'

// Save the query as a function named PrivLogins


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Module 5, Lab 01 – Create
queries for Microsoft
Sentinel using Kusto Query
Language (KQL)

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Lab Exercises for Learning Path 5

Create queries for Microsoft Sentinel using Kusto Query

Language (KQL)

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Learning Path Recap
In this learning path, we covered:

•KQL Statements: Construct KQL statements for Microsoft Sentinel

•KQL Operators: Use KQL operators such as summarize, render, union, join, and extend
•KQL Data Extraction: Extract data from unstructured and structured string fields using KQL
•KQL Functions: Create functions and parsers using KQL
•KQL Lab: Lab exercises to create queries for Microsoft Sentinel using KQL

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