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The biggest problems of the

• Climate change.
• Poverty.
• Pollution.
• Deforestation.
• Water scarcity.
Why solve the problems of the earth…
According with scientists have told people clearly that, unchecked, climate change will turn our lives into an
unending series of extreme events, floods, droughts, rising sea levels, pests and disease, more extreme storms and
hurricanes, all of this leaving hundreds of millions of people homeless and on the move.

We can change this. We still have time to change that future.

Some ideas to solve the Earth’s problems
 Ending Our Reliance on Fossil Fuels.

 Greater Energy Efficiency.

 Renewable Energy.

 Sustainable Transportation.

 Better Forestry Management and Sustainable Agriculture

 Plant and care for trees.

 Installing special tanks that store rainwater for irrigation.

 Using drip irrigation for more efficient watering.

 Starting seed banks to distribute local seeds more tolerant to extreme droughts and rainfall.

 Ensure basic health care.

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