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Student handbook
This Designing book will enable students to explore their creativity in Lippan Art
work.Our country is a place for such kind of creative art. Lippan Kala is extremely
popular in traditional and contemporary forms. It is famous in abroad as well as
in India. This art is used to make the products and for both decorative and
interior as it is having mural look and decorated surface, It is an exciting activity
for today’s craftsman and artists. This book gives a complete view of the process
with an inexpensive raw materials and tools. Th
Preface i

Acknowledgements ii

Contents iii

UNIT 1: Intoduction to Lippan Art

UNIT 2: Making of Paper Mache

Introduction to Lippan Art
The main objecitive of this unit is to enhance the creativity of the students to
appereciate the knowledge and evolution of Lippan Art

This UNIT consists of:

1. History of Lippan Art
2. Tool and mateials used in making Lippan Art
3. Uses of Lippan Art in Diiferent Places
Learnng Outcomes Knowledge Performance Teaching and
Evaluaton Evaluation Training Method
Classroom Understanding the Descripton about Descrpton About Iinterective audio
knowledge of Lippan Lippan Art and the Lppan art and Visual Lecture:
Kala identfy Decoratve the characteristics History of lippan art
Lippan art items and importance of Actvty: Drawing of
Lippan Artifacts the designs and any
three functional
Lippan Art items

Classroom Identify the places List some famous interactive Audio

where Lippan Art is objects made in vvisual lecture;
practices deferent places with Lippan in different
Lippan Art parts of India
_ Activity: Visit nearby
Learnng Outcomes Knowledge Performance Teaching and
Evaluaton Evaluation Training Method
Classroom Identify and List the different Describe the interective Lecture:
assemble different tools and materials functions of the Analysing students
tools and materials needed in making different tools with the uses of
needed in making Lippan Art needed for making material of Lippan
Lippan Art Lippan Art Art Activity:
Drawing of the
different designs and
Patterns of Lippan
Art Divide
the material into the
ones needed to
make Lippan Art and
the ones needed to
paint and finish the
Introduction to Lippan Art
Introduction to Lippan Art
Introduction to Lippan Art
Introduction to Lippan Art
What do you mean by Lippan Art?

The word ‘Lippan’ means ‘clay’ or ‘dung’ in local Gujarati,

and the word ‘kaam’ denotes ‘work’. Lippan Art is
essentially mud-relief work that incorporates mirrors. It is
used to embellish the interior and exterior walls of the
circular adobes that these communities live in.

Lippan is an Indian folk art, originated in Gujarat state. Lipan

art (sometimes spelled as “Lippan” and known in English as
Mud and Mirror Work) is a traditional mural craft of Kutch,
Gujarat, India.

Lippan or mud-washing using materials locally available in

the region like mixture of clay and camel dung keeps the
interiors of the houses cool..

It is very popular among the tribal communities. However, till date it has not gained any special
recognition outside India. This is a style of tribal art mostly created by the village ladies from
Kutch,Gujrat to decorate their homes.. This art is
practiced in Gujrat till today. This art was originally used as a source to keep a record of their
occasions and culture and preserve it for the future generations.

(The map of Kutch, Gujrat,India.)

Origin & History
The origin of Lippan Art is lost in the pages of
history but the art has evolved across many years,
with local communities making a concerted effort
to keep this wonderful and vibrant tradition alive.
Lippan Art is practiced mainly by the Rabari,
Kumbhar, Marwada Harijan and Mutwa
communities but most Lippan artisans today trace
their origins to the Kumbhar community.
Traditionally earthen pot-makers from Sindh, the
Kumbhars transferred their expertise in working
with mud and clay to a much larger canvas, like
the exterior and interior walls of their homes, and
traditional boxes, at some point in time.
Like the Kumbhars, the Mutwa community of
Kutch too migrated to India from Sindh about
400 years ago. They are known for their unique
embroidery called ‘Mutwa embroidery’, but their
main livelihood is rearing livestock and horses.
The Marwada Harijan community migrated to
Kutch from the Marwada region in South-
Western Rajasthan, which includes modern-day
Jodhpur city. The Rabari community too practices
Lippan Art. They are nomadic pastoralists who
Kutch House | LHI
moved to Kutch from Sindh 700-800 years ago. It
is mostly the women of these communities who
practice this special art.
Step 1: Materials

 We will be using MDF board as the base.

The board used here are 6mm boards of
dimension 18inch x 18inch.

 Also we will be using shilpkar clay which is

a different version of m-seal. More white
and nonstick.

 Glass pieces which can be got from any art

and craft store.

 Also some acrylic paint to paint our


 Also used are some paint brushes and some

cutting tools like ice cream sticks,
toothpicks etc.
Step 2: Drawing

Take some lippan kaam images and draw onto your mdf board.
Step 3: Developing the Reliefs

 Mix the 2 part clay by hand and start

developing on the image drawn.

 Roll it, press it, pinch it, tear it. Anything

you want to do to make your art look great.

 Now is the good time to embed the mirrors

onto the clay. Yuo can glue them straight
onto the mdf if required.

 As the clay starts to solidify, use the glue to

fix the clay in place, as the clay is non

 When your art form has dried up properly

go to the next step.
Step 4: Painting

Use the white acrylic color to give a base coat onto the whole art form.
Actually you are done here.

But we are making a contemporary lippan kaam, so we will make it more attractive.
Step 5: Outputs

Many of the unfinished lippan kaam panels when they are still in the drying phase.
The base painting will be done as they dry.

Some of the art forms after they are painted white. Why just white? We are
contemporary. Check out the next step for more fun.
Step 7: Finally

This is just one of the

lippan kaam output
after painting in
vibrant colors. These
things can not be
found much outside
Kutch, Gujarat. So go
ahead make one too
many. Frame and
decorate your home.

After the painting dried, one can frame it…

“ A painting is a story that is
seen rather felt and a story is a
that is felt rather than
- Prakash Pithole (a warli
Art Revival
McCann Erickson created a new
campaign for the festive season for
Coca-Cola in 2010. The TVC titled,
“Come home on Deepawali” is
based on the concept of students
wanting to get back home for the
festival. A fully integrated
communication campaign with a
strong digital focus aims at
showcasing India’s cultural powers
and the spirit of togetherness. The
campaign is a tribute to the youth of
today. It captures their emotions and
their desire to remain close to their
roots as they step out in search of
new opportunities. Creative use of
Warli characters in the campaign
created by Maharashtra-based Waeli
artist- Nitin Anand Dabholkar-
amplifies the message. Campaign is
expected to further help and
encourage this unique and ancient
art form. Conceptualized by
employees from McCann Erickson
and directed by Dibakar Banerjee of
Freshwater Films.

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