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Group 1: Presentation

 Course Title: Human behavior in Social Environment

 Group members: Abdilahi jama & Bahja Abdishakur.
 Topic: Social construction in Somalia
 Presentation Points
• Definition of social construction as general.
• Strength of Somali Social construction.
• Risks or weakness of Somali Social construction.
Somali Social Constructions

 Social constructions is the manner or way in which society organizes based
on Factors including religion, Clan, culture, gender.
Strengths of Social Construction in Somalia
The following are some key strengths of social construction in Somalia
1.Religion:Islam is the dominant religion in Somalia. Islamic principles and
practices influence various aspects of Somali society, including family
structure, gender roles, and community dynamics.
2.Clan system: The Somali clan system is a fundamental social
construction in Somali society. Clan membership determines one's social status,
rights, and obligations within Somali society.
3.Age-based Organization:
Somali society Give respects to Elders due to their wisdom and experiences.
Elders play a central role in conflict resolution, decision-making processes, and
community leadership.
4.Oral traditions:
Oral traditions, including poetry, storytelling, and proverbs, are highly regarded
in Somali society. They serve as a means of preserving history, cultural
heritage, and conveying knowledge from one generation to another.
5.Gender roles: Somali society has traditional gender roles, with distinct
responsibilities for men and women. Men are usually seen as providers and
decision-makers, while women are traditionally hold primary responsibility for
house hold duties, such as cooking, clearing, child-rearing.
6.Marriage: Marriage is highly valued in Somali society, and it is often seen as a
way to strengthen families and clan ties. Bride wealth, also knowns as “Maher” or
dowry is customary practice in Somalia marriage. Marriage often occurs within the
same clan or between different clans. It involves the groom or his family providing
gifts or monetary compensation to the bride’s family as symbol of respect,
appreciation and financial support.
The bride wealth: serves as social and economic transaction that strengthens ties
between families. Islamic teachings encourage marriage as legal contract between a
man and a woman, emphasizing mutual respect, love, and companionship.
7.Hospitality: Somalis have a strong tradition of welcoming guests into their homes.
Visitors whether they are relatives, friends, or strangers are received with open arms
and offered food, and shelter.
Risks or weakness of Somali Social Constructions
Here we listed some of the risks of Somalia social construction.
1. Clan Divisions: clan affiliations play great role in Somali society and
sometimes lead to divisions and conflicts. Clan-based politics and
completion for resources can hinder national unity and cohesion.
2. Weak Governance and instability: the clan based social structure can create
challenges for governance and state- building effort in Somalia. The
absence of strong government and existence of multiple clan-based
administrations can lead to fragmented governance.
3. Security threats: Security concerns to Somalia include terrorism, piracy, and
armed conflicts. These dangers offer serious obstacles to the country's
social stability, economic growth, and general well-being.
4.Humanitarian crises: Humanitarian emergencies such as starvation, droughts, and
population relocation have affected Somalia on multiple occasions. Malnutrition, a
lack of food supply, and restricted access to essential services are the outcomes of
these crises.
5.Poverty and Economic Challenges: Somalia faces high levels of poverty and
economic challenges. Limited job opportunities, weak infrastructure, and economic
disparities contribute to social and economic hardships for many Somalis, hindering
social progress and well-being.
6. Limited Access to Education and Healthcare: Somalia suffers from poor access
to healthcare and education, especially in rural areas. Human development, social
mobility, and population well-being are all impacted by inadequate healthcare and
educational resources.

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