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Chapter-7 Public Address


 It is necessary to address large gatherings. Such as public meeting or auditorium.

(‫)قاعة محاضرات‬.
 The voice of the person making the speech has to be amplified and distributed
over a large area.
Public Address systems Requirements
Slow fading of sound due to reflection from other loudspeakers. The
1. Reverberation
reflected waves reach the listener later than the direct sound causing
“effect of echo”
2. Acoustic feed back Some sound waves from loudspeaker reach the microphone causing very
irritating sound and should be avoided.
3. Direction of sound Sound should reach the listener directly from the speakers.
4. Sound intensity As the sound travels, high notes suffer more attenuation than lower
notes. So, large number of small size loudspeaker is better than small
number of high power loudspeakers.
5. Ambient noise High frequency notes are affected by noise than low frequency notes.
6. Level limitation & speaker Most P.A.S are equipped with high level limiter to keep output constant.

7. Phase delay Phase delay between sounds from different loudspeakers affect the
Public Address systems Block diagram

 The fixed resistors provide isolation of different channels.

 Better mixer uses pre-amplifier ( emitter-follower) is used for impedance
Block diagram Cont.
Voltage amplifier:
When a mixer is just a fader, a separate voltage amplifier is necessary.
Impedance matching amplifier:
Using emitter-follower to ensure the output impedance matches the input
impedance of the power amplifier.
Power amplifier:
Provide sufficient power amplification with minimum distortion. Push pull
amplifier is used. It may be necessary to use transformer to match impedance
between the power amplifier and the loudspeaker.
Amplifier power output

 An estimate of output power of power amplifier is essential.

 Once this rating is known , the rating of other component of public address
systems can be easily calculated.
 The loud speakers should be connected in series and parallel to provide
impedance matching to ensure maximum power transfer.
Rules for problems
 From the value of area covered, efficiency, and required sound level. The amplifier
power output can be calculated.

 Efficiency = Sound Power at a distance r / power amplifier output

= Pi x 4∏ r2 / P

 Sound intensity in dB = 10 log10 (sound intensity/threshold of hearing)

 Output resistance at power amplifier secondary of transformer is

output power / N2 .

 Sound intensity in dB = sound level + sound level more than P + power absorption.

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