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Life of the Holy Prophet

Life Of Holy Prophet
(PBUH) In Makkah
Muhammad (SAW) is the son of Hazrat
Abdullah and Hazrat Amina.
The Birth of He belonged to the Banu Hashim clan,
Holy Prophet part of the Quraysh tribe, and was one of
Muhammad Makkah’s prominent families.
(SAW) He was born in the house of his uncle,
Abu Talib, in the “quarter” of Banu
Hashim in Makkah, on the 09th of Rabi
al-Awal A’am Al Feel, 20th April 571 C.E.
Abdul Muttalib, his paternal
grandfather, gave him the name
The Birth of Holy Muhammad.
He was then handed over to Halima,
(SAW) a woman of the tribe of Banu Saad,
living in the east of Makkah, for
During the fifth year of his life,
Halima is reported to have brought
him back to his mother in Makkah.
His father,
Abdullah, died
almost six
months before
he was born. Soon after birth he was sent
to live with a Bedouin family
in the desert, as desert life
Early Life was considered healthier for

At the age of six,

Muhammad SAW
lost his mother
Hazrat Amina.
For the next two years, until he was eight
years old, he was under the guardianship
of his paternal grandfather Abdul-
Muttalib, of the Banu Hashim clan until
his death.
Early Life

He then came under the care

of his uncle Abu Talib, the new
leader of the Banu Hashim.
Brief Description Age of the Prophet Approximate Hijra dates
of the Event according to Lunar (BH=Before Hijra
Calendar AH=After Hijra)
(Approximate Date)

His father Abdullah had

died a few months before 0 years 52 or 53 BH
the birth of his son.

Halima Sadiyya 8 days 52 or 53 BH

appointed wet nurse.

Return to Mecca under

6 Years 46 BH
the care of his mother

Amina passes away 6 Years 46 BH

Sacrilegious War / ‫حرب الفجار‬
Age of the Prophet Approximate Hijra dates
Brief Description
according to Lunar (BH=Before Hijra
of the Event
Calendar AH=After Hijra)
(Approximate Date)

Abdul-Muttalib died 8 Years 44 BH

First visit to Syria with a 12 Years 40 BH

trading caravan

Sacrilegious War
15 Years 38 BH

The Peace Treaty 18 Years 35 BH

 Muhammad (SAW) accompanied his uncle on
Syrian trading journeys to gain experience in
commercial trade.
 He (SAW) worked as a shepherd in his early life,
later he worked as a merchant.
 Due to his upright character he acquired the
nickname "al-Amin" ;Arabic: ‫االمين‬, meaning
al-Sadiq "faithful, trustworthy" and "al-Sadiq" meaning
 As his name suggests he was the most

Truthful, Trustworthy
and Honest
Khadija (RA) was known because
of her exemplary character.
Khadija, who was an honorable
wealthy woman, used to put her
wealth at the disposal of others
Met who traded for her and received
Khadija(RA) wages in return for their services.
When Muhammad(SAW) was 25
years old, Khadija appointed
Muhammad as her agent. This
expedition to Syria was successful
beyond expectations.
 Khadija was so impressed that she
decided to put Muhammad (SAW) in
charge of all her future business
 His reputation attracted a proposal in
595 from Khadijah, who was 40 years
old at that time.
Married  When he became quite sure of
Khadija(RA) Khadija's inclination towards marriage
with him, the Prophet talked to his
uncle about the matter.

This auspicious marriage

was celebrated with
special ceremonies.
Age of the Prophet Approximate Hijra dates
Brief Description
according to Lunar (BH=Before Hijra
of the Event
Calendar AH=After Hijra)
(Approximate Date)

Second journey to Syria 24 Years

for trade as an agent of 29 BH
Khadija r.a

Marriage with Khadija r.a 25 Years 28 BH

Names of the prophet’s children from Khadija???

Age of the Prophet Approximate Hijra dates
Brief Description
according to Lunar (BH=Before Hijra
of the Event
Calendar AH=After Hijra)
(Approximate Date)

Birth of his son Qasim 28 Years 25 BH

Birth of his daughter Zainab 30 Years 23 BH

Birth of his daughter Ruqayya 33 Years 20 BH

Birth of his daughter Um 34 years 19 BH


Birth of his daughter Fatima 35 years 18 BH

The Black Stone, a sacred object, was
removed during renovations to the
Kaaba. The Makkan leaders could not
agree which clan should return the Black
Stone to its place. 35-year-old
Setting The Muhammad solved the issue.
Black Stone In He asked for a cloth and laid the Black
Place Stone in its center. The clan leaders held
the corners of the cloth and together
carried the Black Stone to the right spot,
then Muhammad laid the stone,
satisfying the honor of all. This event
happened five years before the first
revelation by Gabriel to him.
The Prophet, before prophethood, knew about the
corrupt society and disliked the beliefs of the
pagan Arabs.
He (SAW) used to stay mostly in solitude in cave
Hira, when he was 40, Angel Jibrael appeared
before him and asked him to read.
In his middle age,
Muhammad‫ ﷺ‬embarked on
a spiritual journey of finding the
purpose of existence on earth
and True God. He used to visit a
small cave of Hira present on the
First Peak of Jabl al Nur (Mountain of
Revelation Light).

At the age of 40, He (pbuh)

received the first Revelation from
Allah sent through His Angel,
Gabriel on 27th of Ramadan.
The account of the first Revelation that Rasulullah ‫ﷺ‬
received in Ghar e Hira was narrated as follows:
“The angel came to him and asked him to read. The
Prophet replied ‘I do not know how to read’. The
Prophet added, ‘The angel caught me (forcibly) and
pressed me so hard that I could not bear it any more.
He then released me and again asked me to read and
I replied, “I do not know how to read”. Thereupon he
caught me again and pressed me a second time till I
could not bear it any more. He then released me and
again asked me to read, but again I replied, “I do not
First know how to read” (or what shall I read?).
Revelation Thereupon he caught me for the third time and
pressed me, and then released me and said:
“Recite in the name of your Lord who
created – Created man from a clinging
substance. Recite, and your Lord is the most
Generous – Who taught by the pen – Taught
man that which he knew not’.

The Messenger‫ ﷺ‬upon receiving the

First Heavenly Exposure, was in a state of
great surprise.
Prophet (SAW) rushed back to his wife Khadijah
(RA) , trembling with fear. “Cover me! Cover
me!” he frantically told her. Never had
Muhammad (SAW) seen and experienced
something so powerful. Khadijah (RA) covered
him as she was asked. When Prophet Muhammad
(SAW) regained a sense of calmness and security,
he recounted the miraculous incident that took
place in the Cave, believing that he was going
mad. Khadijah (RA) , however, thought otherwise.
“Allah forbid! He will surely not let such a thing
happen,” Khadijah (RA) replied reassuringly,
Khadija “for you speak the truth, you are
R.A faithful in trust, you bear the
afflictions of the people, you
spend in good works what you
gain in trade, you are hospitable,
and you assist your fellow men.”
Khadijah (RA) knew that Muhammad (SAW) was a
kind-hearted, honest man and believed that what
he had experienced was something that went
beyond reality, something that was destined for
He got afraid and went home to tell Hazrat Khadija
about what happened.

She comforted him and took him to Warqa Bin


Warqa Bin Naufal told him about the angel Jibrael and
the enemies of the prophet.
Preaching Of The Holy Prophet (saw)
No revelation for a long time, He invited friends
and relatives. No public announcements. Only
those whom he thought would give favorable

First person was Khadija (R.A), then Ali (R.A),

first slave was Zaid Bin Haris (R.A) and outside
the family was Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A).

Second revelation asked him to preach the

message of Allah Publicly.
 He preached for 3 years in private.

 Hegathered his family but no one accepted Islam. Only

Hazrat Ali stood by him.

 Another revelation came in which he was ordered to preach

 He gathered people at safa hill. No one believed him, they
mocked him, joked about him and then left.

 After that, he preached publicly In public and private

Age of the Prophet Approximate Hijra dates
Brief Description
according to Lunar (BH=Before Hijra
of the Event
Calendar AH=After Hijra)
(Approximate Date)

Renovation of Ka'aba and the

35 years 18 BH
placement of Hajr-el-Aswad
(Black Stone)

Jibrail brought the First 12 BH

revelation in the Cave of Hira 40 Year

Khadija, Abu Bakr, Ali and BH 14

Zaid (RA) accept Islam 40 Years 6 months

a freed slave and adopted son

Opposition And Persecution By Quraysh
 After starting preaching openly, it was a new stage for
 As Islam called for change of the whole society which
was difficult to accept for Quraysh
 Belief on Allah instead of idols, also to bring change in
their social, economical, commercial and political
 Quraysh were hostile. Rich were furious as poor were
accepting Islam.
 Leaders of opposition were Abu Jahl, Abu Lahb and Abu
Sufyan etc.
 Poor like Bilal suffered torture and persecution from
their chiefs. Prison and scorching heat were common.
 But rich were also not spared.
 Holy prophet also faced hardships and accusations.
Rubbish was thrown on him, and much more.
 Abu Lahb called him Abtar
 As these didn’t work, Quraysh tried to offer large fortune
or making him a leader but these didn’t work as they
were rejected by the Holy Prophet.
 Then they warned him for violence, through Abu Talib.
 Abu Talib asked him to stop but after seeing his
determination, Banu Hashim pledged him protection.
Reasons For Opposition By Quraysh
 The Quraysh were the leaders of Arabia, they felt that
Islam was a threat to their religion of idol worshipping
and way of life.
 Location of Ka’aba in Makkah was important. They were
custodian of the house. Income came to them through
 Islam meant loss of their position which they had for
 Adultery,drinking, gambling, murder and plunder were
common among them and Islam condemned them.
 Quraysh wasn’t ready to leave them.
 Quraysh weren’t ready to follow someone from Banu
Reaction Of Early Muslims Towards Persecution

Had strong faith & believe and maintained it, for

example no slave renounced their religion , some
lost their life.
Followed the Holy Prophet in the hardest of times.
Did migration by following the order.
They showed courage, discipline and patience in
face of this persecution.
Islam of Hamza and Umer R.A (5-A.N)

The situation of the Muslims changes with

the conversion of two men – Hamza ibn Abd
al-Muttalib and Umar ibn Al-Khattab. The
leaders of the Quraish feel really threatened
at these and pressures the protector of
Prophet Muhammad (saw) at that time.
Migration to Abyssinia I & II (5 & 6 A.N)
As hardships increased, Fifth year of Prophethood, 11
men and 4 women secretly left Mecca. Including
Hazrat Usman (R.A) and his wife.
Sixth Year Followed by 79 men and 18 women.
 Negus (Najashi), King of Abyssinia (Ethiopia), treated
them with kindness
Muslims founded a safe place to live.
Quraysh wanted the Muslims (that left) to
be back, so they sent the king, some gifts.
Najashi assembled the Muslims to court.
Hazrat Jafar gave a speech and recited a
few verses from Surah Maryam due to
which Najashi’s heart was moved.
Quraysh returned disappointed.
Significance Of Migration To Abyssinia
It can be seen as the first political move in the
Islamic history

A clearimage shown to Quraysh about the firm belief

of Muslims.

Itultimately gave birth to the idea of a greater

migration to Yasrib.

It developed a feeling of allegiance and loyalty to

A chance to expand out of Arabian Peninsula.
Developed a Muslim community and conducted
daily activities on the basis of teachings of the
It provided practical training for a Muslim
society without the Holy Prophet.
It also made the remaining Muslims weaker in
Makkah but it also made them close to each
other. Feeling of unity.
Social Boycott of Banu Hashim (7-10 A.N)
Pagans were enraged when Hazrat Umar and Hazrat
Hamza accepted Islam
Failure in Abyssinia was a blow to their dignity.
Demanded Banu Hashim to withdraw their protection
from the Holy Prophet and hand him over or face a
boycott. This demand was turned down.
7th year of Prophethood, Banu Hashim was boycotted
and were forced to live in Shib Abi Talib, in outskirts
of Makkah
Roads were blocked , no trade was allowed.
Little to eat, adult fed on boiled leather and leaves of
3 years later, the ban was lifted
The Year of Grief-‫عام الحزن‬
 Am-ul-Hazn, also known as the year of grief or sorrow which
was followed by boycott of Muslims (along with prophet’s
tribe). It was the 10th year of Prophethood.
 Our Prophet lost his wife Khadija and uncle Abu Talib at the
time he needed them the most.
 The death of Abu Talib cleared all the hurdles for Quraysh and
Muslims became more exposed to their harsh behavior.
 This situation meant that they could no longer be in Makkah
and they should migrate to a new location.
 So it was decided that the prophet should leave for Taif.
Days In Taif – 619 C.E.
Taif was populated by Saqeef, the second largest
tribe in Arabia. Their favorable response would
signify a new phase in history of Islam.
But unfortunately their response wasn’t positive.
They set on him a crowd of teenagers who followed
our Prophet and Zaid Bin Haris, shouted at them,
and threw stones at them.
They were badly injured, that the shoes of our Holy
Prophet were filled with his own blood.
Our Holy Prophet remained determined in his
mission and prayed to Allah to show them the right
 After the the year of sorrows: Khadija (his wife)
and Abu Talib (his uncle) died, in the 10th year of
prophet hood ,27 Rajab, 620 first Prophet
(pbuh) was taken to Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem
and from there he ascended to skies and the
higher journey began.
 ‘Isra’ means ‘walking in night’ and ‘Miraj’
means to “ascend“.
Isra and Miraj  In Quran, Allah Almighty says:
“Glory to (Allah) Who did take His Servant for
Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to
the Farthest Mosque whose precincts We did
bless – in order that We might show him some
of Our Signs: for He is the one Who heareth and
seeth (all things).”
Surah Al-Isra [17:1] - Al-Qur'an al-Kareem
Allah Almighty gives brief details of the Isra and
Miraj event in the following way:
“While he was in the highest part of the horizon:
Then he approached and came closer, And was
at a distance of but two bow-lengths or (even)
nearer; So did (Allah) convey the inspiration to
His Servant (conveyed) what He (meant) to
Isra and Miraj convey. The (Prophet’s) (mind and) heart in no
way falsified that which he saw. Will ye then
dispute with him concerning what he saw? For
indeed he saw him at a second descent. Near the
Lote-tree beyond which non may pass: near it is
the Garden of Abode. Behold, the Lote-tree was
shrouded (in mystery unspeakable!) (His) sight
never swerved nor did it go wrong! For truly did
he see of the Signs of His Lord the Greatest.”
The three major happenings on the
night of Miraj:
Meeting With Prophets.
Five Time Prayers:
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in
Isra and Miraj
his hadith that Allah Almighty said:
“O Muhammad! These prayers
need to be performed five times a
day. However, there are ten rewards
for each prayer!”

Showing Of Paradise And Hell.

Age of the Prophet Approximate Hijra dates
Brief Description
according to Lunar (BH=Before Hijra
of the Event
Calendar AH=After Hijra)
(Approximate Date)

Open invitation to the people 43 Years 9 BH

of Mecca to join Islam under
Allah's command

Hamza and Umar accept Islam 46 Years 6 BH

Abu Talib and only a few days

later, Khadija, passed away 49 Years 3 BH

Marriage with Sau'da Bint 50 Years 2 BH

Zamaa & Aisha r.a
 On his return to Makkah from Taif, he resumed his preaching.
 The Holy Prophet met six pilgrims of Khazraj tribe, from
Yasrib, who came to Makkah.
 They were invited to Islam and they embraced it on hearing
the teachings. They also introduced it to others in Yasrib.
 On 13th year of prophethood, 12 people met the Holy Prophet
and embraced Islam. This was the first pledge of Aqabah.
 In this way Islam reached Yasrib.
 In the 13th year of prophethood, 75 people came from Yasrib
and and they took the same pledge and invited him to Yasrib.
This was the second pledge of Aqabah and this is how Islam
spread to Madina.
 In 620, six pilgrims from the tribe of Yathrib
came to Makkah.
 They became muslims, on the invitation of
Holy Prophet(pbuh).
 Took back the teachings of Muhammad(pbuh)
to yathrib.
Pledges of  In 621, twelve people came and promised that
Aqabah they would not associate Gods with Allah and
nor would they disobey the Holy

This is known as the first

pledge of Uqabah.
The next year a 75 people deputation
including 3 women came for the pledge,
known as the second pledge of Aqabah.
They also invited Prophet(pbuh) to
Yathrib, Hazrat Abbas warned them
about the danger of quraish’s opposition
if Muhammad(pbuh) went to Yathrib.
Pledges of However, they promised to protect the
Aqabah Holy Prophet(pbuh) with their lives.

Hence they laid the

foundation to Migration to
The day of the scheduled
assassination, Muhammad (pbuh)
asked Abu Bakr (RA) to make
preparations for departure. He
asked Hazrat Ali (RA) to stay
behind to settle outstanding
Failed financial obligations. Prophet
Assassination slipped from his home the night of
the planned assassination. Ali(RA)
had worn Muhammad's cloak,
leading the assassins to think
Muhammad had not yet departed.
By the time the assassins came to
know of this, Muhammad (pbuh)
had already departed.
Prophet (pbuh) was aware of
the hardships faced by his
companions, and it was even
difficult for him to preach Islam
in Makkah as the new leader
was Abu Lahb, who proved to
Migration be the bitterest enemy of
from Makkah Islam. The people of Yathrib
to Madina
wholeheartedly invited Holy
Prophet (pbuh).
Then he was ordered by Allah
to make Hijarah, so he
migrated in obedience with the
Divine Orders.
Age of the Prophet Approximate Hijra dates
Brief Description
according to Lunar (BH=Before Hijra
of the Event
Calendar AH=After Hijra)
(Approximate Date)

Journey to Ta'if, about 40 3 BH

miles from Mecca, for 50 Years
calling the citizens of Ta'if to
Journey of Mi'raj. Five 2 BH
daily prayers made 50 Years
obligatory for Muslims

Marriage with Aisha 51 Years 2 BH

Bint Abu Bakr R.A

Hijra (migration) from 52 Years 0 AH

Mecca ( Stay at the cave of
 The Holy Prophet (PBUH)
knew that the Arabs had come
upon a decision to kill him,
therefore on the order of Allah,
he (PBUH) decided to migrate
to Madinah. (622 A.D.)
 All the preparations were Plan of
made at Hazrat Abubakar’s
home. Hazrat Asma, the
daughter of Hazrat Abubakr
rendered useful services in this Since the belief was
regard. threatening the
 On the night of the migration,
dominance of the
Holy Prophet (PBUH) called
Hazrat Ali and asked him to Arabs, they began to
return all the belongings to the mount pressure on
Arabs which they had given to Holy Prophet (PBUH)
the Prophet as ‘amanat’.
Migration to Medina
 Quraish(Polytheists) realized that People of Medina
support Muslims.
 Quraish arranged a meeting in Darun-Nadwah in
which they decided to murder The Holy
Prophet(SAW) to stop spreading of Islam.
 The angel Jibrael(A.S) informed The Holy
Prophet(SAW) about the wicked intention of Quraish.
 Muhammad(SAW) instructed Hazrat Ali(R.A) to hand
over all the belonging to the people who deposited it
with The Prophet(SAW) and then come to Medina.
 Hazrat Abu-Bakkar(R.A) was the main companion of
The Prophet(SAW) in the journey of migration.
Difficulties during the

 No roads; only mountainous path.

 No supply of food.

 Threat of enemies.
Life of Prophet Muhammad(‫)ﷺ‬
in Medina
-Madina-ul-Nabi: City of the
-Mecca to Medina in 622 CE
Settlement in Madinah

 At last Holy Prophet (PBUH) reached Madinah after
facing lots of difficulties.
 They He (PBUH) took refuge at the house of Hazrat
Abu Ayub Ansari.
 A wave of great joy was seen upon His (PBUH)’s
Reasons for
Public preaching of Muhammad Migration
in Mecca
-Migrate for the sake of Allah
-Persecution of the people of
Makkah against the Muslims
-Prophet saw a dream
-Invitation of the Arab
population of Yathrib
Problems faced by Prophet
Muhammad (P.B.U.H) in Medina

-The danger attack from the Quraish in Mecca

-Presence of the Jews of Medina who possessed
enormous wealth
-Differences which existed between his own supporters
Charter of Madina

 In the name of God the Compassionate, the Merciful.
 (1) This is a document from Muhammad the prophet
(governing the relations) between the believers and
Muslims of Quraysh and Yathrib, and those who followed
them and joined them and labored with them.
 (2) They are one community (umma) to the exclusion of all
 (3) Whenever you differ about a matter it must be referred
to God and to Muhammad.
 (4) The Jews shall contribute to the cost of war so long as
they are fighting alongside the believers.

 (5) A stranger under protection shall be as his host doing
no harm and committing no crime.
 (6) Quraysh and their helpers shall not be given
 (7) The contracting parties are bound to help one another
against any attack on Yathrib.
 This deed will not protect the unjust and the sinner. The
man who goes forth to fight and the man who stays at
home in the city is safe unless he has been unjust and
sinned. God is the protector of the good and God-fearing
man and Muhammad is the apostle of God.

 First written constitution of the world.

 Statesmanship of holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)

 Civil liberties and equal rights for all.

 Defense of Madinah.

 Protection of the Muslims.

 Islam as politico-religious entity. And Legitimate right of

Muslims to spread Islam.

 Peace, the foremost lesson of Islam.

Change of Qiblah

 In the 2nd Hijra

revealation came for call
of Azan and changing of
Qiblah to Kaabah.
o (2:144) “We saw your
face already turning to
the sky, so we are turning
you in direction of the
Kaabah, so you could be

 Fasting in Ramadan was

made obligatory (Farz).
Battle of Badr

Battle of Uhad

Battle of Trench
Battle of Badr
The Day of the Testing. 80 miles from Madinah. Fought in January, 624 A.D./ 2 nd Year of Hijra

 Jealousy of the Quraish

 Amr Al-Hazrami was killed by a Muslim which enraged the
Quraish to take revenge.
 Letter of Abu Suffyan to Quraish to escort his trade caravan
safely back to Makkah.
 The Quraish came with an army of 1000 soldiers, 700 camels,
200 horses and enough weapons.
 Muslims went with 313 ill equipped men, 70 camels, 2 horses
and a few swords.
 The Quraish encamped on the ground/plain area.
 Muslims found the place on an uneven surface but they could
control the well of Badr.
 Seeing the army of Quraish, a few Muslims expressed their
fear of losing to Holy Prophet and that night he prayed to
Conflicts with Meccans

Battle of Badr;

 2nd year of Hijra, on 13th march 624

 Abu Sufiyan-Leader of Caravan
from Syria:
• Goods mounted on 1,000
camels, worth 50 thousand gold
dinars, guarded by 40 archers.
 Total number of non-Believers army
was 1,000 with 100 horsemen and a
large number of camels.
 Prophet(SAW) marched out of
Medina with 313 soldiers, 70 camels
and 2 horses. Muslims had less
“’O’ Allah. If this small
band of men perished,
there will be no one
alive to worship You
And Your faith will be
destroyed forever.”
 That night it rained and the area of Quraish got muddy.
 The Quraish were facing east, therefore, they failed to fight
accurately as the sun was shining in their eyes.
 Individual contest took place: Utba, Waleed and Shaiba came
from the Quraish side, while Hamza, Ali and Ubaidah bin
Harith (radiyallaho anhum) went from the Muslims’ side.
 Thousands of Angels came to help the Muslims in reply to Holy
Prophet’s (PBUH) prayer. Allah said, “I will assist you with a
thousand of the Angels, ranks on ranks.”
 70 Quraish were killed and 70 became captives, 114 camels and
15 horses were taken.
 14 Muslims were martyred.
 Quraish lost their main leaders Abu Jahal, Waleed, Utba, Shaiba
and Umayya bin Khalf.
 Each rich captive had to pay 4000 Dirhams for his freedom and
each educated captive had to teach 10 children of Muslims to get
Result of the Battle;

On the Believers Side; On the Non-Believers

• 14 Sahaba martyred. • 72 killed
• The Prophet (pbuh) • 70 kaptured as
and believers stayed PoW.
for 3 days in Badr. • Leaders of
• Buried the Martyrs. Quraish killed
• Buried the Killed • Shaiba
Enemies. • Utba
• Gathered the Booty. • Abu Jahl
Battle of Uhud:
3 AH, Saturday 15 Shawal 625AD
 The Meccan wanted to revenge
their loses at Badr.
 Strength;
 Muslims were 700 including
50 archers and 4 cavalry.
 Non-Believers were 3,000
including 200 cavalry and
having 3,000 camels.
 Where to fight, within Medina
or Outside?
 Prophet(SAW) positioned 50
archers on a rocky hill.
 Some archers disobeyed and left their
 Khalid bin Waleed took advantage of the
mistake and attack the remaining
 Muslims got panic-stricken.
 Some Quraish attacked the
Prophet(SAW), who was surrounded by
his companions.
 Lost a tooth.
 In general Muslims got defeated in that
 Muslims suffered heavy lose 70-75 were
killed(martyred), 4 Muhajirin and 66
 Only 35 Quraish were killed.
The Battle of Uhad
7 miles from Makkah in March, 625 A.D/3rd year of Hijra

 Quraish wanted to reopen their trade routes to Syria and

 Kaab bin Ashraf persuaded the Quraish to attack on the
 The Quraish came with a well-armed army of 3000.
 Muslims, after agreeing not to fight inside Madinah, march
with an army of 1000 men.
 Abdullah bin Ubai (hypocrite) deserted with 300 men.
 Holy Prophet (PBUH) posted 50 archers on Mount Uhad
under the command of Abdullah bin Jubair (radiyallaho
anho) and forbade them to leave their post in any case.
 In individual fight, Abu Amir and Talha from Quraish were
 The Quraish ran away, leaving 22 dead bodies.
 38 archers left the post to collect the spoils of war.
 Khalid bin Waleed (radiyallaho anho), who was a non-Muslim at the
time, attack the remaining 6 archers and attacked the Muslims.
 Remaining Quraish also returned.
 Holy Prophet (PBUH) fell into a ditch.
 Mas’ab bin Umair (radiyallaho anho) was martyred.
 Rumour spread that the Prophet (PBUH) had passed away which
disheartened the Muslims and they fell hopeless.
 Holy Prophet (PBUH) was surrounded and protected from the
Quraish by most of his ten blessed companions.
 Talha (radiyallaho anho) fingers were cut.
 In this battle, 70 Muslims were martyed and 22 Quraish were killed.
 Hamzah (radiyallaho anho) was also martyed by Wahshi, hired by
Hinda, wife of Abu Sufyan (radiyallaho anho).
 Ayesha, Umm-e-Salim, Fatimah and Umm-e-Ammarah (radiyallaho
anho) gave water to the soldiers and dressed their wounds.
Battle of Trench
February-March, 624 A.D/ 5th Year of Hijra
 The Quraish wanted to reopen their trade routes to Syria and Iraq.
 Banu Nazir allied themselves with the Quraish.
 Banu Ashja and Murra, Bani Fizara, Bani Sulaim and Ghatfan also
joined the Quraish.
 A trench was dug on the side of Madinah that wasn’t secured by the
mountain, oasis and population on the suggestion of Salman Farsi
(radiyallaho anho).
 The enemy was 10000
 The Muslim army had 3000 men.
 The allied forces besieged the Muslims for almost 30 days.
 Six Muslims were martyred in the battle.
 Muslims’ food ended.
 Hypocrites left the battlefield, excusing that their houses were
 Banu Quraiza betrayed the Muslims.
Siege of Medina
The battle of trench also called as
“Ghazwa-e-Khandaq” or “Ahzab” was a
30 days long siege of Medina from Arab
and Jewish tribes.
The Quraish(Polytheists) army was
consist of 10,000 soldiers while Muslims
were 3,000 soldiers in that battle.
Muslims dug a trench around Medina on
the suggestion of Salman Farsi(R,A),
which was 5.5 kilometers long, 9 meters
wide 3.5 meters deep.
In that battle Muslims tactically
overcome their opponent.
As a consequence, the Muslim army
besieged the area of Banu Qureza
tribe, leading to their surrender and
The defeat cause the Meccans to lose
their trade and much of their prestige
and they faced extremely heavy loss.
After the victory of the Muslims in that
battle Islam became influential in the
 Allied forces started growing tired of the long and
unfruitful siege.
 A newly converted Muslim, Naeem bin Masuod
(radiyallaho anho) planted mistrust in hearts of the allied
forces against each other.
 Upon Prophet’s prayers, a chilly wind storm came which
uprooted the hopes, foothold and the tents of the allied
forces and the reurned emtpy handed.
 For this divine help, Allah said
“O you who believe: remember Allah’s blessing on you
when hosts came against you, and we sent against them a
hurrican and the forces that you did not see. Allah sees
what you do.” (Al-Ahzab 33:9)
Treaty of Hudaibiya
february, 628 A.D/ 6th year of Hijra

 Allah permittted the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in this dream to

go to Kabah for Umrah.
 Holy Prohet(PBUH) took 1400 Muslims, 70 camels and
moved for Umrah.
 The Muslims were stopped at Hudaibiya.
 Finally Usman (radiyallaho anho) was sent to seek
 Rumor spread that Usman (radiyallaho anho) had been
 The Muslims pledged to avenge the blood of Usman
(radiyallaho anho).
 The Quraish sent Sohail bin Amr for negotiations.
Treaty of Hudaybiyya
 Prophet(SAW) and his companion were on the
way to Kaaba for offering Omrah and reached
a proper place named Hudaybiyya which is in
24 KM distance from Mecca.
 Muhammad Ibn Abdullah and Sohail Ibn
Aman were sent to Quraish to discuss the
 It happened in the 6th Hijri.
 It was written by Ali Ibn-e-Talib.
 Muslims have many objections on it.
 In Sulah Hudaybiyya, some terms are as
Terms and Conditions
 The Muslims will reject any person from
Quraish coming to Medina to become a
Muslim, but the Quraish would be free to
receive any Muslim wishing to change
his/her religion and join the Meccans.
 This year Muhammad(SAW) must
withdraw from Mecca with his
companions but next year He(SAW) may
come to Mecca without their weapons.
 They both will rest their arms for 10
 It helped to decrease conflicts between
the two cities.
 This treaty was signed between Holy Prophet (PBUH) and
Sohail bin Amr on various terms while the writer was Ali
(radiyallaho anho)
 Abu Jandal escaped from Makkah and reached Hudaibiya
but he was returned as per the terms of the treaty.
 The Muslims slaughtered sacrificial animals, got their hair
cut, changed Ihram and returned home.
Letters to
Kings &
Leader and Country Messenger Response

Hercules (Roman Emperor) Dahya Kalbi (radiyallaho He said in the respect of

anho) Prophet (PBUH) “I would
eash his feet and drink that
water” but didn’t convert
due to greed of throne.
Negus (Abyssinia) Amr bin Accepted Islam.
Umayya(radiyallaho anho)
Khusroe Pervez (Persian Abdullah(radiyallaho Tore the letter and later on,
Emperor) anho) he was killed by his own
Maqoqas (Egypt) Hatib(radiyallaho anho) Good response and sent
Maria (radiyallaho anho)
as a gift
Bazan (Yeman) Muhajir bin Accepted Islam.
Umayya(radiyallaho anho)

Munzar ( Bahrain) Ula(radiyallaho anho) Good

Leader and Country Messenger Response

Leader of Basra Haris (radiyallaho anho) The messenger was

Jafar (Oman) Amar bin Aas Accepted Islam.

The Battle Of Mu’tah!

 After establishing ground in Medina, the Holy
Prophet sent envoys to various kingdoms inviting
them to Islam.
 One such envoy- Hazrat Harith bin Umayr Al Azdi
was sent to Busra, a village in Damascus, Syria.
 When the governor heard he was a messenger of the
Prophet, he got him killed brutally.
 No other envoy of the Prophet had been killed like
this before and hence it triggered a war.
Preparation of war;

 An army of 3,000 mujahidenn.
 The Prophet (PBUH) said,

“ Go to the point where the ambassador

was killed, and offer them these three
proposals. If they accept any of these,
do not touch them. Invite them to
migrate to Medina, invite them to Islam,
ask them to pay jizya, if they refuse to do
any of these, then declare war with them.”

“If Zayd (Ra) is martyred, let Jafar bin
Abu Talib (Ra) replace him.If Jafar is
martyred, let Abdullah bin Rawaha
(Ra) replace him, and if he is martyred,
the Muslims are to choose an
appropriate leader “

Power Of The Enemy;

 The Byzantine Emperor-Heraklius had prepared an army
of 100,000 Roman soldiers joined with 100,000 Arab tribes
subjected to them.
 The Roman army was heavily equiped.
 The enemy outnumbered the muslims by 40 to 50 times.
 The muslims spent three nights at Ma’an pondering what
to do.
 Some sahabas sugested asking the Holy Prophet for more
troops or to return back.
 Many soldiers (who were recent converts to Islam) escaped
from the battlefield .

“The thing that has began to upset you is the same thing
we actually came to seek-Martyrdom! Remember,
whenever we have fought a battle it has never been on
the strength of weapons and horses. In Badr, we had no
more than two horses, and in Uhud, we only had one
horse. Our basis of battle has always been our religion
our Lord has honoured us with. Move forward, one of
the honours us will be yours: either victory or

Death of Hazrat Zayd (RA); flag handed over to Hazrat

Jafa (RA) .
Death of Hazrat Jafar; standard handed over to Hazrat
Abdullah (RA).
Martyrdom of Hazrat Abdullah (RA); appointment of

Hazrat Khalid bin Walid (RA) as the commander .

Leadership of Hazrat Khalid bin Walid (RA); Taking
advantage of dark, replaced the right wing with the
Replaced the soldiers on the front with the soldiers on
the back.
Commissioned his cavalry to create clouds of dust anf
In the morning, when the enemy saw replaced faces,,
it got intimidated.
Victory of The Muslims- A
Military Miracle & Supernatural

Conquest of Mecca
 In the 8th year of Hijra, The Holy
Prophet(SAW) marched to Mecca with an army
of 10 thousands Muslims.
 The Prophet(PBUH) love for peace:
Before entering the city, he announced that
anyone who remained in his home, or in Abu
Sufyan’s home, or in Kaabah would be safe.
 The army entered the Mecca without fighting
and the Prophet(SAW) went directly to Kaabah.
 Prophet(SAW) prayed inside Kaabah.
 Prophet(SAW) pardoned the Quraish.
 Bilal(R.A) called the first Athan in Mecca.
 Abu Quhafah(Father of Abu Bakr) accepted
Battle of Huanin

The Battle of Hunain was fought by the
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his followers against
the Bedouin tribe of Hawazin and its subsection
the Thaqif, in 630 CE, in the Hunain valley, on the route
from Mecca to Al-Taif.
The Quran verse 9:25 was also revealed in this
event according to Muslim scholars:

“Assuredly Allah did help you in many battle-

fields and on the day of Hunain: Behold! your
great numbers elated you, but they availed you
naught: the land, for all that it is wide, did
constrain you, and ye turned back in retreat.
But Allah did pour His calm on the Messenger
and on the Believers, and sent down forces which
ye saw not: He punished the Unbelievers; thus
doth He reward those without Faith.”
 The Expedition to Tabuk, also known as the Expedition of Usra,
was a military expedition, which, was initiated by Muhammad
SAW in October, CE 630, AH 8. Muhammad SAW led a force of
as many as 30,000 north to Tabuk in present-day north-
western Saudi Arabia. Following rumours of a Byzantine
invasion, the Muslims as well as allies of Muhammad, received
an urgent call to join the campaign. But the Arabs of the desert
showed little interest. Many came up with excuses not to
participate. Muhammad provided incentives to persuade the
Arabs to join, and provided many with gifts. In September or
October 630 the Messenger of God gave orders to prepare for an
expedition to the Byzantine frontier. The weather in the Hijaz
was oppressively hot, water and grazing were scarce, and the
movement of a large force was extremely difficult.
 Muhammad (SAW) spent ten to twenty days at Tabuk, scouting
the area, making alliances with local chiefs, and with no sign of
(9 Year of Hijrah)
After the Conquest of
 Submission of the Quraishite nobles to Islam was of
greatest importance for the whole of Arabia.
 The airy dreams of those who had counted on the
Quraish of bringing Islam to its knees had fizzled out.
 While those who were ambivalent, waiting to see the
outcome of the struggle between the Muslims and the
Quraish, found the potential obstacle in their acceptance
of Islam vanished along the way.
Deputation from Yemen
When a deputation arrived from Yemen, they brought
with them letters from Himyarite princes that
proclaimed their acceptance of Islam.
The news was pleasing to the Prophet (saw) who replied
with the best of greetings to the letters and spoke of their
new Islamic obligations, and asked them to treat the
envoys he would send them well.
Deputation of Bani Tamim
 One such deputation came from the large tribe of Bani
Tamim with a number of its orators and poets and
challenged the Muslims to a contest in oratory and
poetry. The contest ended in establishing the superiority
of Islam and its adherents.
 The chiefs and nobles of Bani Tamim acknowledged the
superiority of the Muslim orators and poets, accepted
Islam and left for their homes with valuable gifts offered
to them by the Apostle.
Other Deputations
 The deputation of Abu ‘Amir also came to Medina.
 The deputation of Banu Hanifa came to the Apostle.
With it came Musaylama, the arch-liar who accepted
Islam but later on turned apostate and stake a claim to
apostleship. He was killed fighting with the Muslims.
 The deputation of Bani Tayy.
 ‘Adiy, the son of Hatim, impressed by the
courteous bearing and considerateness of the
Apostle, ‘Adiy accepted Islam
 The delegation of Bani Zubayd, led by ‘Amr b.
 Qays came with the deputation of another tribe, Kinda.
 The deputation from Azd.
Last Sermon by the Prophet (PBUH)

 632 A.D, 10th year of Hijrah

The Last Sermon of The Holy

When and
and where:
where: 9
9th Dhul
Dhul Hijjah
Hijjah in
in Valley
UranahofValley .

•• O!
O! People
People lend
lend meme an
an attentive
attentive ear.
•• Hurt
Hurt no
no one.
•• Do
Do not
not take
take interest.
•• Be
Be aware
aware of
of Shaitan
Shaitan (Satan).
•• Do
Do treat
treat your
your women
women well.
•• Pray
Pray daily,
daily, Fast,
Fast, Zakat
Zakat and
and perform
perform Hajj.
•• All
All mankind
mankind is is from
from Adam.
•• Remember
Remember one one day
day you
you will
will appear
appear before
before Allah.
•• II am
am the
the Last
Last Prophet
Prophet ofof Allah,
Allah, No
No Prophet
Prophet or
Apostle will
will come
come after
after me.
•• Superiority
Superiority of
of one
one over
over another
another is
is only
only by
by piety
piety and
good action,
action, not
not race
race and
and colour.
•• Arab
Arab has
has no
no superiority
superiority over
over Non-Arab
Non-Arab neither
Non-Arab has
has superiority
superiority over
over Arab.
Last Days of the
 Returned to Madinah, with deteriorating health.
 13 days, after his illness, he (pbuh) passed away.
 In Hazrat Ayesha (RA)’s chamber.
 Told Hazrat Fatima (RA) that he wouldn’t recover, and
that she would follow him soon.
 He (pbuh) passed away on the 12th of Rabi-ul-Awal, 11
year of Hijrah.
 His body was buried in Hazrat Ayesha (RA)’s chamber,
with the help of Hazrat Ali (RA) and other companions.
 Hazrat Abu Bakr, comforted the devastated
companions, and directed them towards Allah.
1. State Policy Of The
Prophet (SAW) In Medina
-Policy Of Muhammad SAW is truly
according to the limits laid by the Quran
-Political structure changed in a
short time span
-Focused on the relationship of the newly
formed Muslim society
-Terminated social injustices
-Formed new moral and social concept
-Preached about companionship and
-Protected rights of Women
-Greatest event of Muhajirin and Ansar
2. Public Treasury
-Baitul mal
-State bank of Muslims
-House of money
-Flow of money
-Administration of taxes in Islamic
-Zakat (charity was introduced)
-Provide income for the needy
-Society's fiscal system and welfare provisions
3. Military Policy

-Battle of Uhud
AD 624
-Was never to curse but to weaken
the enemy so he cooperates
4. Foreign Policy

-No prejudice against

Jews -Gave Jews equal civil status
-Always showed respect for other religions
-Maintaining peace was a priority

“When a head of a tribe comes to you,

treat them well”
Medina before Islam Vs. Medina after
• Clash of civilizations,
cultures, tribes, and
• Complete transformation of
religions bloodiest battle
religious and political
was the Battle of Bu’ath.
• Political instability.
• Some local Jews embraced Islam.
• Secularism.
• Important regional capital of
the western.
• Saudi Arabian province of Al Madinah.
Age of the Prophet Approximate Hijra dates
Brief Description
according to Lunar (BH=Before Hijra
of the Event
Calendar AH=After Hijra)
(Approximate Date)

Emigration to Medina 52 Years 0 AH

Construction of Prophet's
Mosque at Medina. 53 Years 1st year AH
Bilal's call for Prayer

Revelation and change of 2 AH

54 Years
Qibla towards Ka'ba. Fasting
in the month of Ramadan
becomes obligatory

Ghazwa (Battle) of Badr 54 Years 2 AH

Age of the Prophet Approximate Hijra dates
Brief Description
according to Lunar (BH=Before Hijra
of the Event
Calendar AH=After Hijra)
(Approximate Date)

Initiation of Eid-al-Fitr 54 Years 2 AH

and Zakat-al-Fitr

Zakat becomes obligatory 54 Years 2 AH

for Muslims

Marriage with Hafsa 55 Years 3 AH

Bint Umar Bin Khataab

Age of the Prophet Approximate Hijra dates
Brief Description
according to Lunar (BH=Before Hijra
of the Event
Calendar AH=After Hijra)
(Approximate Date)

Ghazwa (Battle) of Uhad 55 Years 3 AH

Marriage with Zainab 55 Years 3 AH

Bint Khazima

Prohibition of Drinking 56 Years 4 AH

in Islam

Marriage with Um Salma 56 Years 4 AH

Hind Bint Abu Aumya

Brief Description Age of the Prophet Approximate Hijra dates
of the Event according to Lunar (BH=Before Hijra
Calendar AH=After Hijra)
(Approximate Date)

Marriage with Jawariya bint 57 Years 5 AH


Marriage with Zainab bint 57 Years 5 AH


Revelation of Hijab 57 Years 5 AH

Ghazwa (Battle) of Ahzab 57 Years 5 AH

or Khandaq (Ditch)
Age of the Prophet Approximate Hijra dates
Brief Description
according to Lunar (BH=Before Hijra
of the Event
Calendar AH=After Hijra)
(Approximate Date)

Ghazwa (Battle) of Bani 57 Years 5 AH


Marriage with Um-Habiba 58 Years 6 AH

Ramlaa Bint Abu Sufian

Marriage with Safiyya 58 Years 7 AH

Bint Hai
Age of the Prophet Approximate Hijra dates
Brief Description according to Lunar (BH=Before Hijra
of the Event Calendar AH=After Hijra)
(Approximate Date)

Performance of Umra 59 Years 7 AH

Marriage with Maimuna 59 Years 7 AH

Bint Harith

Mariya al coptia 59-60 Years 7-8 AH

Did she give birth to any of the prophet’s children?

Khalid bin Walid and Amr 60 Years 8 AH

bin Al-'Aas accept Islam
Brief Description Age of the Prophet Approximate Hijra dates
of the Event according to Lunar (BH=Before Hijra
Calendar AH=After Hijra)
(Approximate Date)

Ghazwa (Battle) of Mecca 60 Years 8 AH

and Fall of Mecca

Mariya gave birth 61 Years 9 AH

to??? a son, Ibrahim

Ghazwa (Battle) of Tabuk, the

last great battle lead by the 61 Years 9AH
Age of the Prophet Approximate Hijra dates
Brief Description
according to Lunar (BH=Before Hijra
of the Event
Calendar AH=After Hijra)
(Approximate Date)

Departure from Medina

and entry into Mecca for 62 Years 10 AH
Hajjatul-Wida (Farewell

Hajjatul-Wida, departure for

'Arafat, Farewell Sermon 62 Years 10 AH
Received the last revelation
from Allah

Return from Mana, 62 Years 10 AH

Age of the Prophet Approximate Hijra dates
Brief Description
according to Lunar (BH=Before Hijra
of the Event
Calendar AH=After Hijra)
(Approximate Date)

Ibrahim passes away 62 Years 11 AH

The Prophet falls ill 62 Years 11 AH

The Prophet lead the last Rabi-ul-Awwal
Salat four days before his 62 Years 11 AH, 632 AD
departure from this world
Monday 12
The Prophet offered his last Rabi-ul-Awwal
Prayer in congregation in the 63 Years
11 AH, 632 AD
Mosque lead by Abu Bakr
Age of the Holy Prophet Approximate Hijra dates
Brief Description
according to Lunar (BH=Before Hijra
of the Event
Calendar AH=After Hijra)
(Approximate Date)

Monday 12
The Prophet passed away 63 Years Rabi-ul-Awwal
11 AH, 632 AD

Inna lillahe wa inna elaihe rajioon


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