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Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

Good morning
Grade 4 pupils!
Opening Prayer
Group 1: What decisions did
you make yesterday?

Group 2: What decisions did

you make last week?

Group 3: What decisions did

you make last month?
Recall the many
decisions you did in life.
Which of them do you
consider the best? Why?
Making Better
The Denial
While watching the
video, write three
questions on your
The Denial
Q and A
On a short bond
paper, draw a
rooster. In the
drawing, write
concrete ways on
how you proclaim
your belief to
Peter made a terrible mistake—
not once, not twice, but three
times! This may have seemed like
the end for Peter. But Jesus died
for Peter’s sins. And He rose
again and appeared to Peter and
the other disciples. Jesus let
Peter know that he was forgiven.
Jesus put Peter’s wrongs
right and He can also
put our wrongs right.
God loves you—no
matter what you have
done. You can be
forgiven, just like Peter.
God has given us a
conscience. It is God’s gift
that helps us know right
from wrong. Conscience
helps us choose only the
good and helps us turn
away from sin.
1. If you are
trouble, as much
as possible do not
decide right away.
Keep calm by
praying hard.
2. We should understand
the situation well and
think of options for what
we should do.
3. For every choice, there are
consequences. We must
consider the consequences of
our decisions.
4. Always consider
how our decision
will affect others.
Do not be selfish.
5. We should talk to
someone we can trust.
They can be your
parents, older brothers,
sisters, teachers or best
6. Always seek
guidance from God
and the Holy Spirit.
Answer page
236 of your
CLVE textbook.
Come Holy Spirit

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