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Guess the song title & continue reading the verse from Surah

There's a place in your heart

And I know that it is love
And this place could be much brighter than tomorrow
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need to cry

Clue : Adult man,the king of world pop music and popularized the
"Moonwalk" dance
Michael Jacson “Heal the Word”
‫َّم ا َلُهْم ِبٖه ِم ْن ِع ْلٍم َّو اَل ٰاِل َبۤا ِٕىِهْۗم َك ُبَر ْت َك ِلَم ًة َتْخ ُرُج ِم ْن َاْفَو اِهِهْۗم ِاْن َّيُقْو ُلْو َن ِااَّل َك ِذ ًبا‬

Latin: mā lahum bihī min 'ilmiw wa lā li`ābā`ihim, kaburat kalimatan

takhruju min afwāhihim, iy yaqụlụna illā każibā

Clue : Sura of the Quran that are famous for the end of the world
‫َفَلَع َّلَك َباِخ ٌع َّنْفَس َك َع ٰٓلى ٰا َثاِرِهْم ِاْن َّلْم ُيْؤ ِم ُنْو ا ِبٰه َذ ا اْلَحِد ْيِث َاَس ًفا‬
Latin: fa la'allaka bākhi'un nafsaka 'alā āṡārihim il lam yu`minụ bihāżal-ḥadīṡi asafā
Well, open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
And look into your heart and you'll find love, love, love, love
Listen to the music of the moment, people dance and sing, we're just
one big family
And it's our God-forsaken right to be loved, loved, loved, loved, loved

Clue : Men, always wearing a cap

and other songs are "lucky".”
Jason Myraz (I’m yours)
‫َو اَل َيُحُّض َع ٰل ى َطَع اِم اْلِم ْس ِكْيِۗن‬
wa lâ yaḫudldlu ‘alâ tha‘âmil-miskîn
‫َفَو ْيٌل ِّلْلُم َص ِّلْيَۙن‬
fa wailul lil-mushallîn
itsu made futari de iru no ka na
oishiku dekitara itadakimasu
shiranai mama de mo ii no ka na

Clue : ost inuyasha

Futari No Kimochi
‫َع َّلَم ُه اْلَبَياَن‬

‫َالَّش ْم ُس َو اْلَقَم ُر ِبُح ْس َباٍۙن‬
asy-syamsu wal-qamaru biḫusbân
Clue :Qs Ar Rahman
‫َّو الَّنْج ُم َو الَّش َج ُر َيْس ُج َد اِن‬
wan-najmu wasy-syajaru yasjudân

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