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Unit 3: Style
Reading: Teenage pressures
I can understand a text about the
pressures on teenagers to look
Vocabulary &

01 Word skills
Clothes, adjectives to
describe clothes, opposites
04 Reading
Teenage pressures

adj, common adj…

02 Present continuous
Contrast: present simple
and present continuous
05 Speaking
Making arrangements

03 Listening
Catwalk fashion
06 Writing
An email
Task 1. Look at photos 1-
4. What are the people
doing? Use the phrases

go weight training straighten her hair take a selfie

put on make-up

straighten your hair

take a selfie go weight training put on make-up


• possible (adj) /ˈpɑːsəbl/ : that can be done or achieved

• impossible (adj) /ɪmˈpɑːsəbl/ : that cannot exist or be done; not possible

• celebrity (n) /səˈlebrəti/ : a famous person

• male (n/adj) /meɪl/ : a male person, animal or plant

• female (n/adj) /ˈfiːmeɪl/ : a woman or a girl

• artificial (adj) /ˌɑːrtɪˈfɪʃl/ : made or produced to copy st natural; not real
• ordinary (n) /ˈɔːrdneri/ : not unusual or different in any way
• special (adj) /ˈspeʃl/ : not ordinary or usual; different from what is normal
: something that is not usually available but is
• special (n) provided for a particular purpose or on one occasion
: existing in nature; not made or caused by humans
• natural (adj) /ˈnætʃrəl/
• real (adj) /ˈriːəl/ : actually existing or happening and not imagined or
• fake (adj) /feɪk/ : not what somebody claims it is; appearing to be st
it is not
• teenage (adj) /ˈtiːneɪdʒ/ : between 13 and 19 years old; connected with
people of this age
• drug (n) /drʌɡ/ : an illegal substance that some people smoke,
inject, etc. for the physical and mental effects it has
• muscular (adj) /ˈmʌskjələr/ : relating to the muscles
• diet (n) /ˈdaɪət/ : the food and drink that you eat and drink regularly
Task 2. Read the text quickly. How many of the writers believe that there is
a problem with teenagers and image? There are four of the writers.
Impossible images?
1. ___ ‘Female celebrities post selfies on social media; millions of teenage girls see them and try to copy them. They want to
have the same artificial hairstyles and make-up. I really believe that this is becoming a big problem. Why? Because girls are
worrying about their appearance all the time and they’re becoming unhappy. And they problem is growing. For example,
teenage girls today spend 90% more on make-up then ten years ago.’ Maria Baker, Professor of Sociology
2. ___ ‘In my view, social networking websites like Facebook and Instagram are part of the problem. Teenagers take photos of
their close friends all the time and then they put these phots on the internet. A bad photo gets unkind comments. So girls now
think it’s important to look good all the time. Today’s teenage girls are embarrassed about looking natural or having untidy hair.
They can’t relax. I see this problem every day at school.’ Sophie Ellis, Head Teacher
3. ___ ‘To be honest, this isn’t just a problem for girls. Boys have pressures too. They are surrounded by images of male
celebrities with muscular bodies. Suddenly, an ordinary male body is not good enough, they think, so they take dangerous
drugs to make their bodies muscular. Others go on unnecessary diets – for example, they buy special drinks because they want
to be muscular. They talk about it a lot at the gym.’ Bob French, Gym owner
4. ___ ‘A lot of teenagers try to copy images in magazines and on websites. But it’s very easy to change photos on a computer.
So today’s teenagers are trying to copy anCREDITS:
image This
that presentation templatethese
is not real. However, was created
tricks are not a secret these days. In fact, some
by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and
companies are refusing to change their photos.infographics
They use hashtags to advertise their ‘real photos’ on Twitter. Some people say
& images by Freepik.
social media is part of the problem. Personally, I think it can be part of the solution.’ Luke Woods, Photographer
5. ___ ‘In my opinion, people are worrying about this too much. A lot of girls come into my shop and buy make-up. But they
aren’t copying celebrities. They have their own ideas and their own look. It’s a way of expressing your personality. And it can be
fun too! Of course some of the images in magazine are fake. Teenagers know that – they aren’t stupid!’ Anna Granger, Shop
Reading Strategy
When you do a matching task, check your answers by
trying to match the extra headings with each
paragraph. They should not match any of them.
Impossible images? Task 3. Match paragraphs
D ‘Female celebrities post selfies on social media; millions of teenage girls see them and try
1. ___ with headings below.
to copy them. They want to have the same artificial hairstyles and make-up. I really believe that
this is becoming a big problem. Why? Because girls are worrying about their appearance all the There are 2 extra headings.
time and they’re becoming unhappy. And they problem is growing. For example, teenage girls
today spend 90% more on make-up then ten years ago.’ Maria Baker, Professor of Sociology
A. Copying a lie?
F ‘In my view, social networking websites like Facebook and Instagram are part of the
2. ___
problem. Teenagers take photos of their close friends all the time and then they put these phots
on the internet. A bad photo gets unkind comments. So girls now think it’s important to look good
all the time. Today’s teenage girls are embarrassed about looking natural or having untidy hair. B. Body-building boys
They can’t relax. I see this problem every day at school.’ Sophie Ellis, Head Teacher
B ‘To be honest, this isn’t just a problem for girls. Boys have pressures too. They are
3. ___
surrounded by images of male celebrities with muscular bodies. Suddenly, an ordinary male body C. Enjoying their own style
is not good enough, they think, so they take dangerous drugs to make their bodies muscular.
Others go on unnecessary diets – for example, they buy special drinks because they want to be
muscular. They talk about it a lot at the gym.’ Bob French, Gym owner D. Smiling celebrities, worried girls
A ‘A lot of teenagers try to copy images in magazines and on websites. But it’s very easy to
4. ___
change photos on a computer. So today’s teenagers are trying to copy an image that is not real.
However, these tricks are not a secret these days. In fact, some companies are refusing to change E. From catwalk to clothes shop
their photos. They use hashtags to advertise CREDITS:
their ‘realThis presentation
photos’ on Twitter.template was created
Some people say social
by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and
media is part of the problem. Personally, I think it can be part of the solution.’ Luke Woods,
infographics & images by Freepik.
F. No escape from the camera
C ‘In my opinion, people are worrying about this too much. A lot of girls come into my shop
5. ___
and buy make-up. But they aren’t copying celebrities. They have their own ideas and their own
look. It’s a way of expressing your personality. And it can be fun too! Of course some of the
images in magazine are fake. Teenagers know that – they aren’t stupid!’ Anna Granger, Shop G. Copying hairstyles from the past
Impossible images? Task 4. Listen and read.
D ‘Female celebrities post selfies on social media; millions of teenage girls see them and try
1. ___ Check your answers to
to copy them. They want to have the same artificial hairstyles and make-up. I really believe that
this is becoming a big problem. Why? Because girls are worrying about their appearance all the task 3.
time and they’re becoming unhappy. And they problem is growing. For example, teenage girls
today spend 90% more on make-up then ten years ago.’ Maria Baker, Professor of Sociology
A. Copying a lie?
F ‘In my view, social networking websites like Facebook and Instagram are part of the
2. ___
problem. Teenagers take photos of their close friends all the time and then they put these phots
on the internet. A bad photo gets unkind comments. So girls now think it’s important to look good
all the time. Today’s teenage girls are embarrassed about looking natural or having untidy hair. B. Body-building boys
They can’t relax. I see this problem every day at school.’ Sophie Ellis, Head Teacher
B ‘To be honest, this isn’t just a problem for girls. Boys have pressures too. They are
3. ___
surrounded by images of male celebrities with muscular bodies. Suddenly, an ordinary male body C. Enjoying their own style
is not good enough, they think, so they take dangerous drugs to make their bodies muscular.
Others go on unnecessary diets – for example, they buy special drinks because they want to be
muscular. They talk about it a lot at the gym.’ Bob French, Gym owner D. Smiling celebrities, worried girls
A ‘A lot of teenagers try to copy images in magazines and on websites. But it’s very easy to
4. ___
change photos on a computer. So today’s teenagers are trying to copy an image that is not real.
However, these tricks are not a secret these days. In fact, some companies are refusing to change E. From catwalk to clothes shop
their photos. They use hashtags to advertise CREDITS:
their ‘realThis presentation
photos’ on Twitter.template was created
Some people say social
by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and
media is part of the problem. Personally, I think it can be part of the solution.’ Luke Woods,
infographics & images by Freepik.
F. No escape from the camera
C ‘In my opinion, people are worrying about this too much. A lot of girls come into my shop
5. ___
and buy make-up. But they aren’t copying celebrities. They have their own ideas and their own
look. It’s a way of expressing your personality. And it can be fun too! Of course some of the
images in magazine are fake. Teenagers know that – they aren’t stupid!’ Anna Granger, Shop G. Copying hairstyles from the past
Task 5. There are eight highlighted
adjectives in the text. Write them as
four pairs of opposites.

female artificial natural male

ordinary special real fake

 female – male
 artificial – natural
 ordinary – special
 fake – real
Task 6. Find four adjectives in paragraphs 1-3 of the text which begin
with the negative prefix un-.
1. Smiling celebrities, worried girls
‘Female celebrities post selfies on social media; millions of teenage girls see them and try to copy them. They want to
have the same artificial hairstyles and make-up. I really believe that this is becoming a big problem. Why? Because girls
are worrying about their appearance all the time and they’re becoming unhappy. And they problem is growing. For
example, teenage girls today spend 90% more on make-up then ten years ago.’ Maria Baker, Professor of Sociology
2. No escape from the camera
‘In my view, social networking websites like Facebook and Instagram are part of the problem. Teenagers take photos of
their close friends all the time and then they put these photos on the internet. A bad photo gets unkind comments. So
girls now think it’s important to look good all the time. Today’s teenage girls are embarrassed about looking natural or
having untidy hair. They can’t relax. I see this problem every day at school.’ Sophie Ellis, Head Teacher
3. Body-building boys
‘To be honest, this isn’t just a problem for girls. Boys have pressures too. They are surrounded by images of male
celebrities with muscular bodies. Suddenly, presentation
an ordinary template
male body was created
is not good enough, they think, so they take
by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and
dangerous drugs to make their bodies muscular. Others &goimages
infographics on unnecessary
by Freepik. diets – for example, they buy special drinks
because they want to be muscular. They talk about it a lot at the gym.’ Bob French, Gym owner
1. Smiling celebrities, worried girls ‘Female celebrities post selfies on social media; millions of Task 7. Match the
teenage girls see them and try to copy them. They want to have the same artificial hairstyles and
make-up. I really believe that this is becoming a big problem. Why? Because girls are worrying about statements and
their appearance all the time and they’re becoming unhappy. And they problem is growing. For opinions (a-i) with the
example, teenage girls today spend 90% more on make-up then ten years ago.’ Maria Baker,
Professor of Sociology people in the texts (1-5).
2. No escape from the camera ‘In my view, social networking websites like Facebook and Instagram
are part of the problem. Teenagers take photos of their close friends all the time and then they put
a. Bad photos on social
these phots on the internet. A bad photo gets unkind comments. So girls now think it’s important to networking sites often get
look good all the time. Today’s teenage girls are embarrassed about looking natural or having untidy unkind comments. 2
hair. They can’t relax. I see this problem every day at school.’ Sophie Ellis, Head Teacher b. Most images in magazines
3. Body-building boys ‘To be honest, this isn’t just a problem for girls. Boys have pressures too. They
are surrounded by images of male celebrities with muscular bodies. Suddenly, an ordinary male body
and on the internet are not
is not good enough, they think, so they take dangerous drugs to make their bodies muscular. Others real because the companies
go on unnecessary diets – for example, they buy special drinks because they want to be muscular. change the photos. 4
They talk about it a lot at the gym.’ Bob French, Gym owner c. Some girls worry a lot about
4. Copying a lie? ‘A lot of teenagers try to copy images in magazines and on websites. But it’s very
easy to change photos on a computer. So today’s teenagers are trying to copy an image that is not
their appearance and this
real. However, these tricks are not a secret these days. In fact, some companies are refusing to makes them unhappy. 1
change their photos. They use hashtags to advertise
CREDITS: their
This‘real photos’ ontemplate
presentation Twitter. Some people say
was created d. Some boys take drugs to
social media is part of the problem. Personally,by Slidesgo,
I think it canincluding icons
be part of the by Flaticon,
solution.’ and
Luke Woods, make their bodies look more
Photographer infographics & images by Freepik.
5. Enjoying their own style ‘In my opinion, people are worrying about this too much. A lot of girls
muscular. 3
come into my shop and buy make-up. But they aren’t copying celebrities. They have their own ideas e. Girls wear make-up to
and their own look. It’s a way of expressing your personality. And it can be fun too! Of course some express their personalities. It
of the images in magazine are fake. Teenagers know that – they aren’t stupid!’ Anna Granger, Shop isn’t a problem. 5
1. Smiling celebrities, worried girls ‘Female celebrities post selfies on social media; millions of Task 7. Match the
teenage girls see them and try to copy them. They want to have the same artificial hairstyles and
make-up. I really believe that this is becoming a big problem. Why? Because girls are worrying about statements and
their appearance all the time and they’re becoming unhappy. And they problem is growing. For opinions (a-i) with the
example, teenage girls today spend 90% more on make-up then ten years ago.’ Maria Baker,
Professor of Sociology people in the texts (1-5).
2. No escape from the camera ‘In my view, social networking websites like Facebook and Instagram
are part of the problem. Teenagers take photos of their close friends all the time and then they put f. Girls think it’s important to
these phots on the internet. A bad photo gets unkind comments. So girls now think it’s important to
look good all the time. Today’s teenage girls are embarrassed about looking natural or having untidy look good all the time. 2
hair. They can’t relax. I see this problem every day at school.’ Sophie Ellis, Head Teacher
3. Body-building boys ‘To be honest, this isn’t just a problem for girls. Boys have pressures too. They g. Some boys put healthy in
are surrounded by images of male celebrities with muscular bodies. Suddenly, an ordinary male body
is not good enough, they think, so they take dangerous drugs to make their bodies muscular. Others danger to try to look good. 3
go on unnecessary diets – for example, they buy special drinks because they want to be muscular.
They talk about it a lot at the gym.’ Bob French, Gym owner h. A lot of teenage girls are not
4. Copying a lie? ‘A lot of teenagers try to copy images in magazines and on websites. But it’s very
easy to change photos on a computer. So today’s teenagers are trying to copy an image that is not
happy to look natural or a bit
real. However, these tricks are not a secret these days. In fact, some companies are refusing to untidy. 2
change their photos. They use hashtags to advertise
CREDITS: their
This‘real photos’ ontemplate
presentation Twitter. Some people say
was created
social media is part of the problem. Personally,by Slidesgo,
I think it canincluding icons
be part of the by Flaticon,
solution.’ and
Luke Woods, i. Teenagers know that the
Photographer infographics & images by Freepik.
5. Enjoying their own style ‘In my opinion, people are worrying about this too much. A lot of girls photos in magazines are not
come into my shop and buy make-up. But they aren’t copying celebrities. They have their own ideas
and their own look. It’s a way of expressing your personality. And it can be fun too! Of course some real so it isn’t a problem. 5
of the images in magazine are fake. Teenagers know that – they aren’t stupid!’ Anna Granger, Shop
Task 8. Complete these phrases for
expressing opinions using the words
honest my really think view

Expressing opinions
really believe that …
I (1) ________
In my (2) ________, …
To be (3) ________,…
think …
Personally, I (4) ________
my opinion, …
In (5) ________
Task 9. Do you agree or disagree with their opinions.
Why/Why not?

I agree with Anna. I think girls

worry a lot about their

I disagree with ...

I don't think that ...
See you next time!

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