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Individual Test.
• Option 1: Student will be asked to complete a written individual assignment. This will give student
opportunities to show that you can think analytically and critically about real-life management
issues, and apply management theories and concept to analyse those issues. Details on the format,
length and other expectations will be provided by lecturer in class.
• For example: Identify a person in the real life you feel is a great manager. Write a short essay
(1,000 words) on why you feel that person is a great manager and what principles he/she applies to
manage others. Give your own evaluation of this person as a manager through direct interview,
observation and summary of this manager’s contribution to the success of the organization.
1. Analyze the challenges and opportunities in organizational change
and innovation?
2. Describe the components of control in the organization? In your
opinion, what is the manager's biggest challenge and goal in
controlling the organization?

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