13 Parasit 2. Toxoplasma Gondii

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Toxoplasma gondii

• Hospes definitif : kucing

• Hospes perantara : manusia, mamalia
• Penyakit : toxoplasmosis
• Morfologi : stadium tropozoit,
• stadium kista dan
stadium ookista
• Infeksi pada manusia terjadi karena tertelan ookista
(terdapat dalam tinja kucing) atau memakan daging
yang mengandung kista atau pseudokista.
Bentuk Morfologi T. gondii
• Ookista berbentuk lonjong, berisi dua sporokista
yang masing2 berisi empat sporozoit.
• Tropozoit ( takizoit ) bentuk bulan sabit. Salah
satu ujungnya lebih bulat dari pada ujung
lainnya. Sitoplasmanya berwarna biru pucat, inti
warna merah.
• Manusia dapat terkena infeksi karena menelan
ookista atau memakan daging mentah atau
setengah matang yang mengandung bentuk
Stadium tropozoit Toxoplasma gondii
Stadium tropozoit Toxoplasma gondii
Stadium Tropozoit Toxoplasma gondii
Cyst of Toxoplasma gondii in tissue
Siklus hidup Toxoplasma gondii
Gejala klinis Toxoplasmosis
• 1. Toxoplasmosis akuisita  didapat dari lingkungan
• 2. Toxoplasmosis kongenital  di dpt pada saat hamil
• Infeksi kongenital akan menjadi sangat berat apabila si
ibu mendapatkan infeksi pada trimester pertama atau
kedua dari kehamilannya.Gejala pada bayi yang lahir
dapat berupa retinokoroiditis, perkapuran otak, dan
kadang2 hidrosefalus atau mikrosefalus.
• Pencegahan/ Pengobatan
• - Penderita ---- diobati
• - menghilangkan kebiasaan makan daging mentah
atau dimasak kurang matang.
• Menghindari kontaminasi pada makanan oleh ookista
• Usually if a woman has been infected before becoming pregnant,
the unborn baby is safe because the mother has developed
• If a woman is pregnant and becomes infected with toxoplasmosis
during or right before pregnancy, she can transmit the disease to
her unborn child (congenital transmission). The earlier the
transmission occurs the bigger the effects. Then again, the longer
the pregnancy goes on, the more likely is the infection going to
occur. This has something got to do with the penetrability of the
placenta. Symptoms might include:miscarriage or stillborn baby
• baby born with signs of toxoplasmosis (for example, abnormal
enlargement or smallness of the head)
• baby with brain or eye damage.
• Usually the babies have no symptoms initially, but can develop
mental disability, vision loss (ocular toxoplasmosis) and seizures
later in life.
• Diagnosis laboratorium
• Pemeriksaan serologis yang biasanya digunakan
untuk diagnosis toksoplasmosis : Tes warna Sabin-
Feldman, ELISA, Fiksasi komplemen.
Test Serology
• The TSP (T. gondii serologic profile) consists of
(1) the Sabin-Feldman dye test to measure
immunoglobulin (Ig)G antibodies,
(2) enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs)
to measure IgM, IgA, and IgE antibodies,
(3) immunosorbent agglutination assay to measure
levels of IgE antibodies, and (4) differential
agglutination test to measure levels of IgG
(4) differential agglutination test to measure levels
of IgG antibodies.
• Additional preventive measures for pregnant
women and immunocompromised hosts should
include avoiding consumption and handling of
raw or undercooked meat and avoiding exposure
to cat feces.
• Routine serologic screening of patients before
organ transplantation and early in the course of
HIV infection is now being performed.
• Individuals with positive serologic tests are at
much higher risk for the development of disease
and are now being considered for prophylaxis

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