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German Culture
Learn Some German Words

Danke (Thank you)

Tschüss (Goodbye)

Entschuldigung (Sorry)
When someone sneezes in Germany, people say "Gesundheit!" which
means "health!" It's a way to wish the person good health.
The Brothers Grimm were famous for writing fairy tales like "Hansel
and Gretel" and "Snow White." These stories are still popular today
and have been made into movies and books.

Amazing Landmarks

The Berlin Wall

Brandenburg Gate

Neuschwanstein Castle
When meeting someone, it's polite to shake

Close friends and family might hug or kiss on

the cheek.

Germans often say "Guten Tag" (Good day),

"Guten Morgen" (Good morning), or "Guten
Abend" (Good evening) depending on the
time of day.
Being on time is very
important in Germany.
If you are meeting
someone, it's
considered polite to be
Oktoberfest is a big festival in Munich where people
wear traditional clothes like lederhosen and dirndls,
enjoy music, dance, and eat lots of delicious food.
Gummy Bears
Gummy bears (Gummibärchen)
were invented in Germany by
Hans Riegel, who founded the
Haribo company in 1920.
German food includes tasty treats like pretzels and sausages.
Pretzels are often eaten as a snack, and sausages like currywurst and
bratwurst are popular street foods.
Sundays are generally
quiet days where shops
are closed and people
spend time relaxing with
family or enjoying leisure
Like anywhere in
the world, all
families in
Germany are
different. Most
are industrious,
thrifty, and
In German culture,
granting someone
their personal space
isn’t considered rude,
but rather, a sign of
Many Germans like to discuss politics,
sports, culture, philosophy, or the
environment. Deep and wide-ranging
intellectual conversations are generally
preferred over small talk.

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