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Fit and Proper Test

Presentation by:

Capt Abbas Yahya Ali

Candidate for Chief Safety & Quality Control
Lombok Institute of Flight Technology
Tangerang, February 26, 2021
Lombok Institute of Flight Technology
Organization Structure


Training Other
Manager Managers
Lombok Institute of Flight Technology
CASR 141.83 – TPM Chapter 7
Quality Control – Duty and Responsibility

Quality Quality Quality
Training Control Assurance
Lombok Institute of Flight Technology
Vision and Mission Quality Control (ref. CASR Part 141.83)

 Quality of training: comply to the approved

training course and keep the quality of training
above minimum requirements.
 Quality control system: will establish a quality
control system to ensure that the policies and
procedures described in the TPM are effectively in
 Quality assurance system: will establish a
quality assurance system that includes;
a) An independent internal audit,
b) Quality feedback reporting system to the
Director of school,
c) Active action in response to reports resulting
from the internal independent audit
Lombok Institute of Flight Technology
Safety Management System Implementation

 Safety management system

a) Identifies safety hazards and assesses
and mitigates risks;
b) Maintain an acceptable level of safety is
c) Continuous monitoring and regular
assessment of the safety level achieved;
d) Continuous improvement to the overall
level of safety.

Note: Akan mengikuti Company Aviation Safety

Officer – CASO-INACA 2021
Lombok Institute of Flight Technology
Continual Improvement Program through
Internal Audit

Dengan metoda “PDCA” agar sistem yang ada

tetap dipertahankan untuk memastikan seluruh
proses yang berjalan sesuai dengan rencana
Yearly Internal Audit Plan

4 Internal Audit
and Review

3 Internal Audit
and Review

2 Internal Audit
and Review
1 Internal Audit
and Review
Lombok Institute of Flight Technology
Approved Manual
Lombok Institute of Flight Technology
Training Procedures Manual
Revision 09 – Date: July 22nd, 2020

List of Contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 – Information Facilities
Chapter 3 – Company Information
Chapter 4 – Company Organization
Chapter 5 - Training Procedures
Chapter 6 – Restricted and Limitations
Chapter 7 – Quality Control System
Appendix 1- List of Instructor
Appendix 2 – Sea and Jungle Survival
Appendix 3 – Certificate
Appendix 4 – Forms
Appendix 4 – Sample of Questioner
Lombok Institute of Flight Technology
Proposed Training Specifications

 Private Pilot License Certification

 Commercial Pilot License Certification
 Instrument Rating
 Flight Instructor Course Certification
 Foreign Endorsement Conversion
Lombok Institute of Flight Technology
CASR’s Related to LIFT
• CASR 141 – Pilot School Certification
• CASR 61 - Pilot Certification
• CASR 91 – General Operating & Flight Rules
• ICAO Annex 1 - Personnel Licensing
• CASR 19 - Safety Management System
• CASR 830 – Prosedur Investigasi Kecelakaan dan
Kejadian Serius Pesawat Udara Sipil
• Staff Instruction SI 8900-141-01 – Certification,
Operating Requirements and Continuing Surveillance for
Pilot Schools
• Staff Instruction 19-01 Mandatory Occurrence Reporting
• PTS 8081-12 - Commercial Pilot For Airplane
• PTS 8081-14 - Private Pilot for Airplane
Capt Abbas Yahya

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