Data Types in C

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Data Types in C

 Each variable in C has an associated data type.

 Each data type requires different amounts of
memory and has some specific operations which
can be performed over it.
 The data type is a collection of data with values
having fixed values, meaning as well as its
 Integer
 character
 floating
 double
 etc.
 PrimitiveData Types
 User Defined Data Types
 Derived Types

Primitive Data Types

 Primitive
data types are the most basic data
types that are used for representing simple
values such as integers, float, characters, etc.
User Defined Data Types
 Theuser-defined data types are defined by the
user himself.
Derived Types
 The data types that are derived from the primitive or
built-in data types are referred to as Derived Data
Data Types in C
Example of data types
 #include <stdio.h>

 intmain() {
 // Integer data type
 int integerVar = 10;

 // Floating-point data type

 float floatVar = 3.14;

 // Character data type

 char charVar = 'A';
• // Double data type
• double doubleVar = 123.456;

• // Displaying values of different data types

• printf("Integer Variable: %d\n", integerVar);
• printf("Floating-point Variable: %f\n", floatVar);
• printf("Character Variable: %c\n", charVar);
• printf("Double Variable: %lf\n", doubleVar);

• return 0;
• }
Constants in C

The constants in C are the read-only variables

whose values cannot be modified once they
are declared in the C program
We define a constant in C language using
the const keyword
Types of Constants in C
Integer Constant
Character Constant
Floating Point Constant
Double Precision Floating Point Constant
Array Constant
Structure Constant
// C program to illustrate constant variable definition
#include <stdio.h>

int main()

// defining integer constant using const keyword

const int int_const = 25;

// defining character constant using const keyword

const char char_const = 'A';
 // defining float constant using const keyword
 const float float_const = 15.66;

 printf("Printing value of Integer Constant: %d\n",
 int_const);
 printf("Printing value of Character Constant: %c\n",
 char_const);
 printf("Printing value of Float Constant: %f",
 float_const);

 return 0;

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