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Tanza Oasis
April 10, 2024
Tanza Oasis
April 10, 2024
Grade 4/7 Learning Journey
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Pretest Session 4 Session 6 Session 8 Session 12

Opening Program Quarter 1 Curriculum Standards MATATAG Curriculum: Integrating 21st Century Skills in Management of School-based
and Unpacking/Clustering of Instructional Design Framework Classroom-based Assessment Professional Development
Session 1 Learning Competencies Programs
The General Shape of the Session 7A Session 9
MATATAG Curriculum Session 5 MATATAG (Learning Area) Classroom Practices to Promote Session 13
Quarter 2 Curriculum Standards Instructional Design Framework Inclusion for Special Needs Facilitation Skills
Session 2 and Unpacking/Clustering of (IDF): Pedagogy and Education Learners (SNED)
21st Century Skills in the Learning Competencies Assessment
MATATAG Curriculum Session 10 Posttest
Session 7B Collaborative Expertise Closing Program
Session 3 MATATAG (Learning Area)
Walkthrough of [Learning Area] Walkthrough of Learning
Shaping Paper Resources Session 11 *For School Leaders Only
Class Observation in the Context
of MATATAG Curriculum

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 3

Grade 4/7 Learning Journey
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Pretest Session 4 Session 6 Session 8 Session 12

Opening Program Quarter 1 Curriculum Standards MATATAG Curriculum: Integrating 21st Century Skills in Management of School-based
and Unpacking/Clustering of Instructional Design Framework Classroom-based Assessment Professional Development
Session 1 Learning Competencies Programs
The General Shape of the Session 7A Session 9
MATATAG Curriculum Session 5 MATATAG (Learning Area) Classroom Practices to Promote Session 13
Quarter 2 Curriculum Standards Instructional Design Framework Inclusion for Special Needs Facilitation Skills
Session 2 and Unpacking/Clustering of (IDF): Pedagogy and Education Learners (SNED)
21st Century Skills in the Learning Competencies Assessment
MATATAG Curriculum Session 10 Posttest
Session 7B Collaborative Expertise Closing Program
Session 3 MATATAG (Learning Area)
Walkthrough of [Learning Area] Walkthrough of Learning
Shaping Paper Resources Session 11 *For School Leaders Only
Class Observation in the Context
of MATATAG Curriculum

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 4

Session 7B

MATATAG English 4
Curriculum Learning Resources
Resource Person

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Session Objectives

At the end of the session, participants will be able to:

1. explain the design of the lesson plan for the MATATAG English 4

2. enhance a sample lesson plan following its prescribed design and

alignment with the Instructional Design Framework (IDF) and
pedagogy for English 4; and

3. appreciate the value of designing a lesson plan that align with the K
to 10 Instructional Design Framework and the prescribed pedagogy.
MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024
Professional Standards

PPST 4: Curriculum and Planning

4.1 Planning and management of teaching and learning
4.2 Learning outcomes aligned with learning competencies

PPSSH 3.2 Teaching standards and pedagogies

PPSS 3.1 Support for instructional leadership

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Session Flow

Case Study

DepEd Issuance as Bases for MATATAG Curriculum

Lesson Plan Template

Part of the Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Walkthrough


MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 8

Activity 1
The Case of Mrs. Liwayway and Mr. De
la Cruz

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Link of Materials

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Activity 1 : The Case of Mrs. Liwayway and Mr. De la Cruz

In the bustling halls of Mariano Marcos High School, two English

teachers, Mrs. Liwayway and Mr. De la Cruz, embody different approaches
to their teaching practices.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Activity 1 : The Case of Mrs. Madie Lim and Mr. Lee Wanag

Mrs. Liwayway, a seasoned teacher, is a devoted advocate of Instructional

Design Framework (IDF). Her approach is meticulous, ensuring that every
lesson is a carefully crafted masterpiece. She pays unwavering attention to
pedagogy, tailoring her teaching methods to suit the unique learning needs
of her learners. Mrs. Liwayway sees assessment not merely as a tool for
grading but as a means to understand and guide her learners’ academic

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Activity 1 : The Case of Mrs. Madie Lim and Mr. Lee Wanag

In her classroom, Mrs. Liwayway employs a diverse array of teaching

strategies, incorporating multimedia resources, interactive activities, and
real-world applications. Her lesson plans are living documents, constantly
evolving to meet the dynamic needs of her learners. Formative assessments
are thoughtfully designed to measure understanding, promote critical
thinking, and provide timely, constructive feedback.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Activity 1 : The Case of Mrs. Madie Lim and Mr. Lee Wanag

The results in Mrs. Liwayway’s class are palpable. Learners exhibit not
only a mastery of English concepts but also a genuine enthusiasm for the
subject. Their assessments tell a story of growth and application of
knowledge, reflecting the effectiveness of Mrs. Liwayway’s instructional
design and pedagogical approach.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Activity 1 : The Case of Mrs. Madie Lim and Mr. Lee Wanag

On the flipside of the English corridor is Mr. De la Cruz,

a teacher with more relaxed stance on instructional
design and pedagogy. He leans on the familiarity of old
lesson plans, recycling them without much consideration
for the individual needs or progress of his learners.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Activity 1 : The Case of Mrs. Madie Lim and Mr. Lee Wanag

In Mr. De la Cruz’s classroom, the teaching approach, lacks

varied strategies seen in Mrs. Liwayway’s class. The lesson
plans are static, seldom updated to incorporate modern
teaching methods or technology. Assessments are
conventional, used primarily for assigning grades rather than
as tools for learner improvement. The class dynamic is less
participatory, with learners showing varying levels of

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Activity 1 : The Case of Mrs. Madie Lim and Mr. Lee Wanag

The outcomes in Mr. De la Cruz are diverse. Some learners

navigate the traditional teaching style well, while others
struggle to grasp key concepts due to the lack of varied
instructional strategies. The class lacks the vibrancy and
engagement seen in Mr. de la Cruz’s room, showcasing the
impact of a less structured approach.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024


1. Read the caselet in five minutes.

2. Discuss with your partner the teaching practices of Mrs.
Liwayway and Mr. De la Cruz.
3. Discuss the impact of their teaching practices, particularly
in crafting lesson plans.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Let’s mull over!

1. In the caselet, what differences do you observe in the

teaching practices of Mrs. Liwayway and Mr. De la Cruz?

2. How might the pedagogically-aligned lesson plans of Mrs.

Liwayway contribute to the long-term success of her
MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024
Let’s mull over!

3. What role does a lesson plan play in guiding the teaching

4. In your view, what constitutes a good lesson plan?

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

✔DepEd Order No. 42, S. 2016: Policy
Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the
K to 12 Basic Education Program

✔ DepEd Order No. 14, S. 2023: Policy

Guidelines on the Implementation of the
National Learning Camp

✔ MATATAG Curriculum Instructional

Design Framework

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar

DO 42, s. 2016 DO 14, s. 2023 IDF

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Revisiting Existing Lesson Plan
DO 42, s. 2016 DO 14, s. 2023

Lesson Lesson
Objectives Content Learning Procedures Short Review Purpose/ Language
Resources Intention Practice

Evaluating Additional Lesson Lesson

Remarks Reflection
Learning Activities Activity Conclusion

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Plan Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

What do we expect to see in a content standard?

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format


I. CURRICULUM This part includes objectives related to content
CONTENT, knowledge and competencies. It also describes the
STANDARDS, AND behavior or performance teachers want learners to
LESSON exhibit to consider them competent. It states what the
COMPETENCIES teacher intends to teach and serves as a guide for
instruction and assessment.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format


A. The content standards define what learners are expected
to know (knowledge: facts and information), what they
should be able to do (process or skills) with what they
know, and the meanings or understandings that they
construct or make as they process the facts and
information. Thus, the content standards answer the
question: “What do learners want to know, be able to
do, and understand?”

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format
B. The performance standards define the expected
proficiency level which is expressed in two ways:
Learners should be able to use their learning or
understanding in real-life situations, and they should be
able to do this on their own. The performance standards
answer the questions: “What do we want Leaners to do
with their learning or understanding?” and “How do we
want them to use their learning or understanding?”

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format


C. These are specific skills performed with varying
degrees of independence. These have different
degrees of difficulty and performance levels. It
also refers to the ability to perform activities
according to standards expected by drawing from
one’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format
These are specific tasks in a particular day usually
written by the teacher in an effort to unpack the
learning competencies. These should be SMART and
based on the learning competencies

SMART – Specific, Measurable, Attainable,

Realistic, Time-bound

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format


D. The subject matter of the lesson.
It encompasses the key concepts, facts, skills, and
understandings that learners are expected to acquire.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format


E. It indicates the connection of the content to different
subject areas or disciplines to create a more holistic and
interconnected learning experience.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Sample of Lesson Plan
Curriculum Content, Standards and Lesson Competencies

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Sample of Lesson Plan
Curriculum Content, Standards and Lesson Competencies

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format


This part asks teachers to log the references and other

learning resources that the teacher will use for the lesson.
The references include the pages of the TG, LM,
textbook, and the additional materials from the LRMDS

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Sample Learning Resource

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

What do you expect to see in this MATATAG
Lesson Plan component? What will it contain?

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

How will teachers employ this component?

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format
III. Teaching and Learning

What students do, What students Know

1. Short Review (Active way of recalling previous

ideas and activities)

2. Feedback on performance/products from previous

activity and/or deliberate practice (Optional)

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format
B. 1. Engagement activities

2. Establishing reason for learning the new lesson

3. Unlocking content area of vocabulary (general

words and/or domain specific words) and
important words that will facilitate understanding
of the lesson.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format
C. 1. Explicitation
- Experiments
- Modeling
- Processing of understanding

2. Worked Example
- Guided deliberate practice
- Elaboration and/or extended practice
-Translating errors into useful knowledge

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

C. 3. Lesson Activity (Application
and/or integration)
- Working on multiple examples
(varied and repetitive)
- Independent practice

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format


D. 1. Learners’ Takeaways (conceptual understanding/written
2. Reflection on Learning (metacognition-thinking about what
and how they learned.

E. Evaluating Learning (Test) 1. Summative Assessment (performance, product, written

2. Homework (optional)
-reasonable extended deliberate practice

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

F. Notes on:
1. Relevant observations (critical
2. Learning outcomes
3. Tasks that will be continued the
next day
4. Additional activities needed

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

G. What? So What? Now What? How to
teach? Why?
-Exploring a strategy, method, or
- Sharing of best practice
-Problems encountered and actions
to taken
- Anticipated challenges and
intended solutions

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Exemplar Format

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Plan Analysis Template

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Let’s collaborate!

1. Form five groups.

2. Access the link to the teaching-learning resources.
3. Read the lesson plan for English 4 Quarter 2 Week 1.
4. Analyze the lesson plan using the guide questions.
5. Enhance the lesson plan as necessary using the given template.
6. Work on the task within 30 minutes.
7. Present the group output.

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Link of Materials

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024
of Outputs and Giving of

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024 83

Let’s mull over!

1. Having learned the components of the lesson

plan for the MATATAG curriculum , how do
you describe its format and design? Do think
they contribute to the overall structure of an
effective lesson plan?

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Let’s mull over!

2. Do you think the lesson format for the

MATATAG curriculum aligns with the

3. Can you identify the parts of the lesson

plan where the different components of
the IDF can be integrated?

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Plan Walkthrough

1. Are the learning objectives clearly stated and aligned with the
curriculum standards?

2. Are the teaching strategies appropriate for the objectives?

3. Are formative assessments included in the lesson plan and do

they focus on checking for understanding of the text?

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Plan Walkthrough

4. Are the assessments designed to measure both content

understanding and communicative language teaching?

5. Are the elements of IDF evident in the lesson plan?

6. Does the lesson plan incorporated the communicative language

teaching approach?

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Lesson Plan Walkthrough

8. Does the lesson plan account for differentiated instruction to

meet the diverse needs of learners?

9. Is there an opportunity for learner reflection on their learning at

the end of the lesson?

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Insights and Takeaways

1. What new insights have you gained about the importance of aligning
lesson plans with the prescribed pedagogy, especially with a
Communicative Language Teaching for English 4?

2. Are there specific strategies from today’s discussion that you can
immediately integrate into your upcoming lesson plans?

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

Insights and Takeaways

3. Were there any challenges or concerns raised during the session that you
foresee in your own teaching context, and how might you overcome them?

4. What long-term goals do you have in mind for implementing

communication language teaching in your English 4 teaching, and how
might you work towards them?

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024

A good plan is like a
roadmap: it shows the
final destination and
usually the best way to get
- H. Stanely Judd

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024


∙ DepEd Order No. 42, S. 2016: Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson

Preparation for the K to 12 Basic Education Program
∙ DepEd Order No. 14, S. 2023: Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of
the National Learning Camp

MATATAG Curriculum Training | 2024


Program Management Team

Session Guide and Presentation
Deck Developer/s
Curriculum and Teaching Strand Briget V. Varron
Bureau of Curriculum Development
Bureau of Learning Delivery
Bureau of Education Assessment
Bureau of Alternative Education
Bureau of Learning Resources

Human Resources and Organizational

Development Strand
National Educators Academy of the Philippines
Professional Development Division
Quality Assurance Division

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