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Olesya Budimirova

The tasks of our

by the end of the lesson you are:
- to speak on the theme “Mass Media”;
-to express your opinions about different types of TV
-programmes or newspapers in pairs and
- to recognize the speaker’s attitude towards media.

Olesya Budimirova
Olesya Budimirova
The game “Guess”
press, radio, television or the Internet

1. Article 2. Chanel
3. Edition 4.Tabloid
5.Advertisement 6. Commercial
7. Documentary 8. Prime time
9.Satellite 10.Facebook
11.Radio program 12. Vkontakte
13.Comedies 14. A live match
15. 16. Website
Olesya Budimirova
What is the English for?

1) реклама 9) мультфільм
2) комерційний 10)
канал розповсюджувати
3) Збагачувати 11) бути
4) канал забороненим
5) для того, щоб 12) кращий ефірний
6) транслювати чаc
7) наявний 13) досягти удачі
8) фінансований 14) благословення
державою 15) прокляття
16) марнування часу
Olesya Budimirova
Media questionnaire

1)What do you understand under “the world of

2)What does it mean for you?
3) How often do you read a newspaper?
4) How often do you listen to the radio?
5) What’s your favourite program?
6) How often do you get online?
7) Do you surf the net?
8) What is your favourite website?
9) Do you send and receive e-mail?

Olesya Budimirova
10) How many televisions are there in your
11) Do you have a television in your bedroom?
12) What people are usually called a “couch
13) Are you a “couch potatoes”?
14) Do you like watching TV alone or with your
15) Who decides what to watch: your parents
or you?
16) Is TV a blessing or a curse?
17) Do you care what to watch on TV?

Olesya Budimirova
Olesya Budimirova
1)A newspaper a) is a large, thin book with a paper cover, often printed on shiny
paper, which contains stories, articles, photographs, and sometimes
also news.
2)Sunday paper b) is all the organizations that are involved in providing information to
the public, especially newspa­pers, television, and radio.

3)Local paper c) a serious magazine on particular subject, contain­ing articles by university

teachers, scientists, doc­tors, etc.

4)Magazine d) lists of films, plays, and other events, with details of the times, dates, and
places where they will happen.

5)Journal e) a set of large folded sheets of paper containing news articles, pictures, which
is printed and sold every day or every week.

6)Thepress f) a newspaper that gives news mainly about the town or area where it
is printed.

7)The media g) newspapers that are read by a lot of people and ge­nerally contain articles
that are entertaining rather than serious, for example, stories about people on
television and sport.

8)Tabloid h) is a magazine, especially for children, that consists of funny or


exciting stories which are told using a series of pictures.

9)The popular i) paper that is sold every Sunday, and is usually big­ger than papers sold on
other days.

10)Comic g) a newspaper and the people who write for them.

11)Listings k) a newspaper that doesn't contain much serious news, but has stories
about famous people, sport, etc.
Match the questions (1-7) to the answers (A-G).
1) Do you like comedy programmes?
2) Why does John not like news programmes?
3) What kind of TV programme does Hellen like?
4) Why do you like sports programmes?
5) What time is your favourite reality show?
6) What programme do you usually watch?
7) What kind of TV programme do you like?

A. Because they're exciting.

B. Because he finds them boring.
C. I usually watch comedy programmes.
D. It's at six p.m.
E. She likes quiz shows.
F. I like nature programmes because they are
G. Yes, I do. Comedy shows are funny.
Olesya Budimirova
- discuss in turn;

- don't interrupt one another;

- discuss the idea, not the pupils;

- try to come to a common idea.

Olesya Budimirova
Short debate glossary

I think/suppose/presume…
In my opinion…
I believe…
It is quite obvious that…
I would like to say…
Speaking/talking of…
It should be mentioned…
It seems to me that…
Besides, …
Olesya Budimirova
Group 1
Your situation is “Prove that TV is a blessing”.

Group 2
Your situation is “Prove that TV is a curse”.

Group 3
Your situation is “Prove that it is on one hand
— a blessing, on the other —a curse”.

Olesya Budimirova
Pre-Listening Activity

-blame me - звинувачувати мене.

- It stopped me concentrating properly. – Це не
дало мені зосередитися належним чином.
- I wondered ... - Я задавався питанням ...
- and kept you involved - і ви були залучені.
-It’s a complicated story. - Це складна історія.
- I’m going to buy her a couple of tickets instead. -
Я збираюся купити їй пару квитків замість цього.
- the film seemed to go on too long - здавалося,
що фільм йшов занадто довго.
- as far as I'm concerned - наскільки я можу

Olesya Budimirova
Post-Listening Activity
Decide whether each statement is true (T) or false (F):
1. Ann was looking forward to seeing the
2. Maria felt hungry during the film.
3. David thinks the film was very long.
4. Maria says the story was very interesting.
5. Anna thinks the book is more interesting
than the film.
6. David is going to buy the film on DVD as
a present for his sister.

Olesya Budimirova
Olesya Budimirova
Write out the incorrect words
a) a mobile phone which/who can send
b) a computer that/what knows your voice;
c) the man which/who lives next door;
d) the girl that/which always sits next to
e) the bus that/who I take to get to school;
f) a meal which/who you can cook easily
at home.

Olesya Budimirova
Join the pair of sentences, using
which, that or who
1. I’ve got a brother. He lives in
2. Henry has got a hat. It is red, green
and blue.
3. Claire is a writer. She is very famous.
4. It is a salad. It tastes delicious.
5. This is a picture. It was painted by
Joseph Turner.
6. He is a teacher. He is very popular.
7. It’s a machine. It makes pasta.
Olesya Budimirova
Home task
-to write o composition for the
high level;
-to make up some sentences
using your active vocabulary
for the lower level.

Olesya Budimirova

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