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Short Story

Topic- Any incident related to cyber attacks that happened in my life

Once while working on laptop my father noticed some issues in laptop suddenly such as
working of computer was slow, some files were not opening and many more. For one day
my father neglected it but when it same happens on another day with working of computer
was very much slow, he go to settings and get to the respected antivirus and was amazed to
shock that the antivirus was stopped. Then somehow, he managed to get to windows
security antivirus system as respected company’s antivirus was not working and showing
error. Then he click on check for viruses for whole PC but as computer working was very
slow and it takes 1 to 2 hours for detecting viruses. After it was taken the window’s
antivirus detected the virus and the source of virus. It was use of unsecured wi-fi. At
somehow the virus was gone with the help of IT experts and since my father was also an IT
expert so he also contributed. Safely all files were secured.
Thank You

Name- Lokanshu Jhakanaria

Class- 8C
Topic- Incident related to cyber threat

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